Preglejdah mnogo forumi otnosno dali poddarja ili ne OVERBURNING moqta pe4ka NEC NR 7800 B i navsqkade otgovora be6e "ne".
Tarsih sumati vreme iz inet prostranstvoto firmware update no uvi nqma6e.
Re6ih da drasna edin email do NEC.Eto sadarjanieto na moeto pismo:
I was searching the web for an update (firmware)for my
NEC NR 7800B CD-RW, but I couldn't find it
anywhere.I've asked in some forums is there available
firmware update or not.All positivly answered "NO".My
question is will there be a firmware update and will
it support the OVERBURNING feature? I really quite
miss it.
Excuse me for my bad English
Best Regards,
Emil Georgiev
i tqhniq otgovor be6e sledniq (pratiha mi go sled ima nqma 2-3 chasa)
Dear Sir,
overburning is not supported, the reasons are:
-"Overburning" is not specified at Orange book.
-Not all media has "blank" areas which allows the drive to overburning.
means that overburn is not always successful.
-Even if overburn writing has successfully being done, some readers
read "over-burned" media.
-Overburning is done at user's risk, but some users may come back
to us if they fail it.
-There is a rumor that this "blank" area on media will be used for
calibration in the future.
So NEC CDRW drives will not support overburning, not even future
because the drives focus on best writing quality, which could be harmed
by overburning.
There is no firmware update available for the NR 7800B.
NEC Hotline (GWI)
NEC-Mitsubishi Electronics Display Europe GmbH
Landshuter Allee 12-14
80637 Mьnchen
Tel.: 089 / 99699233 Fax: 089 / 99699613
Mo.-Fr. 08:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
http://www.nec-monitors.com oder www.necd.de
sire4 da ne se nadqvame da izpolzvame OVERBURNING na tezi pisalki dori i bada6tite modeli !!!!! <img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>
oba4e me interesuva kakvo 6te re4e tova ??? :
There is a rumor that this "blank" area on media will be used for
calibration in the future.
za kakva kalibraciq stava duma nqkoj znae li ???
have no fear lightmaster is here