Problem #2: Prototype displays a black screen ( input mode not supported) upon booting the game.
Possible Solution #1: (By KXMusashi from Gamefaqs)
had this issue too and I found out that my native resolution isn’t supported since it is a 720i resolution. However lowering my resolution to 1024×786 has allowed me to play. Once I got in the game I changed my desktop again to the normal resolution and it runs fine.
Another issue I have seen that seems common is the amount of ram on you video card. If it is less then a gig then you won’t be able to go that high even if it is a supported resolution. The read me will list out the supported resolutions and the required ram needed.
Solution #2: (By Panopticon from the Activision forums)
– Click Start and then on Run / Or press the Windows Key + R to open Run from the keyboard.–
– Type dxdiag and press OK
– Go to the last part which says “More Help” and then on Override Refresh Rate in that window
– Here you can input a value (usually between 50-100) and start the game!
For me the value 60 did the trick and I now get a picture instead of black screen with sound.
Solution #3: (By Hoodoo34 from the Activision Forums)
Create a prototype shortcut ( It creates one by default but if you erased it or whatever, go into the program files/activision/prototype, right click on prototypef and create a shortcut). After you create it, right click the shortcut and click properties. There should be a directory path called ”Target” and it should have something like this: “C:\Program Files\Activision\Prototype\prototypef.exe”
So now you write windowed behind it so it will be like( write just windowed not -windowed
“C:\Program Files\Activision\Prototype\prototypef.exe” windowed
Now you can go into the game and change the resolution. I set mine as low as I can and when I started the game, it gave the Input not supported for a sec but then the game booted up nicely.