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SONY телевизори 2016

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  1. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
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    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    OFFICIAL Sony XBR-65Z9D Owner's Thread [no price talk please] - Page 45 - AVS Forum | Home Theater Discussions And Reviews

    It was kind of tricky to follow, but appeared to be 35x20 so 700 "zones"
    ако е вярно, това ще разочарова доста хора, плюс това означава че са лъгали в рекламата....

    Basic run through with my meter. 90% seems finicky at least for me, everything else seems to work pretty well for a nice flat 2.4. Saturations are fairly good too. Also here are near blacks 4%-1%
    Снимано с iPhone 6.





    Скала на сивото и Гама

    Ефекта от - Smooth gradation - Off и Activ:
    (тук може да видите ефекта от многобитовата обработка - 14-bit, пак се забелязва бандинг..няма как от нищо да направиш нещо)

    OFFICIAL Sony XBR-65Z9D Owner's Thread [no price talk please] - Page 45 - AVS Forum | Home Theater Discussions And Reviews

    Input Lag
    Looks to be about 30-31ms in game mode
    - не знаем режима на подсветката

    на телевизора се вижда 5-тица, зад 3-ката.
    586 - 555 = 31ms

    Първата снимка е на неговият oled, втората на ZD9. - сякаш има проблем с гамата...
    На тази от Oled има повече детайли в небето над облаците, във втората повече детайли в облаците...Така че тези от вас, които са побързали да обяват ZD9 за Oled убиец са прибързали...

    LG Oled


    OFFICIAL Sony XBR-65Z9D Owner's Thread [no price talk please] - Page 46 - AVS Forum | Home Theater Discussions And Reviews

    To be honest, I can't remember if the oled was from my ef9500 or my g6. All were calibrated to a flat 2.4 gamma. The Sony in person isn't blown out. So far my impressions are actually leaning towards the Sony for better pq. It definitely is pulling out more shadow detail but that is also somewhat typical with lcd. Blacks are extremely good, but still not emissive blacker than black. Highlights seem more accurate on the Sony.
    With my g6, I felt like better than running a gamma 2.4 I actually ran 2.1-2.3 ramp. That helped bring out shadow detail but also brought about low luminance irregularities too which was sometimes distracting.
    OFFICIAL Sony XBR-65Z9D Owner's Thread [no price talk please] - Page 47 - AVS Forum | Home Theater Discussions And Reviews


    However, I am cancelling my pre-order for it.

    It's motion handling is not great. It was a bit embarrassing really as it was the first thing I noticed - movement in the Las Vegas scene on the Sony Demo was juddering visibly (not micro-judder, substantial judder). He first said that the default motion settings on the TV were the cause, but after a long time playing with it it improved a bit but it still didn't seem to be handling it correctly - we reduced major judder to more micro judder. Testing other content, both on his USB and on some of the apps, the motion issues replicated themselves in about 75% of content I saw.

    HD upscaling wasn't as impressive as I was hoping - it was just about watchable but not great. SD upscaling was surprisingly good given it was SD content.
    Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 28-08-16 в 10:42.

  3. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
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    Jun 2008
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    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    На вниманието на модераторите - коригирайте и допълнете първи пост със следната информация:

    Важи за моделите от 2016 и нататък..
    Х - серия
    • Z - UltraHD - High End
    • S - Curved UltraHD
    • Х - Ultra HD
    • W - FullHD - middle
    • R - FullHD & HD Ready - low end

    D - година на модела
    • D - 2016
    • E - 2017
    • F - 2018
    • G - 2019

    With your own risk.

    Self Diagnostic Screen Display

    [To Bring Up Screen Test]
    In standby mode, press buttons on the remote commander sequentially in rapid succession as shown below:
    button: i +, 5, volume -, tv power button.

    Exiting the Self-diagnostic screen
    To exit the Self Diagnostic screen, Power off & on or Push the <Home> button.

    Bottom Left
    Total Operation Time - Boot Count - Panel Operation Time

    SERVICE MANUAL - W800/805C

    Помощно ръководство | Начало

    Поддържани формати
    Help Guide | Supported Codec for Home Network / USB device

    SONY EU | Support - How do I perform a factory reset on Sony's Android TV?
    HOME button > Settings > Storage & reset > Factory data reset > Erase everything.

    PSA: Easiest Way To Install APKs From APK Mirror On Your Android TV? Favorite The Site In ES File Explorer's Built-In Web Browser
    Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 28-08-16 в 14:22.

  4. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
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    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016


    За svetlio1 - преди да го пуснеш си сложи маската за електрожена
    Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 29-08-16 в 23:59.
    svetlio1 одобрява това.

  5. Senior Member Аватара на svetlio1
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    Oct 2008

    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    Ще го гледам на плазмата ... що ли ми се струва, че тия модели трудно ще изкарат 5 години при такова гледане ...

  6. Senior Member
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    Aug 2011

    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    Кой пък ще го гледа така!?

  7. Senior Member Аватара на KI_YOOU
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    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    Гледах го онзи ден на Филипса.. Е страшно съм доволен от качеството на картината. Голяма излагация от Сони, усещането да го гледаш е стряскащо

  9. Senior Member Аватара на svetlio1
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    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    Струва ми се не си разбрал що е то HDR възпроизведен на поддържащ го тв ...
    stenly одобрява това.

  10. Senior Member Аватара на KI_YOOU
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    Nov 2014
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    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    Ходих до Техното предната седмица по препоръка на един колега от форума относно 55 инчов Самсунг с HDR.. Не е лошо, но определено не останах впечатлен. Не отричам качествата му, но не ме грабна. Та в този ред на мисли, тук ще си кажа че съм доволен от Филипса

  11. Member Аватара на Сидеров
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    Feb 2016

    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    Цитат Първоначално публикувано от KI_YOOU Виж публикацията
    Ходих до Техното предната седмица по препоръка на един колега от форума относно 55 инчов Самсунг с HDR.. Не е лошо, но определено не останах впечатлен. Не отричам качествата му, но не ме грабна. Та в този ред на мисли, тук ще си кажа че съм доволен от Филипса
    Гледал си HDR на него, не клипове на максимална яркост?

  12. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
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    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    Sony 65ZD9 тест махало в настройките Motionflow 3/0 (гледат се контурите на махалото)

    Sony е най-добрият при възпроизвеждането на "този" тест - просто прави значително по-малко артефакти, отколкото всеки друг. Дори консултантите са били изненадани от това колко зле се е представил LG 65G6, в сравнение със SONY.

    OFFICIAL Sony XBR-65Z9D Owner's Thread [no price talk please] - Page 67 - AVS Forum | Home Theater Discussions And Reviews

    Нямам думи......Какви са тия вертикални ивици?

    Official 2016 Samsung KS9800 Owner's Thread - Page 27 - AVS Forum | Home Theater Discussions And Reviews
    Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 31-08-16 в 20:08.
    iveto одобрява това.

  13. Infraction Users
    Тук е от
    Sep 2011

    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    Какъв е стандарта, който поддържа Sony W809c 50" за стойка на стена с възможност за рамо за въртене по хоризонтала и вертикала?

