Какво получиха днес потребителите на Internet-BG
Личното ми мение е че е нормално да се иска някаква такса за това.
Но 50 лв/Месец е смешно.!
Пълния текст следва:
Uvagaemi Abonati,
Molia vnimatelno da se zapoznaete s promenite po obslujvaneto na
poshtenskite Vi kutii v INTERNET BULGARIA:
1. Na 12 January 2004 shte bydat iztriti vsichki poshtenski kutii, koito
ne sa proveriavani prez poslednite 6 meseca.
2.Na 12 January 2004 shte byde iztrito sydyrganieto na vsichki
poshtenski kutii, koito ne sa proveriavani prez poslendite 3 meseca.
3. Ot 12 January poshtenskite kutii kym Internet Bulgaria shte mogat da
se chetat samo prez internet dostyp na INTERNET BULGARIA, a imenno:
- dial up dostyp prez 0134400 za cifrovi abonati
-dial up dostyp prez 9600091 za analogovi abonati
-dostyp prez cabel
-LAN dostyp
Na klienti jelaeshti da tegliat poshtata si kym INTERNET BULGARIA prez
internet dostavchik se predostavia tazi vyzmognost, no sled
predvaritelna zaiavka i sreshtu zaplashtane ot 50lv/mesec .
Za dopylnitelna informacia: info@internet-bg.net
Pozdravi, Ekiput na
Dear clients,
Please read carefully the notice below about our client's e-mails and
the changes that are going to be made:
1. On 12 of January 2004 all mailboxes which are not being used for the
last 6 months will be erased
2. On 12 of January 2004 we will empty the content of all mailboxes
which are not being used for the last 3 months.
3. From 12 of January 2004 clients who have mailboxes in Internet
Bulgaria can read their e-mails only if Internet Bulgaria is the
internet provider, which means :
-dial up access through 0134400 for digital phone lines
-dial up access through 9600091 for analog phone lines
-cable internet
Clients who want to use their Internet Bulgaria e-mails loging through
another Internet provider will have to make a previous notification.
This service will cost 50lv/month
For more info: info@internet-bg.net
Best wishes,
Internet Bulgaria TEAM