Не знам...попитай инженерите на Sharp, защо зоните са толкова малко. Може би подсветката е ограничена по желание на Филипс...
За elite-pro-60x5fd който е същият диагонал, намерих, че е със 350 зони...дали е вярно не знам.
The 350-odd local dimming zones of the Elite are an incredible feature which deepens black levels to true black, while pushing more light through super bright areas nearby. This feature works incredibly well, except under one very specific circumstance: when viewing a scene where the room is very dark, and someone's face is brightly illuminated, and they're moving around a lot very quickly. In this situation, you get a small light-shaded halo directly around the face. It's easily remedied by turning the local dimming off in the settings. But under every other type of viewing, the local dimming is spot-on fantastic.