About MDE files (MDB)
If your database contains Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) (Visual Basic for Applications (VBA):
A macro-language version of Microsoft Visual Basic that is used to program Windows applications and is included with
several Microsoft applications.) code, saving your Microsoft Access database (database: A collection of data related to
a particular subject or purpose. Within a database, information about a particular entity, such as an employee or order,
is categorized into tables, records, and fields.) as an MDE file compiles all modules, removes all editable source code, and
compacts the destination database. Your Visual Basic code will continue to run, but it cannot be viewed or edited.
Your database will continue to function as it did — you can still update data and run reports.
Saving your Access database as an MDE file does not prevent changes to the database design. However, you will notice the following:
- The user interface for modifying or creating forms, reports, or modules will be disabled.
- The VBA References dialog box will not allow adding, deleting, or changing references to object libraries or databases.
- The source code will not be available.
- The importing and exporting commands will be disabled for forms, reports, or modules. However, tables, queries, data access pages,
and macros can be imported from or exported to non-MDE databases.