Кой файл стартира --- Windows Picture and Fax Viewer и какъв е пътя до него ?? За ХР....
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Кой файл стартира --- Windows Picture and Fax Viewer и какъв е пътя до него ?? За ХР....
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Стартирай го, като дадеш десен бутон на някое изображение и Open with, след това избери Choose Program и оттам избери Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.
Виждам, че има и начин да се отвори blanc, с направата на един shortcut на десктопа или където искаш, но не мисля, че ти трябва това.
Във Vista го няма, заместен е от Windows Photo Gallery, това за XP.To create a Shortcut on your Desktop, right click on the Desktop and pick New | Shortcut. In Type the Location of the Item put
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe c:\windows\system32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscre en
Click Next
Enter a Name for the Shortcut
Click Finish
Note the fullpath to both rundll32.exe and shimgvw.dll, there could be a problem finding them without the paths. Also you can replace c:\windows with %SYSTEMROOT% for a more portable shortcut.
И в двете версии на ОС е имплементиран в shimgvw.dll
Още нещо. Добавяне на Windows Picture and Fax Viewer в контекстното меню:
Внимавай с регистратурата, много внимавай.
Първо backup.
More advanced option: Uses registry changes to add item to Context menu of image file.
One better way to associate the viewer is to add an item to the Right Click Context menu of files like jpegs. In the menu it can say something like Open with Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. My walk through will do this for jpeg files without changing their existing associations.
Step 1: Open RegEdit and go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT | jpegfile
Step 2: Under jpegfile go to shell. Right click on shell and New | Key, name it something like Open.Viewer
Step 3: In Open.Viewer double click on (Default) in the right pane and type in what you want the Context Menu item to say. aka
Open In Windows Fax and Picture Viewer
Step 4: Right click on Open.Viewer and New | Key, name it command
It must be named command all lowercase
Step 4: In command double click on (Default) in the right pane and type in the path to shimgvwdll
rundll32.exe c:\windows\system32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscre en %1
The %1 at the end is critical
Step 5: Right click on a jpeg/jpg file and in the menu should be the Open in Windows... item. Should open the file. You can also add in printing capabilities as well.
За нищо.
Във връзка с това, което си писахме в PM
Ресет на асоциациите.
След това да си избере Windows Picture and Fax Viewer
1. Click Start-Run
2. In the Open line type the following then click OK: REGEDIT
3. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{e84fda7c-1d6a-45f6-b725-cb260c236066}\ shellex
4. Delete MayChangeDefaultMenu
5. Close the Registry Editor - now your images should open in the program of your choice.