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Смяна региона на DVD плейър

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  1. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Смяна региона на DVD плейър

    Здравейте имам DVD плейър SONY DVP-NS78H
    искам да сменя кода на региона-тоест да стане мултирегионен.намерих този сайт http://www.videohelp.com/dvdhacks/sony-dvp-ns78h/8651
    и тази информация
    3 user region code/hacks December 24, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
    Region code hack posted by VAP, August 30 2007:
    This player is a successor to DVP-NS76 and has the same region unlocking procedure as that one. There is a hack available using Palm Pilot with RC emulation software or using a OneForAll programmable RC. However, the application is difficult because beside the need to program the codes into the remote control the timing of RC signals is apparently important for successful unlocking. I tried many times with Kameleon-5 and could not get it to work.
    I then ordered a chipped remote, configured for NS76, from these people http://www.multi-region.co.uk/ and it worked perfectly.

    Region code hack posted by chribonn, December 15 2007:
    I followed the solution at http://www.selen.org/sonydvd.html and it worked as stated there. I have reproduced the salient parts below:

    The procedure

    1. Download the winsamp -package from Blank Frank's site (http://www.veg.nildram.co.uk/remote.htm).

    This innovative piece of software allows you to send standard home electronics IR signals using a PC IRDA port.

    2. Extract the package onto a bootable DOS floppy disk.

    3. Download this IR code file and place it in the same directory as the package above.

    This file holds the five necessary IR codes converted to the format used by Blank Frank's winsamp.exe. Please do not bother Frank with questions concerning this particular procedure.

    4. Boot up your PC from the floppy disk and run winsamp.exe.

    If your IRDA port doesn't appear as COM2 you may override this by using an appropriate command line switch. For example, use COM1 by running 'winsamp C1'.

    5. Press the 'r' key to load up the codes into winsamp.

    6. Make sure your DVD player is in standby mode and your IRDA port is within range.

    7. Run the IR codes from 1 to 5 by pressing Enter on each corresponding button.

    8. Your DVD player should start up and display the text "SUCCESS".

    9. Repeat step 7. Your player should return to standby mode.

    Your player is now multi-region.

    Region code hack posted by hazyl, December 24 2007:
    The posted region-free hack does not work for region 1 players. So if you bought your player in the USA or Canada, don't bother. They have different hardware and/or firmware than the region 2 ones. I found nothing on the Internet about removing the region lock on these players. Your best bet is to take it back to the store, tell them that the Sony stuff sucks and get a cheaper and lesser quality but region free alternative.

    но честно казано при превода в главата ми е пълен мишмаш-освен това нямам IRDA port на компа
    някой може ли да помогне
    някакви други предложения за решаване на проблема


  3. Тук е от
    Oct 2005

    Re: Смяна региона на DVD плейър

    E нема друг начин - връзвай един IR, пра'иш буутваща дискета и действаш...

    Sony like.no.other

  4. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Re: Смяна региона на DVD плейър

    Въпросът ми е дали няма код за влизане в сервизното меню-и от там да оправя нещата

  5. Тук е от
    Oct 2005

    Re: Смяна региона на DVD плейър

  6. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Re: Смяна региона на DVD плейър

    проблема е че нямам такова дистанционно-нямам бутон "MAGIC"
    имам оригиналното и едно универсално програмируемо-THOMPSON

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