става дума за приставката на браузера Firefox,казващ се флагфокс
всеки колекционер нека пуска тук линкове на различни по местоположение сървъри,като целта е Total Flags = 246 ,но без повтарящи се държави
приятно занимание
почвам с най-търсената-антарктика
1 - http://www.flagcentral.org/countries
и българия-естествено-
2- https://forum.setcombg.com/index.php...ba3bfc1ee6e544
интересното е че с търсене по националност на домейн first domain extension в гугъл не решава по-забутан проблем
примерът е първия линк на антарктика-той изобщо е без .aq интернет домейн от първо ниво
дали да не ги караме азбучно...може и после да се направи :rolleyes:
_________________________________________________[color=red]слети поредни публикации на: [time]1339644720[/time]_________________________________________________
горе-долу тъй ще изглежда листа-
- AD = Andorra http://www.andorra.ad/en-US/Pages/default.aspx
AE = United Arab Emirates http://nic.ae/nicae/uaenic/english/index.jsp
AF = Afghanistan http://mfa.gov.af/en
AG = Antigua and Barbuda http://mfa.gov.af/en
AI = Anguilla http://www.offshore.com.ai/anguilla/
AL = Albania http://www.e-albania.al/
AM = Armenia http://www.armeniainfo.am/
AN = Netherlands Antilles http://www.una.an/ccunasite/index.ph...mains/register
AO = Angola http://www.portalangop.co.ao/motix/p...apa/index.html
AQ = Antarctica http://www.flagcentral.org/countries
AR = Argentina http://www.argentina.ar/
AS = American Samoa
AT = Austria http://www.austria.at/at/xlayout/gui...g,en/home.html
AU = Australia http://www.travel.com.au/internation...ights-to-tonga
AW = Aruba http://www.meteo.aw/
AZ = Azerbaijan http://www.azerbaijan.az/portal/index_a.html?lang=az
BA = Bosnia and Herzegovina http://www.bhtourism.ba/eng/
BB = Barbados http://www.lawcourts.gov.bb/
BD = Bangladesh http://www.bangladesh.gov.bd/
BE = Belgium http://www.belgium.be/
BF = Burkina Faso http://www.onatel.bf/
BG = Bulgaria http://persy.com/
BH = Bahrain http://www.bahrain.bh/
BI = Burundi https://whois.nic.bi/
BJ = Benin http://www.gouv.bj/
BM = Bermuda http://www.bermudanic.bm/
BN = Brunei Darussalam http://www.pmo.gov.bn/
BO = Bolivia https://www.nic.bo/
BR = Brazil http://www.governo.gov.ao/
BS = Bahamas http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/wps/portal...ov/government/!ut/p/b1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOKNDdx9HR1NLHzdTQ3MDDxDA3wcA8w9jPy9jYAKIoEKDHAARwNC-sP1o_AqMTGAKsBjhZ9Hfm6qfkFuhEGWiaMiALGJzU0!/dl4/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/
BT = Bhutan http://www.bhutan.gov.bt/government/index_new.php
BV = Bouvet Island
BW = Botswana http://www.gov.bw/
BY = Belarus http://www.belarus.by/en/
BZ = Belize http://www.belize.gov.bz/
CA = Canada http://www.caymanislands.ky/
CC = Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CF = Central African Republic
CG = Congo огромната страна е тъй зле с нета,че даже първо ниво е кът-http://waridtel.cg/
CH = Switzerland http://www.agpgabon.ga/
CI = Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
CK = Cook Islands
CL = Chile http://www.nic.cl/
CM = Cameroon https://www.netcom.cm/login.jsp
CN = China http://www.uriminzokkiri.com/
CO = Colombia http://www.libertycolombia.com.co/ps...tab=PAPP_GUEST
CR = Costa Rica https://www.nic.cr/niccr_publico/showMain.do
CS = Czechoslovakia (former)
CU = Cuba http://www.granma.cu/ingles/cuba-i/1...onference.html
CV = Cape Verde http://www.governo.cv/
CX = Christmas Island
CY = Cyprus http://www.cyprus.gov.cy/portal/port...r?OpenDocument
CZ = Czech Republic http://www.czub.cz/en/Default.aspx
DE = Germany http://www.flane.ae/
DJ = Djibouti http://www.nic.dj/
DK = Denmark https://www.workindenmark.dk/
DM = Dominica http://emis.education.gov.dm/
DO = Dominican Republic http://www.bancentral.gov.do/english/index-e.asp
DZ = Algeria http://www.algeriaweekly.dz/
EC = Ecuador http://www.nic.ec/home.htm
EE = Estonia http://www.eenet.ee/EENet/ee-tldomreg.html
EG = Egypt http://www.sis.gov.eg/En/Default.aspx
EH = Western Sahara
ER = Eritrea http://www.moem.gov.er/
ES = Spain https://www.barclays.es/publico/cont...jsp?lang=en_UK
ET = Ethiopia http://www.mfa.gov.et/
FI = Finland http://finland.fi/Public/default.aspx?
