Пиши на ЛС, но трябва да си сериозен със seed-a.
Пиши на ЛС, но трябва да си сериозен със seed-a.
Сега прочетох правилата и туй не е за мен, аз с този seed-a няма да мога да се справя особено пък като дойде топлото време. Основната причина е че предимно свалям стари неща и там seed-a изключително слаб, ще си карам по старому и ще си търся нещата при руснаците.
От любопитство този филм има ли го при вас Звездите на спорта (1968) , друго което ме вълнува е Ужилването 1 и 2 ей такива филми където с тях коефициент не може да трупаш.
Доста трудно е да, особено в началото, докато натрупаш трафик, обаче вече има нови правила, ще ги постна отделно. Залага се на обема, който се сийдва, а не на трафика от това.
Les cracks - няма сийдъри.
The Sting има...обаче upscale на стари филми няма много смисъл според мен. То телевизора и без това го прави.
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Ratio and flag rules
- If you have a combined download total in excess of 50 GB and your ratio is below 0.70, you will receive two consecutive 3-day warnings. Failure to act upon the warnings and increase your ratio above 0.70 within those 6 days will get your account disabled.
- Flag Levels
Every member can have Flag Level depending on the size of seeded content*. The types of Flag Levels and perks member receives are as follows:
Flag D - You receive flag D when your total size of seeded content for the last 30 days is 100GB to 500GB
- D flag holders are immune from account suspension due to download inactivity.
Flag C - You receive flag C when your total size of seeded content for the last 30 days is 500GB to 1TB
- C flag holders are immune from account suspension due to download inactivity + 5% bonus-store discount.
Flag B - You receive flag B when your total size of seeded content for the last 30 days is 1TB to 2TB
- B flag holders are immune from account suspension due to download inactivity + 7.5% bonus-store discount.
Flag A - You receive flag A when your total size of seeded content for the last 30 days is 2TB and more
- A flag holders are immune from account suspension due to download inactivity + 10% bonus-store discount.
*size of seeded content - few times a day we calculate how much is your total size of seeded content.
**download inactivity: the member who doesn't have some Flag Level or isn't VIP rank or above must have downloaded something in the past 90 days or he will be warned by the system to download something in the following 30 days or to grant himself a Flag Level.
Failure to do that and the member will be disabled. His only way to reinstate his account is to become VIP during the following 30 days or the account will be automatically deleted.
***Stay tuned for more updates.