ami purvo da si kaja.. nishto ne razbiram ot linux
ama vse pak se mu4a tuka s edin...
zna4i iskam da si pusna edno eggdrop4e i...
pisha az ./configure i mi dava:
checking for Tcl header... not found
checking whether the Tcl system has changed... yes
configure: error:
I can't find Tcl on this system.
Eggdrop requires Tcl to compile. If you already have Tcl installed
on this system, and I just wasn't looking in the right place for it,
set the environment variables TCLLIB and TCLINC so I will know where
to find 'libtcl.a' (or '') and 'tcl.h' (respectively). Then
run 'configure' again.
router-nakov-net:/home/quattro/eggdrop1.6.12# apt-get install libtcl?
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Note, selecting libtcp4u-dev instead of libtcp4u3-dev
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 95 not upgraded.
principno sum go instaliral ama... (ili pone taka si mislq)
vuprosa mi e kak da nastroq tva TCLLIB i TCLINC?
nqkoi ima li ideq?
10x predvaritelno![]()