FJ = Fiji http://domains.fj/public/index.php
FK = Falkland Islands (Malvinas) http://www.cwfi.co.fk/
FM = Micronesia http://www.fm/
FO = Faroe Islands https://www.nic.fo/
FR = France http://www.gouvernement.gov.bf/
FX = France, Metropolitan
GA = Gabon http://www.legabon.ga/
GB = Great Britain (UK)
GD = Grenada http://www.grenada.mot.gd/
GG GUERNSEY http://www.gov.gg/article/1582/Home
GE = Georgia http://georgia.gov.ge/
GF = French Guiana
GH = Ghana http://www.nic.gh/
GI = Gibraltar http://www.nic.gi/
GL = Greenland http://uk.nanoq.gl/
GM = Gambia http://www.gamtel.gm/
GN = Guinea http://www.eti.net.gn/
GP = Guadeloupe
GQ = Equatorial Guinea
GR = Greece
GS = S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isls.
GT = Guatemala
GU = Guam
GW = Guinea-Bissau
GY = Guyana
HK = Hong Kong
HM = Heard and McDonald Islands
HN = Honduras
HR = Croatia (Hrvatska)
HT = Haiti кът е и първо ниво http://www.alertehaiti.ht/
HU = Hungary
ID = Indonesia
IE = Ireland http://www.nic.dm/
IL = Israel
IN = India http://zeenews.india.com/videos/madh...dal_10293.html
IO = British Indian Ocean Territory
IQ = Iraq
IR = Iran
IS = Iceland
IT = Italy
JM = Jamaica
JO = Jordan
JP = Japan
KE = Kenya http://www.kbc.co.ke/
KG = Kyrgyzstan http://www.un.org.kg/
KH = Cambodia http://www.everyday.com.kh/
KI = Kiribati http://tskl.net.ki/
KM = Comoros http://www.snpt.km/
KN = Saint Kitts and Nevis http://www.gov.kn/mp.asp?mp=1
KP = Korea (North)https://lrit-dc.star.net.kp/
KR = Korea (South)http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/index.asp
KW = Kuwait http://www.da.gov.kw/
KY = Cayman Islands
KZ = Kazakhstan http://kaztrk.kz/
LA = Laos http://www.laopdr.gov.la/ePortal/hom...t_locale=en_US
LB = Lebanon http://www.isf.gov.lb/index.html
LC = Saint Lucia http://www.customs.gov.lc/
LI = Liechtenstein http://www.fuerstenhaus.li/de/index.html
LK = Sri Lanka http://www.srilanka.lk/web/guest/welcome
LR = Liberia http://www.lbr.gov.lr/
LS = Lesotho http://www.co.ls/
LT = Lithuania http://lietuva.lt/en/
LU = Luxembourg http://www.eurodns.com/top-level-domain/Haiti/Ht
LV = Latvia http://latvia.lv/
LY = Libya http://www.nic.ly/
MA = Morocco http://www.domain.ma/
MC = Monaco http://www.monaco.mc/Pages/Accueil/
MD = Moldova http://www.moldova.md/
MG = Madagascar http://www.moov.mg/
MH = Marshall Islands
MK = Macedonia
ML = Mali
MM = Myanmar
MN = Mongolia
MO = Macau
MP = Northern Mariana Islands
MQ = Martinique
MR = Mauritania
MS = Montserrat http://www.gov.ms/
MT = Malta https://secure2.gov.mt/vera/
MU = Mauritius http://www.gov.mu/portal/site/Mainho...dbea5e2b521ca/
MV = Maldives http://www.presidencymaldives.gov.mv/
MW = Malawi http://www.registrar.mw/
MX = Mexico
MY = Malaysia
MZ = Mozambique http://www.cpi.co.mz/
NA = Namibia http://www.na-nic.com.na/
