<font color="red"><u>GMail Drive</u></font id="red">
<font color="blue">Copyright 2004 by Bjarke Viksoe</font id="blue">
"GMail Drive is a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual drive in the Windows Explorer, allowing you to use your Google GMail account as a storage medium.
It allows you to do basic file manipulation, such as copy and delete, on files inside the GMail folder. Because it is a Shell Extension, the interface you work in is Windows Explorer itself.
GMail files are physically stored as e-mails on your Google GMail account. The files are stored in mail attachments, and the filename and file information (such as filesize) is stored in the message subject line."
Ако са ви харесали горните редове, дърпайте смело оттук:
http://free.hit.bg/easy/gmailfs105.rar [103 KB]