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какъв джойстик?

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  1. Тук е от
    Oct 2015

    какъв джойстик?

    какъв джойстик да използвам на телевизор самсунг ue48h6400 за игри благодаря предварително.

  3. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Отговор: какъв джойстик?

    How do I connect a controller to my Samsung TV?
    Samsung TVs
    USB Connecting Instructions (for all models supporting PSNow)

    1. Connect the DualShock 4 and the TV’s USB port using the USB cable.
    2. Press the PlayStation button on the DualShock 4 to turn on the controller.

    * If the controller is not paired via Bluetooth, the controller must remain connected via USB to be used. It will not function wirelessly.

    Bluetooth Pairing Instructions

    1. Press the menu button on the television’s remote.
    2. Select the System tab from the on-screen menu.
    3. Select Device Manager.
    4. Select Bluetooth Gamepad Settings.
    5. After entering the Bluetooth Gamepad Settings menu, press and hold the Share and PlayStation button for up to 8 seconds on your DualShock 4 Controller. The controller should flash white from the lightbar.
    6. Use the television remote to select Refresh within the Bluetooth Gamepad Settings.
    7. Select the DualShock 4 device from the refreshed Bluetooth devices list.
    8. Select Pair and Connect.
    9. If the device paired properly, it should now glow white instead of flashing.

    * If device does not respond after pairing, try restarting both the television and controller
    (Note: the H6350, H6300, and H5500 models do not support Bluetooth functionality)

    Smart Hub > Games
    Няма такъв аксесоар за телевизори
    Accessories | SAMSUNG UK

    Mobile devices with a screen size between 4 and 6.3 inches can be mounted directly on the gamepad - and you can connect your device to a compatible TV and play your games on the big screen.* * Additional equipment may be required; check your device for TV compatibility.
    Samsung Wireless Gamepad (Android) - Bluetooth 3.0 & NFC - Samsung UK

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