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Проблем с 16 bit приложения

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  1. Senior Member Аватара на ru-boy
    Тук е от
    Jan 2000

    Проблем с 16 bit приложения

    По незнайна за мен причина, не ми е възможно да стартирам 16 битови програми. Например, не ми е възможно да си пусна Аписа и други такива. Съобщението, което ми излиза е http://jbond.hit.bg/FREE!!!/err16b.JPG

    Ако някой има доба идея, как да реша въпроса, ще съм му благодарен да го сподели.

  3. Senior Member
    Тук е от
    Jun 2002

    Проблем с 16 bit приложения


    некоректно унинстралиран Symantec Antivirus

    Пробвай пак да го инсталираш и после пак да унинсталираш.Ще се оправи, имах подобен проблем наскоро

  4. Senior Member Аватара на ru-boy
    Тук е от
    Jan 2000

    Проблем с 16 bit приложения

    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" id="quote"><b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"></font id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"><font size="1" id="quote">дамммм

    некоректно унинстралиран Symantec Antivirus

    Пробвай пак да го инсталираш и после пак да унинсталираш.Ще се оправи, имах подобен проблем наскоро

    <div align="right">Originally posted by saint056a - 05/01/2005 : 09:52:16</div id="right">

    </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"><font size="2" id="quote"></font id="quote">Точно от гадния Symantec е, но ако го инсталирам и деинсталирам ще ми разстрои сиситемата, защото ползвам друг AV софт и трябва да го премахна, след това да инсталирам, после да деинсталирам и т.н.

  5. Senior Member
    Тук е от
    Jun 2002

    Проблем с 16 bit приложения

    ами мисля че нямаш друг избор.и аз се мъчих с този проблем след унинсталацията на сървърската част.оправих го точно по този начин.но първо си изтрии другата антивирусна да не се "сбият" нещо

  6. Senior Member
    Тук е от
    Apr 2002

    Проблем с 16 bit приложения

    The InstallShield software used for installation may exhibit this problem on operating systems where the creation of short file names has been disabled (e.g. by setting the NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation registry value to 1).

    This problem may be solved by moving the setup file to a location which does not use long names in its path components (e.g. the root of drive C) and running it from there. If this does not solve the problem, a change to a registry value is required.

    The NTFS file system (introduced in Windows NT and used by Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003) automatically creates 8.3 "short" file names and stores them along with the NTFS "long" name. Although the short names are not visible when you browse the file system, they are present, and you may see them in some path values stored in the system registry, or displayed in setup programs. This duplication, which only affects long file and directory names, results in a slightly increased overhead when creating a new file or directory, however it is required for compatibility with older applications. Unfortunately even some newer programs, released well after the introduction of "long" file names on Windows, rely on support for short file names in order to be compatible with the widest possible range of operating systems and file systems. This includes the InstallShield software used by Cloanto applications which do not use Windows Installer (MSI) technology.

    Warning - Please read the following article before proceeding:

    3-151 - Editing the Windows Registry

    The creation of 8.3-compliant short names on NTFS partitions is controlled by a registry value, which by default is set to enable the creation of short names.

    If the following value is set to 1 then short file names <font color="red">are not </font id="red">created:


    If the value is missing, or set to 0, then short file names are created:


    A reboot is required for the change to fully take effect. The change has no effect on existing files and directories (it only affects new writes). To create short names for files and directories which are already on the hard disk it is necessary to force this data to be rewritten, e.g. with a backup/restore.

  7. Senior Member Аватара на ru-boy
    Тук е от
    Jan 2000

    Проблем с 16 bit приложения

    Нищо не помага, не мога да си пусна Аписа, ужас.

    Някакви други идеи, докато съм махнал антивируса?

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