nqkoi vaob6te da e uspql da go drupne vaob6te toq update ot ftp-to na 3DO
otkakto e izlqzal se probvam da se svurja ama neise
nqkoi vaob6te da e uspql da go drupne vaob6te toq update ot ftp-to na 3DO
otkakto e izlqzal se probvam da se svurja ama neise
Dali 6teb se opravi tova sus zabavqneto sled produlgitelna igra a ?<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>
Tova e update. Ne sym go probval, zastoto vse oste si igraja na 3-kata ponezhe me kefi pove4e. Eto go i faila, 15,7 Mb:
A tova infoto kym nego.
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
Update v 1.2 Information
General Updates (For a complete list of changes, please click here.)
Added a Grid and Unit Movement Shadow to the Combat Screen. These can be accessed in the Combat Settings screen.
Corrected the music skipping issues.
Corrected the game slow down when standing idle for a long period of time.
Artifacts can no longer be "buried" in graveyards.
Dead Heroes no longer regain hit points from the fountain of vigor.
Caravans are no longer able to go through an enemy tower garrison.
Corrected the Destroy Altar message.
A.I. creatures are now giving their items to the hero when they join up.
Corrected A.I. evaluation of the Idol of Fortune.
Fixed issues with the High Score Screen
Corrected the creature generator giving out the exact number of guarding troops after declining to fight them.
Added and improved several keyboard commands.
Campaign Map Updates (For a complete list of changes, please click here.)
The Price of Peace
"At the Crossroads"
You can no longer swipe all the treasures "guarded" by the elves at [58, 129] without having to fight them.
"An Enemy's Trust"
Corrected pop up message text order at [121,81].
"The Servant"
You can no longer swipe most of the treasures behind the nomads at [82,107], and the ore behind the gold golems at [58, 22] without a fight.
"An Unusual Betrayal"
Corrected the hero Reed's prison release message.
Corrected a typo in Day 2's event text.
You can no longer swipe most of the treasures behind the gold golems at [103, 170] without a fight.
"To Slay an Immortal"
Added the hero Kodge to the carry over description in the campaign screen.
Elwin and Shaera
"Mark of the Tiger"
The Wood pile at [74,73] can now be accessed.
The Town at [107,108] no longer allows a shipyard to be built.
Single Scenario Updates (For a complete list of changes, please click here.)
"Beebee & the Three Pigs"
The Victory Condition now functions as normal.
"Zanfas Challenge"
The area at [126,247] is now accessible.
Any boats created at [195,215] are now accessible.
"Petty Claustrophobia"
Increased the level of the computer player's starting heroes.
Increased the computer player's starting resources and starting units.
"Run! Cronx is Coming!"
Reduced the computer player's starting units.
Changed the Armor of Life artifact at [36, 23] to the Golden Platemail artifact to make it useful to all classes.
"Return of the Devil"
Increase the map difficulty by Increasing Mephistos level. (The hero you have to beat)
"Search for the Old Heroes"
Reduced the Computer player's starting units.
"Borings Mountain"
Added some extra resources near the players main starting town.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>
Up, ne raboti za versijata na DEVIANCE. Predpolagam, 4e pove4eto ot vas njamat originalen HOMM4 (kakto i az de). Taka 4e oste ste trjabva da po4akame, dokato se nameri njakoi da go preraboti. Probvaite i vie, ama pri men spira na 19-ija procent.
1. Linkove kym "originalen" US H4 exe (4.5MB arhiv)
2. sled tova teglite patch-a (16.5MB)
3. Instalirate patch-a
4. ot gamecopyworld.com teglite "US v.1.2 no-cd exe" - naprimer:
http://gcw.abs-x.com/games/files/homm4nocd12us.ace (1.7MB)
5. Zameniate heroes4.exe s no-cd v.1.2
6. start heroes4.exe
aide che imam tuka edni varvari da razbivam...
btw - grida ne e mnogo efektiven, "movement shadow" e napylno dostatychen.
Javno 4e s obsti usilija ste go updatnim toz HOMM4. I pri men stana (versija na DEVIANCE). 10x chavv.
1. Vsi4ko deto chavv e napisal e vjarno, pyrvo si svaljate originalnoto exe i go zamestvate v dir na igrata.
2. Svaljate si update za v. 1.2 i si go instalirate. NO ftp-to na 3DO, taka i ne si raboti, taka 4e drupnete si update, koito az sym dal (linka ot prednoto mi mnenie sym go mahnal vizh po-nadolu). Startirate go.
3. Zamestvate si originalnoto exe s cracknatoto.
Za da ne se mu4ete, tuk sum slozhil celija paket (22,64 Mb):
Я и аз малко да помогна, че са бавни връзчиците нещо...
Оргинално US exe (слагате го преди ъпдейта) - http://setcom.bg/h4/heroes4_us.zip
Пач - http://setcom.bg/h4/heroes4v10to12us.exe
Heroes.exe, версия 1.2 (сменяте с него след ъпдейта) - http://setcom.bg/h4/heroes4_12.ace
Trijte go toja bokluk i stroshete diskovete!!!
zavchera go prevurtjah :-), dneska gledam patch
Аз чаках multi, а то няма. Има разни други промени, които не са лоши, обаче пак не са сложили точките, които печелиш след битка. Сложили са броя на убитите еденици от двете страни има ги и имената им, трябва само да минете с мишкта отгоре.
Обаче продължава да си забива след битка, яко ...
To war - firmness, in defeat - obstinacy, by victory - magnanimity, in pease - goodwill.
(W. Churchill)
Edited by - nniki на 13/05/2002 0828
Kak stoi wyprosa s Swap fajla. O6te li si to4i 1GB ot harda.
Sled kato pa4nax igrata taka kakto pi6e po nagore vsi4ko stana OK no po vreme na bitka kato izbera knigata s magiite na geroq mi i me izhvarlq vednaga.
Ima li go pri drug tozi problem ili pri4inata e ne6to v moq komp.<img src=icon_smile_angry.gif border=0 align=middle>
Pri men niama takav problem...
Sorry za latinicata - niamam kirilica v momenta
Aznimam nikakvi problemi. Vsichko si mi e OK. Knigata si se otvaria vednaga, prelistva si se normalno, magiite si bachkat na 100%.
To war - firmness, in defeat - obstinacy, by victory - magnanimity, in pease - goodwill.
(W. Churchill)