We interviewed Mr Marek Maciejewski, product development director at TCL Europe, during our recent visit to the China manufacturer's TV factory in Shenzhen. Topics covered include:
1) Difference between 8.5G & 11G factories;
2) How to optimise panel utilisation;
3) TV manufacturing process;
4) Why is Rec.2020 important & how to achieve it; and
5) TCL's Mini LED TV roadmap
There is a typo on the "MiniLED Roadmap" presentation slide from 10:33 onwards. Under the "2023" column, it should read 15 360 zones (96x160) x 1 = 15 360 LEDs.
This video is filmed using a Panasonic GH5S & graded on a Sony Master Series AG9 OLED using Davinci Resolve Studio edition in HLG HDR, so it's best watched on a TV/ smartphone that can display HLG HDR from Youtube.
В таблицата долу ще видите, кои методи се използват и ще се използват за в бъдеще, с цел достигане на 100% покритие на цветовото пространство Rec.2020 в LCD телевизорите.
QDEF (филм с квантови точки зад LCD матрицата)
QDCF (цветни филтри с квантови точки пред LCD матрицата)
QD-OLED хибридни панели, OLED панел с цветен филтър от QD
H-QLED е хибридна технология на дисплея, която използва син OLED излъчвател, съчетан с червени и зелени QLED излъчватели и произведен с мастиленоструен печат. (112% DCI-P3 / 80% Rec.2020)
100% Rec.2020 but how ? ____________ White LED_____________ 2pc white LED______________ 2pc white LED + CFA______________ QDEF______________ RGB LED______________ PE G QD + R QD______________ PE G QD + R QD + CFA______________ PE G QD + R QD + CFA + FRP B/GR_______________ TechnologyBLUE + YAG Blue + R + G phosphor Blue + R + G phosphor + narrower color filter Blue + QDEF RGB LED Blue + green perovskite + red QD Blue + green perovskite + red QD + narrower color filter Blue + green perovskite + red QD + narrower color filter + functional reflective polarizer Which TVs in 2019Standart TVs WCG TVs - Top End Tvs - - - - FWHM120 nm 50 nm 45 nm 30 nm 20 nm 20 nm 20 nm 15 nm Rec. 2020 CIE 1931 today / tech. limit60% / 60% 65& / 75% - / 85% 85% / 90% - / 93% - / 93% - / 95% 97 % CoastBasis + + & Line switch to narrow CFA ++ +++ +++ +++ & fab line switch to CFA +++++ StabilityExcellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Blue excellent, Red, Green lower Excellent Excellent Excellent EfficiencyExcellent Excellent -25% due to CFA Excellent Lower than QDEF Excellent - 25% due to CFA - 40% due to CFA Where & WhenCurrent TVs Current step up TVs - Current premium TVs Near future in top end TVs Near future in top end TVs - -
Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 05-07-19 в 20:00.
TCL 75X10 QLED 8K TV in depth first test
8K test chart compiled by Professor Qian Yuankai, and tasted the extremely fine picture quality of TCL X10 QLED 8K TV at 8K resolution. The red arrow corresponds to the 8K standard, and the level of the TCL 8K TV is not limited to the standard
8K recognition ability test pass (the line corresponding to the red arrow can be displayed correctly)
The most detailed Chinese and English characters can be clearly identified
The color gradation is well defined, and the high color gamut and precise color of the QLED panel are truly well-deserved. Combined with HDR technology, the brightness and darkness in the picture can be made more distinct and the details are more delicate
QLED's high contrast and MINILED precision light control technology once again exerted its power. In the gray scale test, the performance of the TCL X10 QLED 8K TV is perfect, we can easily distinguish 4% nuances in the civilian-grade display equipment. It is quite a remarkable achievement
But for 8K TVs like the TCL X10 QLED 8K TV, thanks to the powerful 8K conversion capability, viewers can enjoy more sophisticated TV pictures. The same is watching TV. The difference between "just look" and "super clear experience" is still very big, fuller and true color, the star's face details are perfect and lifelike, a true sense of presence can be given to the TV. You bring real enjoyment
Както ще видите на клипа, при висока яркост се губи наситеността на цветовете и те избеляват до бяло...Това е проблем на всички дисплей технологии използващи цветни филтри - LCD, OLED.....