    Тази тук Buy Standard Multi-Position 32 - 70 Inch TV Wall Bracket at Argos.co.uk - Your Online Shop for TV wall brackets. ?
    Този пост е редактиран от Dominator; 31-08-16 в 20:16.

  15. Senior Member Аватара на svetlio1
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    Oct 2008

    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    Нямам думи......Какви са тия вертикални ивици?
    То да бяха само ивиците ... абе съвременен LCD TV в цялата си "прелест"

  16. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
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    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    ZD9 - Vertical Banding:

    OFFICIAL Sony XBR-65Z9D Owner's Thread [no price talk please] - Page 71 - AVS Forum | Home Theater Discussions And Reviews

    0% black:

    I turned on the system power LED to help identify where the set is
    Това е 1080p от YouTube. Изненадващо ярко, но тези снимки не отразяват реалността, както изглежда в действителност:

    - - - - - - - - - -

  17. Member Аватара на Сидеров
    Тук е от
    Feb 2016

    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    Цитат Първоначално публикувано от Dominator Виж публикацията
    Какъв е стандарта, който поддържа Sony W809c 50" за стойка на стена с възможност за рамо за въртене по хоризонтала и вертикала?

    Тази тук Buy Standard Multi-Position 32 - 70 Inch TV Wall Bracket at Argos.co.uk - Your Online Shop for TV wall brackets. ?
    Ако имаш телевизора обърни го и виж какъв е стандарта. Стойки има, виж си стената и какъв ход ти трябва.
    (предполагам vesa 400x400)

  18. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Отговор: SONY телевизори 2016

    Първи собственик на ZD9 в Европа - Сърбия


    Sony UHD TV 2016 - european models

    Certification UHD
    Dolby Vision
    Hybrid Log Gamma
    HDR 10
    3 fundamental HDR
    building blocks:
    ST2084 (EOTF PQ),
    ST2086 (static metadata)
    ST2094 (dynamic metadata)

    The measured values of the brightness in Windows
    Type LCD matrix,
    Bits of color,
    (Operating frequency of T-Con board of the panel)
    Screen Uniformity
    Anti-reflective filter
    Supported Resolutions
    Frame per seconds
    24, 25, 30, 50, 60, 100, 120 p/i
    Chroma subsampling
    Backlight Unit
    Type backlight
    (Local Dimming zone)
    Type LED
    Backlight Scanning
    Black Frame Insertion
    Pulsе Wide Modulation
    DCI P3
    Delta E
    Color Temperature
    ANSI Contrast
    With local dimming
    Without local dimming
    White level
    Black level
    Viewing angle
    Horizontal & Vertical
    Motion resolution

    Input Lag
    Hardware & Software
    Operating System
    Central Processing Unit
    System on Chip
    Instruction set
    Graphic Processor Unit
    Total memory
    Opportunities for
    Pros & Cons
    KD-100ZD9 BAEP
    KD-75ZD9 BAEP
    KD-65ZD9 BAEP
    65, 75" - September 2016
    100" - November 2016
    In USA
    In 日本 (Nippon)
    No No No ? 100"- max 2000cd/m2

    75"- max 2000cd/m2

    65"- max 2000cd/m2
    100% - 780cd/m2
    15% - 1605cd/m2
    10% - 1800cd/m2

    SMPTE standarts
    ST2084, ST 2086
    100" - ? , 10-bit, 120/100Hz

    75" - AMVA, 10-bit, 120/100Hz

    65" - AMVA, 10-bit, 120/100Hz

    Motionflow XR 1200

    Protective layer of sapphire
    Coated with low reflection for deep black and fluorite glass
    4096 x 2160 / 60P(displayed as 3840x2160)
    4096 x 2160 / 24P(displayed as 3840x2160)
    3840 x 2160 / 24P
    3840 x 2160 / 25P
    3840 x 2160 / 30P
    3840 x 2160 / 50P
    3840 x 2160 / 60P / 4:4:4
    1920 x 1080 / 120Hz - ??
    1920 x 1080 / 24P (Only HDMI®)
    1920 x 1080 / 30P (Only HDMI®)
    1920 x 1080 / 60P (HDMI® / Component)
    1920 x 1080 / 50P (HDMI® / Component)
    1920 x 1080 / 60I
    1920 x 1080 / 50I
    1366 x 720 / 24P (Only HDMI®)
    100" - FALD, 1705 (55 x 31) ?

    75" - FALD, 943 (41 x 23) ?

    65" - FALD, 630 (35 x 18) ?

    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation
    Black Frame Insertion
    PWM - ?
    100"- 96% /

    75"- 96% /

    65"- 96% /

    Triluminos Display
    phosphorus-based diodes for a wide gamut close to the DCI 4K
    (Blue Led + Red/Green phosphorus)
    Super Bit Mapping with 14-bit signal processing
    (RGB - Led's ??)
    100" -

    75" -

    65" - 3000000:1 / 3000cd/m2 / 0.001cd/m2

    100" - °

    75" - °

    65" - °

    100" -

    75" -

    65" -

    100", 75", 65"
    September 2016
    100" - Game mode

    75" - Game mode

    65" - Game mode

    100" - 2x10W RMS

    75" - 2x10W RMS

    65" - 2x10W RMS

    Dolby digital,
    Dolby Plus,
    Dolby Pulse
    Clear Phase Speaker

    Wireless Subwoofer(SWF-BR100);3D Glasses(TDG-BT500A)
    65" only - Wallmount Bracket(SU-WL450 without tilt function)
    Audio post-processing is powered by a dedicated ARM11 processor with L2 cache and two ADSPs. Its dedicated processor ensures always-ready performance for the latest Dolby MultiStream Decoders MS12 DAPv2 and DTS Studio Sound II (TheaterSound 3D ver 4) that encompasses the breadth of Dolby and DTS consumer audio formats.
    OS: Android 6.0.1 Marshmelow (Sony Edition)
    Board: BRAVIA_ATV2
    SoC: MediaTek MT5891 (Cortex A53 - ARMv8)
    Core architecture: 4 x Cortex A53
    Instruction set: 64-bit ARM-A53
    Operating at up to 1.1GHz
    GPU: ARM Mali-T860 MP2
    OpenGL ES 3.1 Mali-T860
    RAM: 2GB
    Total memory: 1593 MB
    Available memory: 521 MB
    Internal storage total space: 8358 MB
    Internal storage free space: 8105 MB
    Lan (100BASE-TX/10BASE-T)
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    802.11 ac
    WiFi Direct
    Blietooth(NFC)Ver.4.1 HID/HOGP/3DSP/SPP
    (for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    2 x USB 2.0 (DC 5V MAX 500mA)
    2 x USB 3.0 (DC 5V MAX 900mA)
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    4 x HDMI 2.0a - HDCP2.2 (ARC, CEC, MHL)
    1 x Satelite In (Main: F-type female)
    1 x Satelite In (Sub: F-type female)
    1 x SCART
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out (AAC/PCM/AC3)
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF) (female)
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    1 x RS.232
    Only two HDMI ports for HDR compatible.
    SW update to HDMI 2.1
    Twin Tuners
    DiSEqC version 1.0
    PIP, Timeshift % PVR
    MPEG2, MPEG4
    HEVC H.265, VP9
    HEVC/VP9 10-bit color with HDR, up to 4K UHD 60 fps. This is suitable for internet TS/IPTV streams, Netflix or YouTube. Meanwhile worldwide demodulation capabilities include ATSC / DVB / DTMB / ISDBT.
    White balance -
    Gamma -
    ISF -
    3 gamuts (Rec.709, DCI, Rec.2020)
    but no CMS (Color Management System) to calibrate these gamuts
    KD-75XD9405 BAEP
    successor model X9405C
    No Informaly No No ? 75"- max 740cd/m2
    100% - 360cd/m2

