Източник: http://news.bg/article.php?cid=10&pid=0&aid=165215Двама служители на Национална служба “Гранична полиция” са задържани в ареста на Окръжната следствена служба във Варна.
У единия от тях е намерен мобилният телефон на посланика на САЩ у нас Джон Байърли.
Дипломатът, който беше на посещение в морския град, забравил апарата при проверка на багажа му на варненското летище.
В момента се извършва проверка по случая, съобщи директорът на Национална служба “Гранична полиция” ген. Валери Григоров.
Случаят е поверен на Военна прокуратура, информира БНР.
А ето и малко повече инфо от The Inquirer:
Customs officials "nicked US Ambassador's phone"
Caught by GPS
By Nick Farrell: понеделник 17 Октомври 2005, 06:02
TWO Bulgarian customs officials have been fired and will face charges after allegations they nicked the United States Ambassador's mobile phone.
John Beyrle was flying from Varna to Hungary on Friday and left his mobileat the security check. Since he was important, Bulgarian authorities asked customs staff if they had seen the phone and none of them owned up.
Unfortunately the ambassador's phone had been kitted out with a global positioning system and it led the authorities to the two customs officials. They had thrown away the SIM card.
According to the Trud (Truth) newspaper the two said they wouldn't have nicked the phone if they had known it belonged to an Ambassador.
Bureaucrats stealing from other foreigners with natty gadgets is considered fair game in Bulgaria. A large amount of foreign post is confiscated by either the Post Office or customs officials as one of the perks of the job. When it happens to an ambassador something gets done of course.
The culprits have been arrested and are facing facing malpractice and theft charges. They will be fired, officials announced, and their superiors been told off too. I must make sure that my mum sends my Christmas mail with a GPS receiver.
Не, че това е нещо кой знае колко необичайно, ама вече почна да ми става смешно от такива простотии...