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Прецакан Winsock след NewDotNET Spyware?

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  1. Junior Member
    Тук е от
    Jul 2002

    Прецакан Winsock след NewDotNET Spyware?

    Във вестник компютри незнам си кой брой имаше статия как се оправя ма съм загубил този брой някъде!

    Някой сеща ли се как се поправя прецакан Winsock - имаше там нешо по-регистрито и тнт....

    Става въпрос за XP SP2

    Благодаря предварително!

    Redact: Опссс оправих се с това: http://store1.data.bg/bily/WinsockXPFix.exe (v.1.2) - Върши прелестна работа!

    Repairing Winsock in Win9x - Me manually do this:
    open Network settings
    1.) Remove all protocols or everything EXCEPT leave the NIC Adapter
    2.) Click Apply & Close the Properties box, but on reboot notice, hit Cancel...
    do not reboot!
    3.) Open Regedit and delete these keys:
    also ..scroll down delete
    close regedit
    4.) Open Network Properties again, and Click ADD - PROTOCOL - MicroSoft/TCPIP
    **should Add Client for MS Networks Automatically**
    Have your Windows CD ready or the CAB files, 
    Reboot and Should be good.
    NOTE: Simply removing the Protocols in Network settings will not work because 
    those registry entries stay, even if you have no network at all. Once deleted,
    putting the TCP/IP protocol back in , basically rebuilds the TCP from scratch,
    it is the same as when Windows was first installed clean. 
    Also any speed patches to TcpRWin values & MTU will be reset back to Windows 
    Windows 95 may not have all these keys available, just delete whichever ones 
    are matching this desciption.
     With Windows 2000 and XP, this was not possible, due to the fact that TCP 
    could not be removed or uninstalled, and even if the Winsock keys in the 
    registry were deleted, they will recreate themselves, but with no relevant 
    data, therefore making them useless. 
     But after much research in this matter, it was found, that these Winsock
    Registry keys, were of a Global nature, and not unique to any particular
    machine.... meaning they could be transplanted from a working computer, to
    a broken one.
     Other factors can play a part in successfully restoring these winsock values, 
    such as disabling the network adapter before the import of the new Registry keys. 
    Also with Windows XP came the very handy "netsh.exe" with the commandline to 
    Reset TCP. Although this will reset TCP settings, also removing any tweaks and 
    other modifications done, it does not touch the registry Winsock keys.
    The most common symptom would be a Valid IP address, but no ability to 
    view any Web pages, as well as the "" IP address symptom common to XP.
    1.) From the commandline enter the following:
    Netsh ip int reset resetlog.txt
    2.) These 2 Registry keys will need to be replaced with known good ones.
    The next hurdle, would have to be the "Hosts" file. This file (having no extension)
    and residing in "Windows\Hosts" for Windows 95 - Me versions and
    "WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\Hosts" for Windows XP. Often this file 
    (blank by default) can become littered with entries, and again, after the removal 
    of Third Party Advertising Clients, that were installed as bundled software with many 
    P2P file Sharing programs, this "Hosts" file retains entries that may be no longer valid. 
    Generally resulting in some web pages and Domains coming up "Blank".
    The VB Winsockfix Utility will:
    1.) Detect your current Operating System
    2.) Release the IP address, taking you "Offline"
    3.) Reset the TCP stack using Netsh.exe (Windows XP only)
    4.) Delete the current Registry TCP and Winsock Values
    5.) Import new "Working" Registry Values
    6.) Backup any Current "Hosts" file
    7.) Replace the "Hosts" file with a default one
    8.) Reboot the Computer
    No one should rely on "Quick Fixes" to resolve their connection issues, only by taking 
    responsibilty for the software you allow to be installed, can you protect yourself from 
    re-occurring problems.
    A Google search for information relating to "SpyWare" can usually point the curious, in 
    the right direction to get an understanding of why some programs seem "Free" in cost, 
    but you end up paying with damage to your system settings, Background running Programs, 
    whose only purpose is to plaque the User with non-stop Pop-up advertising, and an overall
    drain on system resources.
    VB WinsockFix was written and designed by Option^Explicit Software Solutions
    Comments send email to  Theron at "techcd@shaw.ca"

  3. Senior Member Аватара на ru-boy
    Тук е от
    Jan 2000

    Прецакан Winsock след NewDotNET Spyware?


    Most of the Internet connectivity problems arise out of corrupt Winsock settings. Windows sockets settings may get corrupted due to a networking software installation, spyware. You may notice errors such as "Page cannot be displayed" or similar, in Internet Explorer. You will be able to get connected to the Internet, but the packets won't transfer back and forth. One of the main cause for these problems is the corruption of Winsock settings. In any case, you may use these methods to repair/reset the Windows Sockets settings to defaults.

  4. Member
    Тук е от
    Apr 2003

    Прецакан Winsock след NewDotNET Spyware?

    Един от възможните варианти е да се използва WinsockXPFix.exe

    На http://home.earthlink.net/~lreynol92...net/fixing.htm

    има линк към него и инфо. Ако не успееш да го дръпнеш, то дай мейл и ще ти го пратя!


    P.S. Не видях редакцията, но линка може да послужи на други!

  5. Senior Member
    Тук е от
    Nov 2002

    Прецакан Winsock след NewDotNET Spyware?

    lspfix.exe [^]

    Тествано на всичко от 98 до ХР

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