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Помощ за Award "boot-block BIOS" дискета

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  1. Junior Member
    Тук е от
    Jan 2003

    Помощ за Award "boot-block BIOS" дискета

    Биоса на едно от дъната ми се скапа и в момента явно се зарежда само Boot-block BIOS който търси дискета с правилният биос.

    Та молбата ми е ако някой има готова такава дискета за Award Bios или кои точно файлове трябва да съдържа тя освен тези:






    И какво точно да съдържа целия autoexec.bat -например:

    (a:\ AWDFLASH.EXE oldbios.BIN /py/sy/cd/cp/r)

    кои команди[?]

    Ако някои има готова такава дискета ще съм му много благодарен ако може да ми я изпрати архивирана на kingdiamond@mail.bg или да напише нещо тук във форума че ми е доста спешно...


  3. Member
    Тук е от
    Dec 2003

    Помощ за Award "boot-block BIOS" дискета

    За кое дъно искаш биос[8)][8)][8)][8)]

  4. Senior Member Аватара на Kayso
    Тук е от
    Apr 2002

    Помощ за Award "boot-block BIOS" дискета

    Трябва ти boot дискета за дос, и вътре освен AWDFLASH.EXE трябва да има и последния БИОС за съответното дъно. Не се мъчи да правиш само буутващ се autoexec.bat, няма смисъл

    просто пъхаш дискетата

    тръгва дос

    пишеш AWDFLASH

    зарежда ти програмката, пишеш тчния файл на биоса и си готов

  5. Junior Member
    Тук е от
    Jan 2003

    Помощ за Award "boot-block BIOS" дискета

    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" id="quote"><b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"></font id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"><font size="1" id="quote">За кое дъно искаш биос[8)][8)][8)][8)]

    <div align="right">Originally posted by kafka*-*31/01/2004*:* 22:29:04</div id="right">

    </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"><font size="2" id="quote"></font id="quote">

    [] Ами аз си имам биоса- дори 4 версии, просто ми трябват останалите файлове на Award Boot-block BIOS disketa за да мога като пусна компютъра и вкарам дискетата-автоматично да се препрограмира правилния биос(на мога да пиша команди защото картина на монитора няма или трябва да търся VGA нa ISA Slot)

    Boot-block BIOSа поддържа и стартира само флопидисковото устройство!

  6. Junior Member
    Тук е от
    Jan 2003

    Помощ за Award "boot-block BIOS" дискета

    Кайсо - пробвах и твоя вариант НО не става[]

    Пускам го и слагам в FDDто DOS 6.22 boot disk, чува се че започва да чете и кешира и след известно време спира ама продължавам да Нямам картина и клавиатурата не работи -немога да пиша команди...

    Трябва ми наистина самостартираща се Boot-block дискета с autoexec.bat [V]

  7. Member
    Тук е от
    Mar 2003

    Помощ за Award "boot-block BIOS" дискета

    При мен става със следния autoexec.bat: awdflash.exe oldbios.bin /py /sn /cc /cp /cd /sb /r. Отделните настройки са:

    /? - Help. Before you start working with Award Flash Memory Writer, it is advisable to use this key and to study carefully all the opportunities of this software.

    /Py or /Pn - stands for answering "yes" (Y) or "no" (N) to the request concerning the BIOS reflashing. By means of /Pn you can ban FlashROM reprogramming. This option enables you to save the current version of the BIOS or to get its checksum without updating your BIOS. A backup copy will help you to restore the previous version of the BIOS. By default /Py mode is set.

    /Sy or /Sn - stands for answering "yes" (Y) or "no" (N) to the request about saving the previous version of the BIOS. By default /Py mode is set again. In this case before reprogramming the FlashROM microchip you'll need to confirm saving by this request:

    Do You Want To Save Bios (Y/N)

    /Sn is recommended to use for *.bat-files in case of automatic BIOS reflashing in systems without a display.