    Yes HDR10
    SMPTE standarts
    ST2084, ST 2086
    75" - AMVA3, 10-bit, 120/100Hz

    Motionflow XR 1200
    Very good; mild darkening along edges on full-field rasters
    1920 x 1080p / 60Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    1920 x 1080p / 120Hz: Yes
    3840 x 2160 / 30Hz / 4:4:4 : Yes
    3840 x 2160 / 60Hz : Yes
    3840 x 2160 / 60Hz / 4:4:4 : Yes
    4096 x 2160 / 24P (HDMI/2/3)
    3840 x 2160 / 24P
    3840 x 2160 / 25P
    3840 x 2160 / 30P
    3840 x 2160 / 50P
    3840 x 2160 / 60P
    1920 x 1080 / 24P (Only HDMI®)
    1920 x 1080 / 50P (Only HDMI®)
    1920 x 1080 / 60P (HDMI® / Component)
    1920 x 1080 / 50P (HDMI® / Component)
    1920 x 1080 / 60I
    1920 x 1080 / 50I
    1366 x 720 / 24P (Only HDMI®)
    Most common PC inputs are accepted. As with other Sony TVs, little artifacts (flashing lines) are seen when a 1080p / 120Hz signal is being displayed. 'Game' or 'Graphics' picture mode as to be selected at that refresh rate to get a sharp picture. To get chroma 4:4:4 (for sharper text) at 1080p / 60Hz, use the 'Graphics' picture mode. For 4k / 60Hz / 4:4:4, turn on 'Enhanced HDMI' for the input in use.
    75" - FALD - 96 zones (12x8)

    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation
    Backlight Scanning
    Black Frame Insertion
    PWM Freq. 120/100Hz
    75"- 95.7% /

    Triluminos Display
    phosphorus-based diodes for a wide gamut close to the DCI 4K
    (Blue Led + Red/Green phosphorus)
    Super Bit Mapping which upsample colors in 14-bit internal processing
    75" - Black(4x4 ANSI) 0.052 cd/m2 with [Auto Local Dimming] on

    75" - 67°

    75" - 1080 Horizontal Lines

    with [MotionFlow] “Clear & Custom“
    наследник на X9405C
    75" - Game mode 34.9ms / by default 64ms

    75" - 2x7.5W + 2x7.5W

    2xTweeter (12x85mm)
    2xWoofer (65mm)
    2 CH Down firing
    Bass reflex
    Dolby Digital
    Dolby Plus
    Dolby Pulse

    Wireless subwoofer (SWF-BR100)
    OS: Android 5.1.1 Lolipop
    Board: SVP4KDTV15
    SoC model: MediaTek MT5890
    Core architecture: 2 x ARM Cortex 17(ARMv7)
    Instruction set: 32-bit ARMv7
    GPU: ARM Mali T624 triple core
    Open GL ES 3.1
    RAM: 1,5GB
    Total memory: 1508MB
    Available memory: 390MB
    Internal storage total space: 8363MB
    Internal storage free space: 7542MB
    Lan (100BASE-TX/10BASE-T)
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    802.11 ac
    Wi-Fi Direct
    Bluetooth(NFC)Ver.4.1 HID/HOGP/3DSP/SPP
    (for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    2 x USB 2.0 (DC 5V MAX 500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (DC 5V MAX 900mA)
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    4 x HDMI 2.0a - HDCP2.2 (ARC, CEC, MHL)
    1 x Satelite In (Main: F-type female)-
    1 x Satelite In (Sub: F-type female)
    1 x SCART
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out (AAC/PCM/AC3)
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF) (female)
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    Twin tuners
    DiSEqC version 1.0
    PIP, Timeshift & PVR
    MPEG2, MPEG4,
    HEVC H.265, VP9
    White balance- 2/10 points
    Gamma - 10 points
    ISF - no
    3 gamuts (Rec.709, DCI, Rec.2020)
    but no CMS (Color Management System) to calibrate these gamuts
    The out-of-the-box image accuracy was excellent before calibration and reference afterwards, with impressive black levels and a highly effective local dimming system. The video processing was also very good, as was the motion handling and the XD94 delivered the goods with both standard and high definition content. Sadly the Sony wasn't as impressive when it came to 3D, with excessive crosstalk ruining an otherwise good image. The HDR performance was largely very good with a great dynamic range and a decent level colour accuracy. However the peak brightness was limited to around 760nits, which would explain why the XD94 doesn't have Ultra HD Premium certification and the display was also clipping test patterns and certain HDR 10 content. XD94
    KD-65XD9305 BAEP
    KD-55XD9305 BAEP
    successor model X9305C
    No No No 65"- 1098cd/m2
    2% - 1045cd/m2
    5% - 1153cd/m2
    10% - 740cd/m2
    50% - 550cd/m2
    387cd/m2 (SD)

    55"- 1265cd/m2
    2% - 987cd/m2
    50% - 650cd/m2

    Yes HDR10
    SMPTE standarts
    ST2084, ST 2086
    65" - AMVA3, 10-bit ?, 120/100Hz

    55" - AMVA3, 10-bit ?, 120/100Hz

    MotionFlow XR 1000
    Light bleed from 4 corners; one faint thin vertical band
    4096 х 2160 / 24Р (НDМІ/2/3)
    3840 х 2160 / 24Р
    3840 х 2160 / 25Р
    3840 х 2160 / 30Р
    3840 х 2160 / 50Р
    3840 х 2160 / 60Р
    1920 х 1080 / 24Р (Оnlу НDМІ®)
    1920 х 1080 / 50Р (Оnlу НDМІ®)
    1920 х 1080 / 60Р (НDМІ® / Соmроnеnt)
    1920 х 1080 / 50Р (НDМІ® / Соmроnеnt)
    1920 х 1080 / 60І
    1920 х 1080 / 50І
    1366 х 720 / 24Р (Оnlу НDМІ®)
    To get chroma 4:4:4 (for sharper text) at 1080p / 60Hz, use the 'Graphics' picture mode. For 4k / 60Hz / 4:4:4, turn on 'Enhanced HDMI' for the input in use.
    65"- Edge Led (8x4) 38 zones

    55"- Edge Led (7x4) 28 zones

    Edge led - Left & Right side
    Horizontal Dimming
    Black Frame Insertion
    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation
    PWM Freq. 120/100Hz
    65"- 94.7% / 72% / Delta E 1.3 /Gamma 2.2 / 7270K

    55"- 88.0% / 64% / Delta E 1. /

    Triluminos Display
    phosphorus-based diodes for a wide gamut close to the DCI 4K
    (Blue Led + Red/Green phosphorus)
    Super Bit Mapping which upsample colors in 14-bit internal processing
    65" - 4000:1/ 0.036cd/m2

