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iTunes for Your Tunes
Whether you use a Windows PC or a Mac, iPod offers a superior solution. You can synchronize your music, photos and podcasts effortlessly, without having to tweak settings each time you transfer files between your iPod and your computer. Simply add new audio to iTunes by downloading it from the integrated iTunes Music Store or importing it from your CDs in MP3, AAC or the new Apple Lossless format. Mac owners can also export their GarageBand compositions to their iTunes music library.
Source iPod
Transfer Your Music Automatically
Once you connect your iPod to your Mac or PC, iTunes automatically begins to update its contents. You don’t even have to press a button. iTunes becomes aware that you’ve connected your iPod and displays it in the Source column. In fact, you can see your music and playlists at a glance. If your iTunes library exceeds the iPod’s storage capacity, you can let iTunes fill your iPod or iPod mini for you. iTunes will create a playlist that fits your style — and your iPod’s capacity. iTunes also picks up any of the On-the-Go playlists you’ve made on your iPod, so you can play or edit them on your Mac or PC. For finer control over your portable music collection, you can turn off Auto-Sync and select your iPod’s contents manually.
<u>Download iTunes</u>