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Panasonic 65fx600 - File sharing - Browse windows share

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  1. Тук е от
    Jan 2020

    Question Panasonic 65fx600 - File sharing - Browse windows share


    имам 65fx600 който по какъв ли начин не се опитвах да браузна windows споделена папка в същата мрежа която е достъпна от всички останали устройства и не успявам.
    писах на съпорта а от там съпорта им каза че въпреки че в книжката и в сайта им пише че може и че в менюто я има опцията нямало да стане и щяло да работи само с DLNA сървър
    което според мен няма нищо общо с тази опция (да уточня с DLNA работи да)

    ето последователността на менюто докато стигна до грешката:
    File Sharing Settings
    Network device list
    Register New Device
        (Въвеждат се следните данни)
        Server name
        Shared Folder
    (след попълването)

    като цъкна register на споделената папка ми изписва
    Connection to the server failed. Please select Register button again after you have checked settings.
    Някой имал ли е подобен проблем ?

  3. Member
    Тук е от
    Dec 2011

    Отговор: Panasonic 65fx600 - File sharing - Browse windows share

    Ако си с win10 трябва да активираш smb протокола.

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk

  4. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Отговор: Panasonic 65fx600 - File sharing - Browse windows share


    Странно, няма списък на поддържащите функцията модели телевизори...

    Подготовка на компютър (напр. Windows 8.1)

    Configuration of the PC described as below is necessary before using Playback function.

    1. Make sure that the PC is connected to the home network.

    For information about network connection and setting for the PC, see the operating instructions of the PC.

    2. Open the Control Panel and click [View network status and tasks] - [Change advanced sharing settings].

    3. Select [Turn on network discovery] for [Network discovery],
    and select [Turn on file and printer sharing] for [File and printer sharing].

    4. Click [V] for [All Networks] and display setting items.

    Depending on the PC and network environment, [All Networks] may not be displayed. In this case, skip to the next step.

    5. Select [Turn on sharing so that anyone with network access.......] for [Public folder sharing].

    6. Select any of the alternatives for [Password-protected sharing] and click [Save changes].

    When you select [Turn on password-protected sharing], you need to enter the user name and password for the Windows PC to access the PC from the VIERA TV.

    7. Right-click the folder you want to access from the VIERA TV and select [Share with] - [Specific people...].

    8. Click [V] to display the list. Select [Everyone], and then click [Add] and [Share].

    9. Confirm that "Your folder is shared." is shown and click [Done].

    10. Set the folder you want to access from the VIERA TV.

    Open Properties and click [Sharing] - [Advanced Sharing].
    Check the box for "Share this folder" and click [OK].
    Confirm the Server Name and Shared Folder.
    (When you set up on the VIERA TV, entering these names is required.)

    Available characters for the VIERA TV setting are shown below.
    Use these characters for the Server Name and Shared Folder. Note the IP address cannot be used for the Server Name.

    Server Name (up to 15 characters):[A-Z][0-9]!#$%[a-z]&(){}-._ Shared Folder (up to 128 characters):[A-Z][0-9]!:#[a-z]()+-.*_ space
    If unavailable characters are used, change them.

    VIERA TV Preparations
    Configuration of the VIERA TV described as below is necessary before using Playback function.

    1. Connect the VIERA TV to the router (wireless LAN access point) via LAN cable or wireless LAN, and make the network setting of the VIERA TV.

    For more information about network connection and setting, see the operating instructions of VIERA TV.

    2. Verify that one part of the IP address of the VIERA TV and the PC are the same (connected to the same home network).
    (Network > Network Status)

    3. Register the PC as a network device on the setting screen of the VIERA TV.
    (Network > File Sharing Settings > Network Device List)

    Select [Register New Device].
    Enter the Server Name and Shared Folder that have been confirmed in step 10 (PC Preparations), and the user name and password for the Windows PC, and then select [Register].
    If you register with the user name and password in blank, you will need to enter them each time you access the folder from the VIERA TV.

    If you select [Turn off password-protected sharing] in step 6 (PC Preparations), enter "guest" as a user name and register with the password in blank.

    Playback on VIERA TV
    1. After the setting are completed, start the device selection screen on the VIERA TV.

    2. Select the icon of the Shared Folder you have registered, and enjoy playback of the content in the shared folder of the PC.
    Q1. I cannot access the PC from the VIERA TV in File Sharing function

    Check that your VIERA TV is compatible with this function. See the operating instructions of VIERA TV.

    Check the network configuration, router (wireless LAN access point) setting and network settings of the PC / VIERA TV. For information about settings, see the individual operating instructions.

    When you have changed the network settings or shared folder settings, register the PC again according to the preparations procedure. If the registration still fails, try again after a while.

    Turn the VIERA TV off and then back on, and try again.

    Reboot the PC, then try again.

    Up to 16 shared folders can be registered simultaneously on 1 VIERA TV.

  5. Тук е от
    Jan 2020

    Отговор: Panasonic 65fx600 - File sharing - Browse windows share

    Активирах и двете функции и рестартирах комп/търа и пак ми дава същата грешка.
    Колкото до списъка с моделите, не мисля че е нормално като напишеш модела навсякъде в интернет една от функциите му е тази, дори в магазина като ти обясняват какво може също го споменават, и в книжката и в менюто ги има опциите и от съпорта да кажат абсурдното твърдение че било нямало да работи без DLNA защото само това поддържали.
    Прикачени изображения Прикачени изображения

  6. Senior Member Аватара на svetlio1
    Тук е от
    Oct 2008

    Отговор: Panasonic 65fx600 - File sharing - Browse windows share

    Сега пробвах и ми излязоха чак когато включих споделената папка в библиотека .

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