    55" - 2600:1/ 0.046cd/m2
    with Local Dimming - 0.01cd/m2

    65" - 45°

    55" - 44° / 36°

    65" - 1080 Horizontal Lines

    55" - 1080 Horizontal Lines

    with [MotionFlow] "Clear & Custom"
    Responce Time - 11ms
    65" (64.6), 55"
    наследник на X9305C
    65" - Game mode 51.0ms / with MotionFlow 82ms

    55" - Game mode 35.7ms / with motionFlow 68ms

    65" - 2x7.5W + 2x7.5W

    55" - 2x7.5W + 2x7.5W

    2xTweeter (12x85mm)
    2xWoofer (65mm)
    2 CH Down firing
    Bass reflex
    Dolby Digital
    Dolby Plus
    Dolby Pulse

    Wireless subwoofer (SWF-BR100)
    OS: Android 5.1.1 Lolipop
    Board: SVP4KDTV15
    SoC model: MediaTek MT5890
    Core architecture: 2 x ARM Cortex 17(ARMv7)
    Instruction set: 32-bit ARMv7
    GPU: ARM Mali T624 triple core
    Open GL ES 3.1
    RAM: 1,5GB
    Total memory: 1508MB
    Available memory: 390MB
    Internal storage total space: 8363MB
    Internal storage free space: 7542MB
    Lan (100BASE-TX/10BASE-T)
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    802.11 ac
    Wi-Fi Direct
    Bluetooth(NFC)Ver.4.1 HID/HOGP/3DSP/SPP
    (for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    2 x USB 2.0 (DC 5V MAX 500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (DC 5V MAX 900mA)
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    4 x HDMI 2.0a - HDCP2.2 (ARC, CEC, MHL)
    1 x Satelite In (Main: F-type female)-
    1 x Satelite In (Sub: F-type female)
    1 x SCART
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out (AAC/PCM/AC3)
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF) (female)
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    Twin tuners
    DiSEqC version 1.0
    PIP, Timeshift & PVR
    MPEG2, MPEG4
    HEVC H.265, VP9
    White balance- 2/10 points
    Gamma - 10 points
    ISF - no
    THX no
    3 gamuts (Rec.709, DCI, Rec.2020)
    but no CMS (Color Management System) to calibrate these gamuts.
    There is also adjusting the gamma, black level adjustment, contrast and backlight. The Pro Cinema mode is still the cheapest cardboard output with colorimetry with Delta E average of 1.93, but differences can mount a delta E of 3 in the last gray levels. It can therefore be used like that, without calibration, but for the more demanding it is still advisable to have provided an effective probe, because with so few differences, a cheap probe could do more harm than good.
    The display also supports HDR10 open-source standard out of the box, with accurate PQ tonemapping (from 4K Blu-ray) and a peak brightness surpassing 1000 nits.
    In the Japanese TV maker’s pursuit of ultra-slim aesthetics however, backlight uniformity seemed to have taken a hit: 65XD9305 review sample suffered from flashlighting from all four corners of the screen, although there’s always a chance that other units in the wild may fare better. The Sony XD93 suffers quite marked light leakage in the 4 corners of the slab that degrade color uniformity and the perceived contrast. Twitch gamers will also be disappointed to learn that input lag has increased by 16ms (i.e. one frame) from last year’s Sony Bravia Ultra HD models. As for the UHD upscaling XD93 is simply the best of the market, above the TV Panasonic, LG, Samsung and others. If I had made reservations at the launch of the 2015 range, meanwhile, Sony proposed updates that have greatly improved the quality of upscaling and sharpness of the image. The upscaling offers a very natural, with a rich texture and an image with a dive with great precision. The multimedia part is much too unstable and unusable for my hand by the simple fact that the videos are stretched, distorted and that the demosaicing is not correct.
    • + Great picture quality for movies
    • + Great motion handling
    • + Very bright
    • + Image processing
    • + One of the best upscaling UHD market
    • + Reality Creation: the most efficient video post-processing market
    • + Simple calibration, fast and efficient!
    • + A more responsive interface, many bugs have been fixed, but there are still too ...
    • + HDR better performance than the 2015 X93C
    • + Colour rendering and Color Range
    • + Dual tuner DVB-T2 / S2 compatible with 4K channels, PVR and PIP functions
    • - Local dimming is not always optimal
    • - Alternating contrast
    • - Blooming
    • - too soft slab may be veiled
    • - Not enough areas Local Dimming for HDR
    • - ABL (Auto Bright Limit) too strong in HDR
    • - Inputlag a little too high on 65 "(49.8ms)
    • - No ISFccc, or Color Management System (CMS)
    • - Still too many bugs with Android TV (videos stretched in multimedia playback, frequent reboot, frequent losses HDMI signal with devices HDCP 1.1, remote control does not respond fairly regularly, concern for synchronizing 3D glasses, saccades with KODI, no bitstream audio with 5.1 KODI, bad die-stamping with videos played via USB / DLNA, HDR mode losses in multimedia playback, etc.
    • - Too many applications not optimized for Android TV
    • - Lacks a little power for a better experience with Android TV
    • - No compatibility Dolby Vision
    • - Loss of saturation at an angle
    • - Average-high input lag
    • - Media player ignores aspect ratio

    KD-65SD8505 BAEP
    KD-55SD8505 BAEP
    successor model S8505C
    No No No 65" - max - 450cd/m2

    55" - max - 450cd/m2

    Yes HDR10
    SMPTE standarts
    ST2084, ST 2086
    65" - AMVA3, 8-bit+FRC, 120/100Hz

    55" - AMVA3, 8-bit+FRC, 120/100Hz

    Curvature: 55", 65" - 4200R
    MotionFlow XR 1000
    3840 X 2160 / 30Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    3840 X 2160 / 60Hz: Yes
    3840 X 2160 / 60Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    1080p / 60Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    1080p / 120Hz: Yes
    3840 Х 2160/24Р
    3840 Х 2160/25Р
    3840 Х 2160/30Р
    3840 Х 2160/50Р
    3840 Х 2160/60Р
    4096 Х 2160/24Р (НDМІ® 2/3)
    1080/24Р (Оnlу НDМІ®)
    1080/30Р (Оnlу НDМІ®)
    1080/60Р (НDМІ® / Соmроnеnt)
    1080/50Р (НDМІ® / Соmроnеnt)
    1080 / 60І
    1080 / 50І
    720/24Р (Оnlу НDМІ®)
    65" - Edge Led (below)

    55" - Edge Led (below)

    (Blue Led)
    Frame Dimming
    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation
    PWM - ?
    65"- / Delta E 1.8 / Gamma 2.1 / 6685K

    55"- 85% / 63%

    Triluminos Display
    phosphorus-based diodes for a wide gamut close to the DCI 4K
    (Blue Led + Red/Green phosphorus)
    Super Bit Mapping which upsample colors in 14-bit internal processing
    65" - 3810:1 / 0.04cd/m2

