[size=14px]AntiFirewall v1.1 Build 074 (Full)[/size]

AntiFirewall - е програма, която е предназначена да заобикаля ограниченията на firewall-a. Например, ако вашият администратор е изход само по HTTP-протокол, а вие искате да ползвате FTP-сервер и да побъбрите с някого по ICQ-то - тук на помощ ви идва именно тази програма. Поддържа: FTP, ICQ, IRC, Usenet (NNTP), POP3/IMAP, дори има и анонимайзер. За работа е нужен само позволен достъп на firewall-a по HTTP и общодостъпен прокси-сервер в корпоративната мрежа.
Download FULL (~ 0.9 MB) Pass: www.nado.ws
Key benefits are anonymity and freedom of communication:
• FTP: Download/upload files via FTP with standard FTP software like CuteFTP even if FTP is blocked by your firewall; your FTP connection is anonymous, i.e. your IP address is hidden from the FTP server. You can connect to the FTP servers which require a password as well as to the so-called "anonymous FTP" sites, which don't ask for a logon name and a password. AntiFirewall supports all standard FTP client programs.
• IRC: Chat with your friends using standard IRC programs like mIRC even if access to the IRC protocol is blocked by your firewall; your IRC connection is anonymous, i.e. your IP address is hidden from the IRC network and other IRC users. AntiFirewall supports all standard IRC client programs.
• ICQ: Keep in touch with your friends and family, even from behind a firewall. Talk to strangers safely: your IP address is hidden from the ICQ network and other ICQ users. You'll need ICQ 2000 or later version.
• Usenet News: Read and post to newsgroups with standard newsreader software like Outlook or Agent even if the news access protocol, NNTP, is blocked by your firewall; your IP address is hidden from the news server, so it won't be possible to track your postings back to your actual location. AntiFirewall supports all standard news reader programs.
• Email (POP3/IMAP only): Read email from your personal account when you are at work and when access to POP/IMAP is blocked by the firewall. Note that you can only read (but not send) email with the help of AntiFirewall. SMTP, the protocol for sending email, is NOT supported (for spam concerns). AntiFirewall suppors all standard email programs like Outlook and Eudora.
• TCP Map (power users' choice): Connect anonymously to any server anywhere, even from behind a firewall.