Link:Strong DC++ 2.04+bg lang
За незнаещите програмата е добър алтернативен DC++ клиент,ако някой има въпроси как се борави с нея тук съм драснал една статия преди време:
Линк към програмата с превод на български език:
Промените в тази версия:
* DC++ 0.699 SVN update
* fixed deadlock on some queue operations
* fixed some memory leaks (THX redsaq)
* TTH inconsistency doesn't remove the source from queue anymore
* when tempfile doesn't exist, the file will be completely redownloaded
* fixed missing Pk and Lock strings in some cases
* fixed invalid share size
* fixed bug when "too many same numbers" mainchat cheat message could not be disabled
* hopefully fixed silent crash in queue Filelists node (THX BugMaster for hint)
* improved the response time to close connections
* decreased memory usage for large queue and userlists
* right clicks on users work also with disabled userlists
* minimize to system tray sets "below normal" priority
* added "ProxyFilter - Hide My IP 2007" to crash libraries
* fixed rare crash when searching for some escaped characters (i.e. |||)
* if there's no password for a hub, we will use default nick when adding this hub as favorite
* Favorite hubs frame allow column sorting
* emoticons with alpha channels are supported
* fixed problem with changing colors and missing userlist icons
* workaround for crash in FileChunksInfo::verifyBlock when can't allocate memory block
* cache for progressbar drawings, now it's much faster
* removed Pk and Upload speed columns from userlist
* fixed one of possible remote exploits
* completely removed $PSR support
* ADC fixes
* added some hublists