NC = New Caledonia http://www.domaine.nc/ (тук флагфокс е с некоректен флаг)
NE = Niger http://www.presidence.ne/
NF = Norfolk Island
NG = Nigeria
NI = Nicaragua
NL = Netherlands http://www.networking4all.com/en/dom...omain+name/zr/
NO = Norway http://www.norid.no/omnorid/bv-sj.en.html
NP = Nepal http://www.mos.com.np/
NR = Nauru
NT = Neutral Zone
NU = Niue https://webmail.niue.nu/src/login.php
NZ = New Zealand http://newzealand.govt.nz/
OM = Oman http://www.oman.om/wps/portal/
PA = Panama http://www.nic.pa/
PE = Peru
PF = French Polynesia http://www.opt.pf/home/index.php#
PG = Papua New Guinea http://www.education.gov.pg/
PH = Philippines http://www.eyp.ph/
PK = Pakistan http://www.piac.com.pk/
PL = Poland
PM = St. Pierre and Miquelon
PN = Pitcairn
PR = Puerto Rico https://nic.pr/index.asp
PT = Portugal http://www.sapo.ao/
PW = Palau http://www.palaugov.net/
PY = Paraguay http://www.nic.py/index_1.html
QA = Qatar http://www.qtel.qa/en/home
RE = Reunion
RO = Romania http://www.welcometoromania.ro/Roman...ia_index_e.htm
RU = Russia http://russia.ru/
RW = Rwanda http://www.gov.rw/
SA = Saudi Arabia http://www.moi.gov.sa/wps/portal
Sb = Solomon Islands
SC = Seychelles
SD = Sudan
SE = Sweden
SG = Singapore http://www.beauty.ht/
SH = St. Helena
SI = Slovenia http://www.bookingpoint.net/en/airli...nga-TOLK3.html
SJ = Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
SK = Slovak Republic
SL = Sierra Leone
SM = San Marino
SN = Senegal
SO = Somalia
SR = Suriname
ST = Sao Tome and Principe
SU = USSR (former)
SV = El Salvador
SY = Syria
SZ = Swaziland
TC = Turks and Caicos Islands
TD = Chad
TF = French Southern Territories
TG = Togo
TH = Thailand
TJ = Tajikistan
TK = Tokelau
TM = Turkmenistan
TN = Tunisia
TO = Tonga
TP = East Timor
TR = Turkey
TT = Trinidad and Tobago
TV = Tuvalu
TW = Taiwan
TZ = Tanzania
UA = Ukraine http://snooper.in.ua/home/rizne/165-skype.html
UG = Uganda http://www.parliament.go.ug/
UK = United Kingdom http://www.voovit.com/country/shipping_tonga.htm
UM = US Minor Outlying Islands
US = United States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolama_Region
UY = Uruguay http://www.rau.edu.uy/rau/dom/
UZ = Uzbekistan http://www.gov.uz/uz/
VA = Vatican City State http://www.vaticanstate.va/EN/homepage.htm
VC = Saint Vincent and the Grenadines http://www.gov.vc/
VE = Venezuela http://www.cuba.cu/
VG = Virgin Islands (British)
VI = Virgin Islands (U.S.)
VN = Viet Nam http://vietnamnet.vn/
VU = Vanuatu http://www.vunic.vu/
WF = Wallis and Futuna Islands некоректно http://www.loina.wf/loina/web/guest/
WS = Samoa http://www.samoa.ws/index.htm?CFID=1...TOKEN=17308630
YE = Yemen http://www.teleyemen.com.ye/BService...t/dial-up.aspx
YT = Mayotte
YU = Yugoslavia
ZA = South Africa http://co.za/
ZM = Zambia http://www.zamnet.zm/
ZR = Zaire
ZW = Zimbabwe