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Help with bg free pages

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  1. Тук е от
    Oct 2004

    Help with bg free pages

    Hi i got many bulgarian friends here in Germany...and can't load bulgarian pages like www.free.evro.net -WHY???-can someone give me a hint?--are there other pages...i.e. bulgarian torrent pages which i can use?


  3. Super Moderator Аватара на FearMe
    Тук е от
    Jan 2001

    Help with bg free pages

    hi, rasmes.

    i don't know how much you know about managing sites, their accessibility, etc, so i will give you the simplest of all answers:

    some networks/sites/ftp-s are closed for users abroad. no access is possible and it doesn't depend on where you are or what kind of rights you are granted.

    i'm sorry, you have to satisfy your needs with those you can see

  4. Gadget

    Help with bg free pages

    Тва не е добре щом наште фриита са се прочули навън. От друга страна нищо не пречи този Расмес да е поредния българин с тарикатски номер да се опитва да се докопа до бг прокси

  5. Banned
    Тук е от
    Sep 2004

    Help with bg free pages

    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" id="quote"><b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"></font id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"><font size="1" id="quote">Hi i got many bulgarian friends here in Germany...and can't load bulgarian pages like www.free.evro.net -WHY???-can someone give me a hint?--are there other pages...i.e. bulgarian torrent pages which i can use?


    <div align="right">Originally posted by Rasmes*-*23/10/2004*:* 17:57:48</div id="right">

    </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"><font size="2" id="quote"></font id="quote">

    <font color="red">"Germanische Awiatorische - GroBische Kaputische "</font id="red">

    it's not my opinion - it's just a quote from bulgarian show.

    I hope that you have a sense of humour man [^]


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