    55" -

    65" - °

    55" - °

    65" -

    55" -

    Responce Time - 9.8ms
    65", 55"
    наследник на S8505C
    65" - Game mode - 36ms / with MotionFlow - 64ms

    55" - Game mode -

    65" - 2x10W

    55" - 2x10W

    Dolby Digital
    Dolby Plus
    Dolby Pulse

    Wireless subwoofer (SWF-BR100); bracket for wall mounting (SU-WL450: 60,20 mm)
    OS: Android 5.1.1 Lolipop
    Board: SVP4KDTV15
    SoC model: MediaTek MT5890
    Core architecture: 2xARM Cortex 17(ARMv7)
    Instruction set: 32-bit ARMv7
    GPU: ARM Mali T624 triple core
    RAM: 1,5GB
    Total memory: 1508MB
    Available memory:
    Internal storage total space: 8363MB
    Internal storage space:
    Lan (100BASE-TX/10BASE-T)
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 ac
    Wi-Fi Direct
    Bluetooth(NFC)Ver.4.1 HID/HOGP/3DSP/SPP
    (for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    2 x USB 2.0 (DC 5V MAX 500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (DC 5V MAX 900mA)
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    4 x HDMI 2.0a - HDCP2.2 (ARC, CEC, MHL)
    1 x Satelite In (Main: F-type female)-
    1 x Satelite In (Sub: F-type female)
    1 x SCART
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out (AAC/PCM/AC3)
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF) (female)
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    Twin tuners
    DiSEqC version 1.0
    PIP, Timeshift & PVR
    MPEG2, MPEG4
    HEVC H.265, VP9
    White balance- 2/10 points
    Gamma - 10 points
    ISF - no
    THX no
    3 gamuts (Rec.709, DCI, Rec.2020)
    but no CMS (Color Management System) to calibrate these gamuts
    TV can not solve the very first step also correctly (17/255) SD85
    KD-85XD8505 BAEP
    KD-75XD8505 BAEP
    KD-65XD8599 BAEP
    KD-65XD8577 SAEP
    KD-65XD8505 BAEP
    KD-55XD8505 BAEP
    KD-55XD8599 BAEP
    KD-55XD8588 BAEP
    KD-55XD8577 SAEP
    copy of last year's X850xC, but redesigned with IPS panel and without 3D
    No No No 85" -

    75" -

    65" - 400cd/m2

    55" - 2% - 369cd/m2

    HDR Processing
    (missing hardware for playback HDR)
    85" - AS-IPS, 8-bit+FRC, 120/100Hz

    75" - AS-IPS, 8-bit+FRC, 120/100Hz

    65" - AS-IPS, 8-bit+FRC, 120/100Hz

    55" - AS-IPS, 8-bit+FRC, 120/100Hz

    8577/8588/8599 - MotionFlow XR 1000
    8505/75"/85"- MotionFlow XR 800
    There is no visible difference!
    3840 X 2160 / 30Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    3840 X 2160 / 60Hz: Yes
    3840 X 2160 / 60Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    1080p / 60Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    1080p / 120Hz: Yes
    3840 X 2160/24P
    3840 X 2160/25P
    3840 X 2160/30P
    3840 X 2160/50P
    3840 X 2160/60P
    4096 X 2160/24P (HDMI® 2/3)
    1080/24P (Only HDMI®)
    1080/30P (Only HDMI®)
    1080/60P (HDMI® / Component)
    1080/50P (HDMI® / Component)
    1080 / 60I
    1080 / 50I
    720/24P (Only HDMI®)
    Most resolutions are accepted. To get chroma 4:4:4, select 'Game' or 'Graphics' picture mode. For 4k / 60Hz / 4:4:4, you also need to set the HDMI input to 'Enhanced format' (under 'External inputs' menu). Just like with last year's Sony TVs, 1080p / 120Hz produces little artifacts (lines), but this shouldn't be too bothersome while gaming. The 'Graphics' picture mode has fewer of these little artifacts.
    85" - Edge led (below)

    75" - Edge Led (below)

    65" - Edge Led (below)

    55" - Edge Led (below)

    Quantum Dots (+ Blue Led)
    Frame Dimming
    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation
    No PWM



    55"- 86% / 63%

    Triluminos Display
    phosphorus-based diodes for a wide gamut close to the DCI 4K
    (Blue Led + Red/Green phosphorus)
    Super Bit Mapping which upsample colors in 14-bit internal processing
    85" -

    75" -

    65" -

    55" - 850:1 / 0.12cd/m2

    85" - °

    75" - °

    65" - °

    55" - 58° / 67°

    85" -

    75" -

    65" -

    55" -

    Responce Time - 9.5ms
    (8505, 8577, 8599)
    85", 75", 65", 55"
    копие на миналогодишният X850xC, но с нов дизайн, с IPS панел и без 3D
    85" - Game mode 36ms / with MotionFlow 68ms

    75" - Game mode 35ms / with MotionFlow 67ms

    65" - Game mode 35ms / with MotionFlow 67ms

    55" - Game mode 35.5ms / with MotionFlow 66.5ms

    85" - 2x10W

    75" - 2x7.5W + 2x7.5W

    65" - 2x10W

    55" - 2x10W

    Dolby Digital
    Dilby Plus
    Dolby Pulse
    Magnetic Fluid Speaker & Clear Phase

