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КТ880 vs nForce2

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  1. Member
    Тук е от
    Jan 2004

    КТ880 vs nForce2

    Избрал съм си MSI KT880 Delta-FSR. Някой да има преки впечатления от това дъно? По добре ли е да си купя някое дъно с nForce2 и ако да какво?

  3. Senior Member
    Тук е от
    Apr 2002

    КТ880 vs nForce2

    Ima dvama trima eto otzivite:

    Easy System board to setup. Initially did not detect my 2700 + had to reset the FSB to 166.

    Ike,10/24/2004 8:49:54 AM

    Great overclocking options, but did not detect my 2600+. May confuse users who don't know how to set FSB / multipliers properly. Slightly lower performance than an nForce2 board. Bus runs 10c+ hotter than my old a7n8x. I also had problems getting the swing of the auto-adjust overclocking options so I just disabled them. Also note that the dual channel memory configuration options are not the same as on nForce boards: the only configuration allowed is two modules, one in each channel -- that disappointed me because I had 2x256 and 1x512 in the nForce board I was replacing. Worth the price if you know what you are getting.

  4. Member
    Тук е от
    Jan 2004

    КТ880 vs nForce2

    EPOX 8RDA+Pro nFORCE-2, DDR400, SB7.1 Това по добре ли е? От MSI съм много доволен някой може ли да ми препоръча тяхно дъно с RAID? Има ли фирма, в която ги продават без ддс?

  5. Senior Member
    Тук е от
    Apr 2002

    КТ880 vs nForce2

    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" id="quote"><b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"></font id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"><font size="1" id="quote">От MSI съм много доволен някой може ли да ми препоръча тяхно дъно с RAID? Има ли фирма, в която ги продават без ддс?

    <div align="right">Originally posted by the_unique*-*06/12/2004*:* 12:47:39</div id="right">

    </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"><font size="2" id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Az su6to sum im fen - dulgo vreme rabotih s takova duno i nyamah griji, no tova ne zna4i 4e sa perfektni (takiva prosto nqma, kakto i da e eto go dunoto K7N2 Delta2-LSR - s mnogo dobri otzivi, no ti predstoi da go nameri6:

    Link za MSI:


    User Opns

    I have had this MB for 11 months with a Barton XP 2500/333fsb and 512mb pc3200 ram. System works great and I havent had any problems with it. I haven't even rebooted my hard drive. I also have the ati... See complete review>

    N/A,11/14/2004 10:45:01 PM

    Hot Dang MSI got it right! They put the CPU slot on the top edge of the board with the latch facing the edge so we don't have to worry about punching a hole through the circuit board.

    Yip, Yip, Yi... See complete review>

    amberonPC,11/10/2004 2:18:54 AM

    I found this mainboard to be very exceptional, I am a long time msi user and have always trusted their products. Cannot see any faults with this board as of yet, love the sata (o raid) onboard, wante... See complete review>

    DevilDriver,11/3/2004 8:16:04 AM

    Been running this mobo for 2 days solid with no problems, it detected every thing like it should.

    I got a 200 PCmark increase just by putting this mobo in.

    It overclocks great with the Core Cent... See complete review>

    dahomi90,10/30/2004 7:58:47 AM


    fedex delivery 2 business days early...it only took three days to come in!

    great price too

  6. Member
    Тук е от
    Jan 2004

    КТ880 vs nForce2

    10x Dash. Само да ми кажеш коя година е, къде в БГ го има и колко струва(ДДС искат ли му)?

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