TCL 40ES560 test
TCL 40ES560 – test – TV TEST
LCD, Full HD, MVA, 50/60Hz. The structure resembles Innolux solutions
TCL 55EP680 review,settings
55EP680: MVA (RGB)panel, Direct LED LCD, 50/60Hz, WCG
Android TV 9.0 (Pie)...TCL has switched to a new chipset, with a quad-core ARM Cortex-A55 and Mali-370 MP GPU, 2GB RAM and 16GB internal storage
Calibration settings:
Image mode: Film
Brightness: 80
Color saturation: 50
Advanced Settings :
Brightness: 80
Contrast: 90
Black level: 50
Dyn Contrast: Off *
Black stretch: Off
Dyn Backlight: Off
Micro Dimming: Off *
Gamma: +0
Color saturation: 50
Tint: 50
Color temperature: Warm
Color space: auto
RGB mode: off Brightness:
Sharpness: 0
MPEG NO: Medium
DNR: Off Movement:
Delete LED movement: Off
Хм,малко по-добър процесор(4 ядрен),което го знаехме и от ds,но ,ако се вярва на долното ще излезе,че няма локално затъмнение и май стъпка назад от миналогодишните 6 серия.Мисля по-нататък да погледна станицата на TCL за да видим нещо дали е описано за локално затъмнение.
''TCL 55EP680 - Качество на изображението
Устройството е оборудвано с директно LED фоново осветление без локално затъмняване, VA панел, широка цветова гама и 350 nits осветеност.''
...п.с...Наистина и на стр. на TCL не видях написано нищо за локално затъмнение,жалко,и тук май надолу в средните модели...Добре е ,че .в уж малко по-слабите модели -EP64,EP66 microdiming е запазено:
''Micro Dimming analyses the TV picture in around one hundred separate zones to adapt the brightness. Picture quality is significantly improved for an exceptional visual experience, especially in the dark''.
...A в продуктовия лист на EP68 пише същото-dimming pro....,противоречиви описания...
Този пост е редактиран от cable; 24-09-19 в 15:48.
Новите VA/FALD 100 hz,Qled
75'' не намирам другаде Q625,може би е Q825,също....?
flatpanels:''The European version, X10, ...TCL is planning to launch the 65-inch X10 in Europe in November or December 2019. It will retail for around 2500 Euro, making it less expensive than Samsung's Q90 LCD flagship. TCL will launch a miniLED-based 8K LCD TV next year. ''.
Цитати от 2-та статия:
''Why TCL's new TVs are the only TV you need
When I switched to the TCL 6-series from a Vizio QLED, I loved every part of it except for one thing; it was noticeably not as good as the QLED or my trusty OLED. The new QLED TVs fix my biggest complaint with the TCL 6-series, and alongside it, offer an experience that's unrivalled. Yes, it's not an OLED but the mini-LED based QLED is actually better in several ways. The TCL 8-series is my new go-to TV, and the TV I recommend to everyone in 2019.''
'' .....(TCL)the LCD-based panels just don't compare to a QLED or OLED panel, making it really hard to recommend them over the more expensive TVs on the market.
Today, that's all changed and if you're buying a new TV in 2019, you should look no further than TCL's new 2019 TV lineup. The big change for these models? LCD has been replaced by QLED — that means Quantum Dots — and mini-LED, resulting in one of the most immersive TV experiences I've ever seen.''
Този пост е редактиран от cable; 04-10-19 в 18:49.
Е маг пусна тв-ри на TCL,засега малко модели.Има и 2019 модели,напр. 50EP660-749лв.
Този пост е редактиран от cable; 04-10-19 в 20:57.
И едно ревю на 43ЕР660
Televizor TCL 43EP660 je příjemným překvapením a také zpestřením trhu |
Този пост е редактиран от cable; 09-10-19 в 11:36.
Появиха се и други размери от EP660,,,,55''-1040лв/65''=1580/75''=2330....,както и някои от миналогодишните.Цените засега са малко по-високи от Техмаг,но в Е маг често има намаления...Очаквайте скоро-''промоция''
Sony X950G vs. TCL 75-inch 6-series | Can TCL's budget darling hang with Sony's best?
Този пост е редактиран от cable; 11-10-19 в 10:34.
А каква е разликата и има ли изобщо такава между EP66 и R62 сериите, освен че едните са за Европа а другите за САЩ?
Още нещо, телевизорите TCL подлъжат ли SAMBA share от мрежата и като цяло има ли проблеми със субтитрите през мрежа без значение дали от DLNA или SAMBA ?
Моят ФИЛИПС в момента изобщо не подържа субтитри over network...