    Wireless subwoofer (SWF-BR100)
    55", 65" - Bracket for wall mounting (SU-WL450)
    Android TV : 6.0,1 Marshmelow (Sony Edition)
    Board : SVP4KDTV15
    SoC model: mediaTec MU5890
    Core architecture: 2xARM Cortex-17(ARMv7)
    Instruction Set : 32-bit ARMv7
    GPU: ARM Mali T624 triple core
    Total memory: 1508MB
    Available memory: 8363MB
    Internal storage space:
    Lan (100BASE-TX/10BASE-T)
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    802.11 ac
    Wi-Fi Direct
    Bluetooth(NFC)Ver.4.1 HID/HOGP/3DSP/SPP
    (for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    2 x USB 2.0 (DC 5V MAX 500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (DC 5V MAX 900mA)
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    4 x HDMI 2.0a - HDCP2.2 (ARC, CEC, MHL)
    1 x Satelite In (Main: F-type female)-
    1 x Satelite In (Sub: F-type female)
    1 x SCART
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out (AAC/PCM/AC3)
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF) (female)
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    Twin tuners
    DiSEqC version 1.0
    PIP, Timeshift & PVR
    MPEG2, MPEG4
    HEVC H.265
    White balance- 2/10 points
    Gamma - 10 points
    ISF - no
    THX - no
    3 gamuts (Rec.709, DCI, Rec.2020)
    but no CMS (Color Management System) to calibrate these gamuts
    There are also several preset gamma, black level adjustment, contrast and backlight. The Pro Cinema mode is still the mode plus the near Cinema colorimetry with Delta E of 2.5 average on the gray scale (for rap, below 3 is considered the excesses are not visible) but spreads may rise to 4 in the last gray levels. The color space is also very fair with an average Delta E of 2.8 on the Color Checker and 3.7 on saturations. The average color temperature is 6770K or 6500K very close to the search. Gamma, meanwhile, is 1.8 by default, so more to view in bright room, but as the Advanced Mode Improvement of Contrasts (ACE) is enabled by default, we see that it is not at all linear. Moreover, this measure gamma is interesting because it shows that this mode does not clog blacks, but whites are still burned, so we lose grayscale. That said, calibrating the XD85 we were able to maintain a linear gamma with ACE enabled to Low or Medium. The XD85 can therefore be used like that, without calibration, but for the more demanding it is still advisable to have provided an effective probe, because with so few differences, a cheap probe could do more harm only good.
    In Europe it will exist in three design variants named
    ,KD-XD8505B (black) ,KD-XD8577S (silver) , ,KD-XD8588B (black) ,KD-XD8599B (black).
    What differences between references XD8505, XD8577 and XD8599? Let me be clear: no! This is simply references marketed only to please some signs that make large volumes of sales, so they do not suffer from competition on the Internet. You will probably see a little difference, often on the index of fluidity XR1000 instead of XR800, but these are purely marketing indices. There is no visible difference between a Motionflow XR800 and XR1000.
    ACE (Advanced Contrast Enhancer), the famous setting "Improvement of Advanced Contrast" could be compared to a very efficient dynamic contrast. Still, I always advise to disable dynamic contrasts, but that ACE is not like the others. Note that I do not say it is faultless, but it brings so many dynamics of the image on an IPS panel that is difficult to do without. Moreover, it enables up to 1200: 1 ANSI contrast. Its main strength is that it can offer a hyper dynamic image, without clogging the black (it is the opposite, it opens totally black and greatly improves readability in dark scenes). In lit room or in daylight, the illusion is so perfect, you'd swear that this TV has a contrast very powerful, even more powerful than some VA panels. Better, this ACE is devilishly effective with UHD Blu-ray because it totally transforms HDR rendering. No, the HDR seems bland, uninteresting and bridled, while if it is active, HDR rendering is very nice.
    Indeed, despite a very limited coverage Rec.2020, the XD85 offers one of the best colorimetric market through its IPS panel and its algorithm Triluminos remastered colors in Wide Gamut very effectively maintaining a natural. Only the DX900 who offered me a better colorimetry thanks to its LED red phosphorus that help provide intense red that IPS while retaining the advantages of a VA panel. In addition, Sony XD85 offers colorimetry very fair cardboard output and angles very open visions that allow the whole family to enjoy a good image regardless of his place on the couch.
    However, this TV is clearly not recommended for those who watch their movies in dark room. Besides, if you watch your movies in darkened room, there is absolutely no reason to buy the XD85, since the X85C offers exactly the same functionality, but with a VA panel and a very good contrast. True, the colors will be slightly less beautiful but dark room contrast is still paramount.
    The Sony XD85 is limited to enjoy the UHD Blu-ray, with a slab 8 bit HDR rendering flanged (bright peak at 425 cd / m², whatever the size of the target HDR), but again, the ACE saves setting and can offer an ultra dynamic image, very pleasant to look lit room. Nevertheless, the IPS puts his HDR limits with enough gray black, which can amount to more than 0.30 cd / m² at the brightest images, so again, you better watch Blu-ray UHD illuminated room .
    • + Reality Creation: very efficient video post-processing of HD content / UHD
    • + one of the best upscaling UHD market
    • + Motionflow: best motion compensation market
    • + The ACE (Advanced Improvement Contarstes) boosts the dynamics, especially in HDR.
    • + A perceived contrast and amazing dynamic to an IPS panel
    • + A really beautiful color matching, very fair cardboard output in Rec.709 as HDR
    • + Viewing angle twice as wide a VA panel
    • + Simple calibration, fast and efficient!
    • + ghosting time very good, good precision in movements
    • + Inputlag reduced (35ms) + Quick rémance time (9.6ms), excellent for play
    • + The possibilities offered by the Android OS TV
    • + A more responsive interface, many bugs have been fixed, but there are still ...
    • + Dual tuner DVB-T2 / S2 compatible with 4K channels, PVR and PIP functions
    • + HDMI 2.0a compatible HDR10, 4K/60, 1080p/120Hz, BT.2020
    • + Excellent performances in lit room
    • + honorable and good audio quality sound power
    • - Contrast too feeble for viewing in dark room
    • - Some visible leaks if it is set too high or too low relative to the center of the slab
    • - Clouding some, though not visible in lit room
    • - Average video processing with SD sources
    • - Finish and manufacturing quality rather average
    • - No Local Dimming
    • - The abandonment of 3D on an IPS panel (passive 3D slab UHD is wearing beautiful)
    • - A HDR too restrained, too narrow gamut Rec.2020
    • - No 10 bit panel
    • - No ISFccc, or Color Management System (CMS)
    • - Still bugs with Android TV (videos stretched in multimedia playback, reboot, frequent loss of signal with HDMI devices HDCP 1.1, remote control does not respond fairly regularly, saccades with KODI, no audio bitstream with 5.1 KODI)
    • - Too many applications not optimized for Android TV
    • - Lacks a little power for a better experience with Android TV


    No No No 49"

    43" -

    HDR Processing
    (missing hardware for playback HDR)
    49" - AS-IPS, 8-bit+FRC, 120/100Hz

    43" - AS-IPS, 8-bit+FRC, 120/100Hz

    MotionFlow XR 800
    4096 X 2160/24P (HDMI® 2/3)
    3840 X 2160/24P
    3840 X 2160/25P
    3840 X 2160/30P
    3840 X 2160/50P
    3840 X 2160/60P
    1080 / 60I
    1080 / 50I
    1080/30P (Only HDMI®)
    1080/60P (HDMI® / Component)
    1080/50P (HDMI® / Component)
    1080/24P (Only HDMI®)
    720/24P (Only HDMI®)
    720/30P (Only HDMI®)
    720 / 50P
    576 / 50I
    576 / 50P
    480 / 60I
    480 / 60P
    49" - Edge Led (below)

    43" - Edge Led (below)

    Phosphorus-based diodes
    Frame Dimming
    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation
    PWM - ?

    49" -

    43" - DCI P3 - 93% / rec2020 - 72%
    Delta E - 1.62 - 0.32
    Gamma - 2.24 - 2.18

    Triluminos Display phosphorus-based diodes for a wide gamut close to the DCI 4K
    49" -

    43" - 3877:1 / 100.8cd/m2 / 0.026cd/m2

    49" - °

    43" - °

    49" -

    43" -


    49" - Game mode

    43" - Game mode

    49" - 2x10W

    43" - 2x10W

    Dolby Digital
    Dolby Plus
    Dolby Pulse
    Magnetic Fluid Speaker & Clear Phase

