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е2пром флаш

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  1. cxv
    cxv е офлайн

    Тук е от
    Jul 2006

    е2пром флаш

    здравеите!-имам задача да флашна 2м битов биос на асус дъно и четох за хот флаш но само на определени дъна но сие опасно все пак щот приятели с такова дъно не се навиват да опитат --четох че някои лан карти имат цокъл за такива чипове за ботване на компа от там при настроика от биоса--имам такава лан карта-um9008f-umc на иса слот свалих драиверите и като разархивирах има флаш ехе и еепром ехе фаилчета -**
    ** EEPROM Utility
    ** v3.20 Sep. 2004

    This document shows you how to use the eeprom utility. This utility runs
    under DOS environment.

    Contents of the Subdirectory:

    EEPROM.EXE The eeprom utility program file.
    EEPROM.CFG The eeprom utility default configuration file.
    EEPROM.TXT This file.


    The eeprom menu consists of four functions:

    1. F1: Create Data File
    You should use this function to create a new EEPROM data file.
    The default value of "Ethernet ID", "Subsystem ID", "Subsystem Vendor ID"
    and "PHY address" are invalid. Modify them to the valid value and
    save to a file.

    2. F2: Open Data File
    If you want to modify an existed EEPROM data file, you could use
    this function.

    3. F3: Write to EEPROM
    After the EEPROM data file is OK, you could use this function
    to write the data file into EEPROM.

    4. Esc: Exit
    Exit this program.

    Command line usage

    Usage: EEPROM [option]

    option: -? This help.

    -h This help.

    -p[#] [MAC Address] filename [-i [filename1]] [-o filename2]
    Program EEPROM with data in filename and output the
    programmed MAC address to filename2 if -o is specified.
    use alternative way to modify MAC address if -i is specified.
    if filename1 is omitted, the program will read MAC from console.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    [MAC Address]: 12 HEX characters, could be ignored.
    p file1.nic : Program file1.nic with first adapter.
    p4 rpl.nic : Program rpl.nic with 4th adapter.

    -v[#] filename Verify EEPROM with data in filename.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    p file1.nic : Verify file1.nic with first adapter.
    p4 rpl.nic : Verify rpl.nic with 4th adapter.

    -f[#] filename Write filename with EEPROM data.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    f file1.nic : Write file1.nic with first adapter.
    f4 rpl.nic : Write rpl.nic with 4th adapter.

    -e Display extened menu item.

    -bt[#] <PXE|RPL> Select BootROM boot type.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    PXE : Select PXE boot.
    RPL : Select RPL boot.

    -bm[#] <19|18|BBS|NO> Enable boot up methods.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    bm 19 : Try network boot first, then local drives.
    bm 18 : Try local drives boot first, then network.
    bm BBS: According to BIOS(Boot Entry Vector).
    bm NO : Local drives boot.

    -g[#] Generate 1's compliment checksum and write it to EEPROM 0fh (high byte).
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.

    -c[#] Check if the checksum stored in EEPROM is valid or not.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.

    -mi num filename Increase MAC address in filename by num.

    -md num filename Decrease MAC address in filename by num.

    -km[#] mac-address Write mac-address to #th NIC's EEPROM MAC address field.

    -kv[#] SVID Write SVID to #th NIC's EEPROM subsys-vendor ID field.

    -ks[#] SSID Write SSID to #th NIC's EEPROM subsys-system ID field.

    -l[#] <00|01|10|11> Set EEPROM PHY LED Setting bits (LEDS1,LEDS0).
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    00 : set (LEDS1,LEDS0) to (0,0).
    01 : set (LEDS1,LEDS0) to (0,1).
    10 : set (LEDS1,LEDS0) to (1,0).
    11 : set (LEDS1,LEDS0) to (1,1).

    Exit status:
    0 Command execution success.
    1 Command execution fail.
    и другия--**
    ** FLASH Utility
    ** v3.12 Sep. 2004

    This document shows you how to use the flash utility.

    Contents of the Subdirectory:

    FLASH.EXE The flash utility program file.
    FLASH.TXT This file.


    The flash menu consists of four functions:

    1. Select Boot ROM Type:
    Choose the flash ROM type of the one mounting on the board.

    2. Load Image File:
    Loading the image file that you are going to write in.

    3. FlashROM Enable/Disable:
    Select to enable or disable the FlashROM.

    4. Write to Boot ROM:
    Excute to write image file to FlashROM.

    5. Esc: Exit
    Exit this program.

    Command line options

    Usage: Flash [option]
    option: -? This help.

    -h This help.

    -t [flash_type] Specific model of the FlashROM to write.
    Show all FlashROM supported if not given flash_type.

    -p[#] filename Program Boot ROM with data in filename.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    -p file.img : Program file.img with first card
    -p3 file.img : Program file.img with 3th card.

    -v[#] filename Verify Boot ROM with data in filename.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    -v file.img : Verify file.img with first card.
    -v3 file.img : Verify file.img with 3th card.

    -f[#] filename Create a file by Boot ROM content.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    -f file.img : Create file.img with first card.
    -f3 file.img : Create file.img with 3th card.

    -c[#] filename Check Boot ROM image's device ID.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    -c file.img : Check device ID in file.img with first card.
    -c3 file.img : Check device ID in file.img with 3th card.

    -e[#] [0|16|32|64] Enable or disable Boot ROM.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    0 to disable boot ROM.
    16 to enable 16K EPROM.
    32 to enable 32K EPROM.
    64 to enable 64K EPROM or FlashROM.
    Please, reboot computer to enable Boot ROM.

    -bt[#] <PXE|RPL> Select BootROM boot type.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    PXE : Select PXE boot.
    RPL : Select RPL boot.

    -bm[#] <19|18|BBS|NO> Enable boot up methods.
    # : ( 1 ~ 8 ) card number, could be ignored.
    bm 19 : Try network boot first, then local drives.
    bm 18 : Try local drives boot first, then network.
    bm BBS: According to BIOS(Boot Entry Vector).
    bm NO : Local drives boot.

    Exit status:
    0 Command execution success.
    1 Command execution fail.

    Support EEPROM models:

    SST29xE512, SST29xE512A, SST29xE010, SST29xE010A,
    SST29xE020, SST29xE020A, SST39xF512, SST39xF010,

    W29EE512, W29C010, W29C011, W29C020, W29C020C, W29C022,
    --е2прома ми е sst 39sf020 и как да разбера с каква организация е той? или ако знаете програмки за флашване -програмиране на еепром през цокъл на лан карта??

  3. Member
    Тук е от
    Dec 2004

    Re: е2пром флаш

    Като чета какво си написал, май изобщо не ти е ясно какво искаш да направиш! Какво общо има цокъла на лан картата с биос-а на дъното!? Организацията на флаша е: 2 Megabit (256K x 8) Multi-Purpose Flash, което пък хич не те интересува в случая. Всичко дето си изписал по-горе е за бутром на лан катрта, а не за биос на дъно.
    По-добре е да ти го направи някой дето знае какво прави...

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