Borknagar - Gods Of My World![]()
Hypocrisy - full discography shuffle (Genre: Death/Black metal)
wiseacre, bro, не ме стряскай така!
влизам, гледам някакъв албум на Borknagar, който не съм чувал да съществува. проверявам, а то - песен... амаха, ще се пердашим
Behemoth '04 - "Demigod"
(братята поляци знаят как да забиват!)
Suicidal Tendencies - The Art Of Rebellion
Любима група, любим албум => [SHUFFLE]
Слушам един дето фъфлипо радио Експрес.
To Hell With Good Intentions - Mclusky
Deep Purple - Sometimes I Feel like Screamin
Pink Floyd - full discography (Genre: Progressive/Psychedelic rock)
Foreigner - Blue Morning, Blue Day
Motorhead - Sword of Glory
Jethro Tull - Songs From The Wood
Днес съм на тема Ministry
2004 - Houses of the Mole - Worm
(хармоника с delay и бавен разтърсващ ритъм...смазващо)
Life sucks
And death is calling
Every day
I keep my chin up
But my spirit's falling
Every day
On and on and on and on
It goes
On and on and on and on
Last night
Won't see the morning
Every day
I see the sunset as an endless warning
Every day
On and on and on and on
It goes
On and on and on and on
Knife cuts
Thru all that I wanted
Every day
It's like living in a
House that's haunted
Yes, every day
On and on and on and on
It goes
On and on and on and on
...and all is well in our world
HELENA PAPARIZOU - "Gigolo" [2006]
HELENA PAPARIZOU - "The Game Of Love" [2006]
HELENA PAPARIZOU - "Mambo" [2006]
Eй тука е станало като клуб 'Necromancer'![]()
Masari - Real Love
Ministry - No 'W'
(random stupid shit that Bush has said)
If this is really living
Why am I so unforgiving
Half the world is down the toilet
Half on it's way.
Well if I had a dollar for
Everytime he hollers:
"Trust us with your hearts and minds"
Or I'll make you pay
Ask me why your feeling screwed
And I'll give you an answer
There's a Colin, Dick and Bush
Justa hammerin' away
Ask me why you feel decived
And stripped of all your liberties
It doesn't take a genius
To explain that today