    Wireless subwoofer (SWF-BR100)
    55", 65" - Bracket for wall mounting (SU-WL450)
    OS: Android TV : 5.1.1 Lolipop
    Board : SVP4KDTV15
    SoC model: MediaTec MT5890
    Core architecture: 2x ARM Cortex-17(ARMv7)
    Instruction Set : 32-bit ARMv7
    GPU: ARM Mali T624 triple core
    RAM: 1,5GB
    Total memory:
    Available memory:
    Internal storage total space:8,36GB
    Internal storage space:
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    802.11 ac
    Wi-Fi Direct
    Bluetooth(NFC)Ver.4.1 HID/HOGP/3DSP/SPP
    (for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    2 x USB 2.0 (DC 5V MAX 500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (DC 5V MAX 900mA)
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    4 x HDMI 2.0a - HDCP2.2 (ARC, CEC, MHL)
    1 x Satelite In (Main: F-type female)-
    1 x Satelite In (Sub: F-type female)
    1 x SCART
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out(AAC/PCM/AC3)
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF) (female)
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    Twin tuners
    DiSEqC version 1.0
    PIP, Timeshift & PVR
    MPEG2, MPEG4
    HEVC H.265
    White balance- 2/10 points
    Gamma - 10 points
    ISF - no
    TV can not solve the very first step also correctly (17/255) XD83
    KD-55XD8005 BAEP
    KD-49XD8099 BAEP
    KD-49XD8088 BAEP
    KD-49XD8077 SAEP
    KD-49XD8005 BAEP
    KD-43XD8099 BAEP
    KD-43XD8088 BAEP
    KD-43XD8077 SAEP
    KD-43XD8005 BAEP

    No No No 49" - max -

    43" - max -

    HDR Processing
    (missing hardware for playback HDR)
    49" - AMVA3, 8-bit+FRC, 60/50Hz

    43" - AMVA3, 8-bit+FRC, 60/50Hz

    8099/8088/8077 - Motionflow XR 400
    8005 - 49 & 43" - Motionflow XR 200
    Black uniformity is relatively good. There is a bit of clouding on the test picture, but it should not be too noticeable during normal viewing.
    1080p / 60Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    1080p / 120Hz: No
    3840 x 2160 / 30Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    3840 x 2160 / 60Hz: Yes
    3840 x 2160 / 60Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    The XD800 accepts a 120Hz signal, but has a 60Hz panel so it can only display half of the frames. It supports chroma 4:4:4 at up to 4k / 60Hz. To display 4:4:4, set the scene to 'Graphics' or 'Game'. This results in an input lag of 33.3ms. It accepts a 4k / 60Hz / 4:4:4 signal only HDMI 2 and 3, and requires 'Enhanced HDMI' to be enabled in the input settings.
    49" - Edge Led (below)

    43" - Edge Led (below)

    Quantum Dots (+ Blue Led)
    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation
    PWM - ?
    49" -

    43" -

    Triluminos Display phosphorus-based diodes for a wide gamut close to the DCI 4K
    49" -

    43" -

    49" - °

    43" - 21°

    49" -

    43" -

    55", 49", 43"
    49" - Game mode

    43" - Game mode 33.3ms / with MotionFlow 49.1ms

    49" -

    43" -

    Dolby Digital
    Dolby Plus
    Dolby Pulse
    Magnetic Fluid Speaker & Clear Phase
    OS: Android TV 6.0
    SoC model: MT5891
    Corе Аrсhitecturе: 4 x АRM Cortех-A53
    Instruсtion Set: 32-bit АRMv7
    GPU: АRM Маli-T860 two core
    RAM: 2GB
    Total memory: 16GB
    Available memory:
    Internal storage tоtаl mеmоrу: 1983 MB
    Іntеrnаl stоrаgе space: 8358 MB
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    802.11 ac
    Wi-Fi Direct
    Bluetooth(NFC)Ver.4.1 HID/HOGP/3DSP/SPP
    (for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    2 x USB 2.0 (DС 5V MAX 500mА)
    1 x USB 3.0 (max 0.9A)
    1 x Еthеrnеt RJ45
    4 x HDMI 2.0 - HDCP2.2 (АRС,CEC,MHL)
    1 x Sаtеlіtе in(Main:F-tуpe fеmаlе)->
    1 x SCART
    1 x Compositе іn (Video+L/R)
    1 x Cоmponеnt in (YPbPr+L/R)
    1 x Optical Аudio Оut(AAC/PCM/AC3)
    1 x 3.5mm Аudio Оut
    1 x Аntеnа (RF) (Fеmаlе)
    1 x CI+1.3
    DiSEqC version 1.0
    MPEG2, MPEG4
    HEVC H.265
    TV can not solve the very first step also correctly (17/255)
    • - Still too many bugs with Android TV (videos stretched in multimedia playback, frequent reboot, frequent losses HDMI signal with devices HDCP 1.1, remote control does not respond fairly regularly, concern for synchronizing 3D glasses, saccades with KODI, no bitstream audio with 5.1 KODI, bad die-stamping with videos played via USB / DLNA, HDR mode losses in multimedia playback, etc.
    • - Too many applications not optimized for Android TV
    • - Lacks a little power for a better experience with Android TV
    • - Loss of saturation at an angle
    • - Media player ignores aspect ratio

    KD-50SD8005 BAEP

    successor model
    No No No 50" - max - 450cd/m2

    HDR Processing
    (missing hardwdre for playback HDR)
    (Firmware Update Later)
    50" - AMVA3, 8-bit+FRC, 60/50Hz

    Curvature: 50" - 4200R
    MotionFlow XR 400
    1080p / 60Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    1080p / 120Hz: No
    3840 x 2160 / 30Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    3840 x 2160 / 60Hz: Yes
    3840 x 2160 / 60Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    4096 X 2160/24P (HDMI® 2/3)
    3840 X 2160/24P
    3840 X 2160/25P
    3840 X 2160/30P
    3840 X 2160/50P
    3840 X 2160/60P
    1080 / 60I
    1080 / 50I
    1080/30P (Only HDMI®)
    1080/60P (HDMI® / Component)
    1080/50P (HDMI® / Component)
    1080/24P (Only HDMI®)
    720/24P (Only HDMI®)
    720/30P (Only HDMI®)
    720 / 50P
    576 / 50I
    576 / 50P
    480 / 60I
    480 / 60P
    50" - Edge led (below)

    Phosphorus-based diodes
    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation
    PWM - ?
    50" - 64% /


    50" - °

    50" -

    наследник на S8005C
    50" - Game mode

    50" - 2x10W

    Clear Phase
    Dolby Digital
    Dolby Plus
    Dolby Puls

    Wireless subwoofer (SWF-BR100); bracket for wall mounting (SU-WL450: 60,20 mm)
    OS: Android 5.1.1 Lolipop
    SoC model: Mediatek MT5890
    Core architecture: 2 x ARM Cortex-A17
    GPU: ARM Mali-624 triple core
    RAM: 2GB
    Total memory:
    Available memory:
    Internal storage total memory:
    Internal storage space:
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    802.11 ac
    Wi-Fi Direct
    Bluetooth(NFC)Ver.4.1 HID/HOGP/3DSP/SPP
    (for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    2 x USB 2.0 (DC5 V MAX500mА)
    1 x USB 3.0 (max 0.9A)
    1 x Еthеrnеt RJ45
    4 x HDMI2.0a (АRС,CEС,MHL)
    1 x Sаtеlitе in(Maіn:F-type fеmаlе)->
    1 x SCART
    1 x Cоmpositе in (Video+L/R)
    1 x Сompоnеnt in (YPbPr+L/R)
    1 x Opticаl Аudio Оut(AAC/PCM/AC3)
    1 x 3.5mm Аudio Оut
    1 x Аntеnа (RF) (Fеmаlе)
    1 x CI+1.3
    Twin tuners
    DVB - T/T2/C/S/S2
    DiSEqC Version 1.0
    MPEG2, MPEG4
    HEVC H.265
    TV can not solve the very first step also correctly (17/255)
    • - Still too many bugs with Android TV (videos stretched in multimedia playback, frequent reboot, frequent losses HDMI signal with devices HDCP 1.1, remote control does not respond fairly regularly, concern for synchronizing 3D glasses, saccades with KODI, no bitstream audio with 5.1 KODI, bad die-stamping with videos played via USB / DLNA, HDR mode losses in multimedia playback, etc.
    • - Too many applications not optimized for Android TV
    • - Lacks a little power for a better experience with Android TV
    • - Loss of saturation at an angle
    • -- Media player ignores aspect ratio

