periel, в допълнение на изложеното на твърдя, че лишаване на потребителите на неоторизиран icq софтуер от възможността да се логват в icq /aim не е цел на другарите от AOL. Дори новата им политика е насочена към отваряне: "MyAOL will complete its HP deployments by the end of October and will transform the MyAOL platform from proprietary to industry open standards.The plans we are putting into place strengthen our position in the industry and improve the finacial health of our business. The evaluation of our product is based on ongoing monthly reviews of each product’s progress compared to our 2008 goals and the market outlook. It is fact based, not arbitrary. It goes without saying that we are all working in a dynamic and challenging industry, but I firmly believe that we can succeed by focusing on reveue opportunities and managing our costs. I hope that you will continue to stay focused and deliver your best work as we strive to continue the transformation of our company."
Просто инф е ползвал в qip кофти ID, на остарял продукт на icq. Явно по-скоро те не толерират остарелите свои продукти, а не толкова ползването на чуждия софтуер.