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Which is a more cost-efficient (cheaper) way of heating a small condo in the winter? Electric or gas.

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  1. Novice
    Тук е от
    Oct 2021

    Which is a more cost-efficient (cheaper) way of heating a small condo in the winter? Electric or gas.

    my small (500 sq ft) condo in Toronto doesn’t have central heating but uses a gas baseboard from the brand IslandAire. The baseboard uses a bit of electricity as well but apparently uses mainly gas. My building is about 14 years old. Last month when my neighbour and I were both only in our units for less than half the month (vacation and process of moving in), our gas bills were $40-$50 dollars each.
    I know I barely turned on the heater and barely used the hot water, dryer, etc as I was in my unit for a total of a little over one week. Our maintenance fees also includes water. Some have said hot water is included.
    I was wondering if it’s more cost efficient to just cut off the Enbridge gas service all together since all my appliances are electric and if it will be cheaper to use my electric space heater throughout the winter months instead of the old gas baseboard heater?

  3. Super Moderator Аватара на FearMe
    Тук е от
    Jan 2001

    Отговор: Which is a more cost-efficient (cheaper) way of heating a small condo in the winter? Electric or gas.

    The space heater is a devastatingly ineffective way to heat. With the currect upsurge in the gas prices I suspect it will be a wild guess to speculate which is the right move but in long run maybe an air conditioner will solve your problem.

    Of course it all comes down to the local climate, electricity prices, the gas price trend, etc.

  4. Moderator Аватара на Lazar
    Тук е от
    Aug 2005
    Живее в

    Отговор: Which is a more cost-efficient (cheaper) way of heating a small condo in the winter? Electric or gas.

    Тези ботове са вече навсякъде, но все още не мога да схвана какво печелят

  5. Super Moderator Аватара на FearMe
    Тук е от
    Jan 2001

    Отговор: Which is a more cost-efficient (cheaper) way of heating a small condo in the winter? Electric or gas.

    не съм попадал на такива и затова си направих труда да отговоря

    верно ли е бот?

  6. Senior Member
    Тук е от
    Jun 2002

    Отговор: Which is a more cost-efficient (cheaper) way of heating a small condo in the winter? Electric or gas.

    То да беше само един.

  7. kod
    kod е офлайн
    Administrator Аватара на kod
    Тук е от
    Jul 2000
    Живее в

    Отговор: Which is a more cost-efficient (cheaper) way of heating a small condo in the winter? Electric or gas.

    Не съм убеден, че всичко е бот.
    Болшинството трия, това... го оставих, вероятно е да греша.
    justify одобрява това.

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