    KD-65XD7505 BAEP
    KD-65XD7504 BAEP

    No No No 65" - 500cd/m2

    HDR Processing
    (missing hardware for playback HDR)
    (Firmware Update Later)
    65" - ? , 8-bit, 120/100Hz

    Mitionflow XR 800
    1080p / 60Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    1080p /120Hz: No
    3840 x 2160 / 30Hz / 4:4:4: yes
    3840 x 2160 / 60Hz: Yes
    3840 x 2160 / 60Hz / 4:4:4: Yes
    3840 х 2160 / 24Р
    3840 х 2160 / 25Р
    3840 х 2160 / 30Р
    3840 х 2160 / 50Р
    3840 х 2160 / 60Р
    4096 х 2160 / 24Р (НDМІ® 2/3)
    1920 х 1080 / 24Р (Оnlу НDМІ®)
    1920 х 1080 / 60І
    1920 х 1080 / 50І
    1920 х 1080 / 30Р (Оmnlу НDМІ®)
    1920 х 1080 / 60Р (НDМІ® / Соmроnеnt)
    1920 х 1080 / 50Р (НDМІ® / Соmроnеnt)
    720 / 24Р (Оnlу НDМІ®)
    720 / 30Р (Оnlу НDМІ®)
    720 / 50Р
    720 / 60Р
    576 / 50І
    576 / 50Р
    480 / 60І
    480 / 60Р
    To display Chroma 4:4:4 set the scene to 'Graphics' or 'Game'. HDMI ports 2 and 3 accept a 4k / 60Hz / 4:4:4 signal, but only when 'Enhanced HDMI' is enabled in the input settings. The 65XD750 does accept a 1080p / 120Hz resolution, but can only display half of the frames, since it is a 60Hz TV.
    65" - Direct Led

    Phoshorus-based diodes
    PWM - ?
    65" -

    65" -

    65" - °

    65" -

    65" - Game mode

    65" - 2x10W RMS

    Dolby Digital
    Dolby Plus
    Dolby Puls
    Magnetic Fluid Speaker & Clear Phase

    Wireless subwoofer (SWF-BR100); bracket for wall mounting (SU-WL450: 60,20 mm)
    OS: Аndroid TV : 5.1.1 Lоlipop
    Board : SVPDTV15
    Core architecture: 2x АRM Cortех-A17(АRMv7)
    Instruсtion Set : 32-bit АRMv7
    CPU SoC: МеdіаTek MT5890 duаl corе
    GPU: АRM Маli T624 triplе corе
    RAM: 1,5GВ
    Intеrnаl stоrаgе tоtаl space: 8,36GВ
    Internal storage space:
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    Wi-Fi Direct
    2 x USB 2.0 (DC 5V MAX 500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (DC 5V MAX 900mA)
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    4 x HDMI 2.0a (ARC, CEC, MHL)
    1 x Satelite In (Main: F-type female)
    1 x SCART
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out(AAC/PCM/AC3)
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out (YPbPr+L/R)
    1 x Antena (RF) (female)
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    MPEG2, MPEG4
    HEVC H.265
    TV can not solve the very first step also correctly (17/255) XD75
    KD-55XD7005 BAEP
    KD-55XD7004 BAEP
    KD-49XD7005 BAEP
    KD-49XD7004 BAEP

    No No No 55" -

    49" -

    HDR Processing
    (missing hardware for playback HDR)
    (Firmware Update Later)
    55" - AS-IPS, 8-bit, 60/50Hz

    49" - AS-IPS, 8-bit, 60/50Hz

    MotionFlow XR 200
    3840 x 2160 / 24P
    3840 x 2160 / 25P
    3840 x 2160 / 30P
    3840 x 2160 / 50P
    3840 x 2160 / 60P
    4096 x 2160 / 24P (HDMI® 2/3)
    1920 x 1080 / 24P (Only HDMI®)
    1920 x 1080 / 60I
    1920 x 1080 / 50I
    1920 x 1080 / 30P (Omnly HDMI®)
    1920 x 1080 / 60P (HDMI® / Component)
    1920 x 1080 / 50P (HDMI® / Component)
    720 / 24P (Only HDMI®)
    720 / 30P (Only HDMI®)
    720 / 50P
    720 / 60P
    576 / 50I
    576 / 50P
    480 / 60I
    480 / 60P
    55" - Edge Led

    49" - Edge Led

    Global Dimming
    PWM - ?




    55" - °

    49" - °

    55" -

    49" -

    55", 49"
    55" - Game mode

    49" - Game mode

    55" - 2x10W RMS

    49" - 2x10W RMS

    Clear Phase
    Dolby Digital
    Dolby Plus
    Dolby Puls

    Wireless subwoofer (SWF-BR100); bracket for wall mounting (SU-WL450: 60,20 mm)
    OS: Android TV: 6.0
    SoC model: MT5891 quad core
    Corе Аrсhitecturе: 4 x АRM Cortех-A53
    Instruction Set: 32-bit АRMv7
    GPU: АRM Маli-T680 two cores
    RAM: 2GB
    Internal storage tоtаl mеmоrу: 1983 MB
    Intеrnаl stоrаgе space: 8358 MB
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    Wi-Fi Direct
    2 x USB 2.0 (DC 5V MAX 500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (DC 5V MAX 900mA)
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    4 x HDMI 2.0a HDCP2.2 (ARC, CEC, MHL)
    1 x Satelite In (Main: F-type female)
    1 x SCART
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out(AAC/PCM/AC3)
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF)(female)
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    Twin tuners
    HEVC H.265 2160p/60
    TV can not solve the very first step also correctly (17/255) XD70

    Certification UHD
    Dolby Vision
    Hybrid Log Gamma
    HDR 10
    In Windows
    Type LCD matrix,
    Bits of color,
    (Operating frequency of T-Con board of the panel)
    Screen Uniformity
    Anti-reflective filter
    Supported Resolutions
    Type backlight
    (Local Dimming zone)
    Type LED
    Backlight Scanning
    Black Frame Insertion
    Pulsе Wide Modulation
    Color Space
    DCI P3 / Rec.2020 / Delta E
    White & Black level
    With local dimming
    Without local dimming
    Viewing angle
    ( ° cone)
    Motion resolution

    Input Lag
    Opportunities for
    Pros & Cons
    Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 04-09-16 в 20:45.

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