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Първо ще започна с една статийка за СУДОКУто:
The SUDOKU Craze
In the United Kingdom, a massive new audience had materialized suddenly for this unassuming puzzle. The place of its ascent left us a little breathless. So how did it happen?
On a trip to Tokyo in 1997, Sudoku came to the attention of a puzzle enthuasiast called Wayne Gould. He devised a computer program to generate them and, last autumn, he visited The Times to sell Sudoku!
Features editor Michael Harvey went down personally to escort Mr. Gould from premises, but surprisingly soon found himself absorbed in solving a puzzle. Within days, Sudoku had appeared in The Times, The Daily Mail, and The Daily Telegraph. The Independent began to publish three puzzles. As a spoof, The Guardian printed a Sudoku on every page. (By the way, the only national newspaper not to feature a Sudoku is The Financial Times, whose readers, according to its editor, know nothing about numbers.) But the newspapers didn't just publish Sudoku, they also talked about puzzle, endlessly. Sudoku had become the new Rubik's Cube. There was a welter of publicity. Under the headline, Sudoku Wars, The Independent explained how this puzzle had gripped us:
"...it is preoccupying the newspapers, from red-top tabloid to the top of the market... there is an excitement and passion about all of this which seemed absent from general election and royal wedding coverage..."
Wherever you travel in the UK, you will find people solving Sudoku. There have been national contests, a large number of best-selling books, mazines; interactive puzzles on the internet, phones, and TV; even a dedicated TV game show. For dedicated puzzlers, it's hard to understand; after all, the majority of number puzzles continue to have small audiences.
The unprecedented level of publicity is the main reason for the success of Sudoku, but let's give the puzzle some credit. It looks difficult, but the rules are brief and easy to understand. Persuaded by the hype to have a go, people are delighted to discover they can solve Sudoku. And this is the key - the feelgood factor that lies at the heart of most things we enjoy - and paticularly puzzles. It might even explain why the gentleman at dinner prefer to spend his nights solving Sudoku, but it would have taken a braver man than me to say so.
It is hard to say how long this level of enthusiasm will last, but the puzzle is definitely here to stay. Let's hope that, through Sudoku, we can introduce a new audience to the wider world of puzzles.
Чудех се дали да поствам и една 20-30 страници статия за шаха, ама реших да не flood-я много 
А за въпроса на Yasen- сещам се за онази задача в шаха, дето трябва да се разположат на дъската 8 дами, така че никои 2 да не се бият. Само че в Судокуто диагоналното удряне е заместено с удряне в квадрати 3*3