Niakoi znae li dokolko vunerable e web servera v win2k i dali ima niakakv update sreshtu expiloti ili po specifichni nastroiki
Niakoi znae li dokolko vunerable e web servera v win2k i dali ima niakakv update sreshtu expiloti ili po specifichni nastroiki
Obshto wzeto bez firewall pred nego (a i s) e dosta dupchest. Ima exploiti. Wij naprimer ( izwadka za nai nashumeliq naposledyk exploit:
--1 May 2001 Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0 Buffer Overflow
Microsoft warned of a security hole in machines running Windows 2000
with IIS 5.0. By sending the servers carefully crafted strings,
attackers could cause a buffer overflow that would allow them system
administrator level control of the machines. System administrators
can protect their systems by turning off the Internet printing
component. Microsoft has released a patch for the vulnerability, and
is delaying the release of Service Pack 2 until the patch is
Microsoft security advisory and patch information:
--3 & 4 May 2001 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Exploits Published
In addition to the proof-of-concept exploit created by the company that
discovered the buffer new overflow vulnerability in Microsoft's IIS 5.0,
and reported it to Microsoft, a malicious exploit for the vulnerability
has been making its way around the Internet.
Imah i edin URL kadeto se opiswashe wsichko kakwoto trqbwa da se naprawi za da stane edin IIS siguren (dokolkoto towa e wyzmojno;-)...shte go potyrsq
Ok mersi shte gledam da go konfiguriram pravilno bez izlishni microsoftski bokluci
za sega shte bude neshto kato servera na shte pokazva directoriite na ftp servera mi taka che za sega niam opasni uslugi na nego no za vseki sluchai ako niakoi iska da se probva kato haker sega mu e vremeto dokato oshte ne sum go pusnal oficialno.
shte sum blagodaren na vseki koito pomogne za rannoto otkrivane na niakoi bug ili vuneraviliti v tozi server
Ako niakoi go hakne posle da ne zabravi da postne v foruma kude e problema!!