Здравейте, преминах от OpenSuSE 10.3 на 11.1 x86-64 и от 2 дена се мъча да разреша проблема с видео кодеците.Ползвам Gnome-Mplayer и Totem ... Ще се радвам, ако някой каже как да го оправя и какво да инсталирам .
Здравейте, преминах от OpenSuSE 10.3 на 11.1 x86-64 и от 2 дена се мъча да разреша проблема с видео кодеците.Ползвам Gnome-Mplayer и Totem ... Ще се радвам, ако някой каже как да го оправя и какво да инсталирам .
Здравейте , не съм ползвал СУСЕ от години , но за да можете да инсталирате кодеци , ще трябва да добавите repositories в YAST инсталатора за да може да си дърпа кодеците. Мисля, че това How-to ще ви помогне.
Ето и copy/paste за 11.1
Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide
The purpose of this guide is to try and simplify what some have found to be a tricky process. There exist 'OneClick' options for this. Experienced users, at least as far as I am aware, do not use the 'OneClick' method. Keep in mind this was written for openSUSE 11.0 (NOW UPDATED FOR 11.1) – You will be Working from Yast – Software – Software Management /& Repositories.
Some basic Repositories You Must Have:
Oss: http://download.opensuse.org/distrib...11.1/repo/oss/
Non-oss: http://download.opensuse.org/distrib.../repo/non-oss/
Update: http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/
These repositories should be in your repositories list from Installation.
If Not, add them.
Additional Repositories You will need:
Packman: Index of /pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/11.1
Videolan VLC: http://download.videolan.org/pub/vlc/SuSE/11.1
N.B. You will install one package from VLC: libdvdcss – That's it!! Then DISABLE this repo. Install this Package FIRST.
Now we can move on to everything else:
But first you need to know something of the installation process. Using Yast – Software – Software Management you can filter by Repositories and so go to the repository you need to work from. In our case it will be the Packman Repository. Installed Packages have a tick in the check box, Packages with Blue text mean they are updates – Packages showing Red text mean they are roll-backs. In the case of a New Installation it is unlikely that there will be any Red packages. If you see blue packages in the Packman repo – do the following:- Looking at the menu buttons along the top of the GUI, select 'Package' and in the drop box select 'Update all in this list if Newer version Available'. Now accept. **In Gnome this option is not available, but there is a work around to get the QT GUI here: How To Get QT zypper GUI in GNOME YAST - openSUSE Forums
If you receive a dependency error, look to accept the 'Vendor Change' option to resolve it. For eg: Amarok from a default install of KDE will be a Blue package and will update, but you will need to confirm 'Vendor Change' to Packman. If you can't work out what to do, save the error to file by clicking the 'other' button in the error box. Then paste that info in to a question in the forum.
When Yast finishes it will ask if you want to install more? Select Yes.
Now filter by repository again and go back to Packman.
You now need to mark for installation the following – some of which may auto add to install by dependency as you work through the list.
amarok-packman (if kde or you want this media player) + amarok-xine
This list is by no means comprehensive and depending on your system and chosen desktop environment, you may need further adjustment. You may also want to use the search box and type realplayer to install this too. It should be noted that FLASHPLAYER is installed by default at install and should just work. If it does not - Post your question/problem in the forum.
Thanks to RedDwarf for this check list: Check your multimedia problem in ten steps - openSUSE Forums
'oldcpu' has a 'sticky' here: Welcome to multimedia sub-area - openSUSE Forums
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