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GF4 Capture?!

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  1. Member
    Тук е от
    Oct 2001

    GF4 Capture?!

    Това е от datasheet-a на Chrontel CH7007A. Аз никъде не виждам да се поддържа capture или TVin. Ти откъде го измисли не знам.



    Digital PC to TV Encoder with MacrovisionTM


    • Supports MacrovisionTM 7.X anti-copy protection

    • Support for low voltage interface to VGA controller

    • Universal digital interface accepts YCrCb (CCIR656)

    or RGB (15, 16 or 24-bit multiplexed) video data in

    both non-interlaced and interlaced formats

    • TrueScale TM rendering engine supports underscan

    operations for various graphic resolutions† ¥

    • Enhanced text sharpness and adaptive flicker removal

    with up to 5-lines of filtering†

    • Enhanced dot crawl control and area reduction

    • Fully programmable through serial port

    • Supports NTSC, NTSC-EIA (Japan), and PAL (B, D,

    G, H, I, M and N) TV formats

    • Provides Composite, S-Video and SCART outputs

    • Auto-detection of TV presence

    • Programmable power management

    • 9-bit video DAC outputs

    • Complete Windows and DOS driver software

    • Offered in 44-pin PLCC, 44-pin TQFP (1.4 mm)

    General Description

    Chrontel’s CH7007 digital PC to TV encoder is a standalone

    integrated circuit which accepts digital graphics

    input signals, and encodes the data to TV output signals. It

    provides a universal digital input port to accept a pixel data

    stream from a compatible VGA controller (or equivalent)

    and converts this directly into NTSC or PAL TV format.

    This circuit integrates a digital NTSC/PAL encoder with

    9-bit DAC interface, and new adaptive flicker filter, and

    high accuracy low-jitter phase locked loop to create

    outstanding quality video. Through its TrueScaleTM

    scaling and deflickering engine, the CH7007 supports full

    vertical and horizontal underscan capability and operates

    in 5 different resolutions including 640x480 and 800x600.

    A new universal digital interface along with full

    programmability makes the CH7007 ideal for systemlevel

    PC solutions. All features are software

    programmable through a standard serial port, to enable a

    complete PC solution using a TV as the primary display.

  3. Senior Member
    Тук е от
    Jan 2002

    GF4 Capture?!

    Според мен самото наличие на Chrontel chip говори за наличие на capture, иначе е просто безмислено. При мене поне имаше... и то без да има ТУНЕР!

    То помислете закакво ви е иначе видео IN, за гледане само !? Нали нещо трябва да обработва сигнала. (няма ти го изкара дирекно на монитора! това да не е VGA то PAL декодер!!) а без capture тази транформация не може да стане.

    Иначе аз имам един външен тунер за HighBand за сателитна телевизия, струва 100лв и е No1 нито един от тези които продават по компютърните магазини не може да се сравни с него. Мисля че във всеки магазин където продават сатеитни антени има такива тунери и толкова струват.

    <font color=blue>Memento Mori</font id=blue>

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