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samsung ue32c5100 problem ????

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  1. Тук е от
    Jan 2011

    samsung ue32c5100 problem ????

    i have samsung ledtv ue32c5100 but i cant play nothing with pc share studio manager, i have instaled sw in my pc, shared folder, but when i start media play on tv i have message no media, tv and pc are conected via ruter, both have internet connections and connections are ok, tested with tv and pc.
    how to start pc share manager with tv, please help. I dont have option for network playing file in my media player in tv.

    Thanks for any help and sorry for bad english.

  3. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Re:samsung ue32c5100 problem ????

    Welcome in Forum

    Disable your Windows Firewall or a Smart Security NOD32 - is it possible to block your connection to the server.

    Тhis is better than pc share manager

  4. Тук е от
    Jan 2011

    Re:samsung ue32c5100 problem ????

    thanks mate, now work perfect. can i unlock pvr options, i want to record some programs on my usb device, i sow in service menu hotel mode is off, can i change hotel mode to on, any chance to demage my tv, or somthing else?

    what can i get with hotel mode on?

  5. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Re:samsung ue32c5100 problem ????

    can not launch PVR

    Table in which models, what can run

    At C530, C630 and C550 /with the processor M-Star/, C5000 - can not launch PVR
    Can only on models C630 /with processor valencia/, C650, C6000 and C6500

  6. Тук е от
    Jan 2011

    Re:samsung ue32c5100 problem ????

    ok mate, thanks, what is hotel mode? what can i do with this options?

  7. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Re:samsung ue32c5100 problem ????

    This mode is activated only in hotel TVs - restricts access to programs on cable network circuit.
    The TV receives commands from the hotel server, and so control what users see. So guests only watch what they are paid at the reception.

    I advise you not to enable this mode in the service menu - because it would only have terrestrial channels and cable tuner never able to select it.

    Upon activation of the hotel arrangements, access to expanded service menu where you can see the hours earned to date and to activate certain functions in models of higher grade.


  9. Тук е от
    Jan 2011

    Re:samsung ue32c5100 problem ????

    ok, thanks friend

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