    /CC - to clear CMOS after reflashing. This option comes in handy when there is a risk that the data arrays created by new BIOS version in CMOS may differ from those former ones. If so, then you are likely to have troubles with the mainboard startup. Clearing CMOS will let you avoid searching for Clear CMOS jumper on the board, which is really helpful if it isn't accompanied with a proper manual or is simply hard to access.

    /CP - stands for clearing PnP (ESCD) Data matrix after BIOS reflashing. The information about PnP devices is stored in ESCD. The key /CP is an equivalent to Reset Configuration Data in PnP/PCI Configuration CMOS SetUp. It makes sense to use /CP if you skip several versions of BIOS or if you have installed new PnP cards. If you don not update the ESCD, your board may suffer some startup problems.

    /CD - stands for clearing DMI Data pool after reprogramming. Literally, DMI is a data base, containing all the information on the system as a whole. Clearing it may be fruitful in the above mentioned situations with /CP and /CC keys, as well as if some of the system components have been changed.

    /SB - stands for no BootBlock reflashing. The BootBlock is the first unit to be addressed by startup and it is hardly ever changed. If the board manufacturer gives no other recommendations, there is no need to reflash BootBlock. In particular, if the BIOS reflashing fails, it may become impossible to restore the BIOS via software. On some mainboards there is a BootBlock Protection jumper. If protection is set, either you won't be able to reflash the BIOS without /SB at all or the system will face verification errors.

    /SD - stands for saving the data of DMI pool in a file. Part of DMI can be saved to be used by the software in future. Even though this key stands in the list, which is shown by /?, using it will bring no result. This key simply doesn't work.

    /R - stands for the system reset after reflashing. It lets you have your computer restarted automatically as soon as you finish updating FlashROM. The option is useful for working through a *.bat-file.

    /Tiny - stands for using less RAM. Without the /Tiny key, AwardFlash utility tries to put the entire BIOS file, which is intended for further reflashing, into RAM. Still, if have taken all the precautions but anyway you see a message saying "Insufficient Memory" during the BIOS reflashing procedure, then the key /Tiny should be used. It will make the data from the BIOS file loaded and reflashed in portions.

    /E - stands for returning to DOS after BIOS reflashing. For instance, you may need it to make sure that the previous version of the BIOS is saved.

    /F - stands for reprogramming by means of the system BIOS. Most contemporary BIOSs feature the procedure of FlashROM reprogramming. The key /F enables AwardFlash to reprogram FlashROM with the algorithms of the current BIOS version. If a mainboard peculiarities do not allow applying AwardFlash Writer algorithms, you should use the key /F.

    /LD - stands for clearing CMOS after reflashing and not showing the message "Press F1 to continue or DEL to setup". Unlike /CC, this key lets you avoid this message by the following startup after clearing CMOS, provided you have set the properties by default.

    /CKS - stands for showing the checksum of XXXXh file. The checksum is shown in hexadecimal representation. This option is advised to be used with the verification key.

    /CKSxxxx - stands for comparing the checksum of the file with XXXXh. If the checksums are different, you'll see the message "The program file's part number does not match with your system!". As a rule, XXXXh for each BIOS update file is usually available on the mainboard manufacturer's site.


  9. Member
    Тук е от
    Dec 2003

    Помощ за Award "boot-block BIOS" дискета

    Стартирай AWDFLASH.EXE на друго компи и фиж?

    Виж за флаш в саита на производителя..!

  10. Senior Member
    Тук е от
    Jun 2003

    Помощ за Award "boot-block BIOS" дискета

    имаш ли ISA слот на това дъно ?

    ако имаш - тичай до някоя фирма и НЕ КУПУВАЙ - поискай да ти я дадат назаем.

    слагаш си я и си флашваш като пич

    <font color="orange">edit by smarty</font id="orange">

    сега видях, че си написал, че имаш ИЗА слот - ами действай !

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