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  1. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    Hello Guys,

    Very interesting and useful information and tests given previously in this subject.

    I would like also to share with you my experience regarding my 2 months old Sony Bravia KDL-46W5710E (same as KDL-46W5500 with a small delta makeup from W5500 series) bought in France and what I was obliged to do for having its DLNA client working.
    No thanks at all to Sony for its none compliant DLNA client even if Sony was able getting the DLNA Certification ID: REG70364600 for their KDL-46W5710 from the DLNA.ORG.

    I have to highlight an important fact regarding Sony's competition.
    In the same environment & location and with the same technical set up (Windows XP and Windows Media Player 11) by just replacing above SONY TV set by either the Philips 42PFL7423H (released in June 2008) or the Philips 42PFL8404H (released in June 2009), I can fully read and play - YES/YES - on the Philips TVs all their announced media files including of course the video ones. In add the number of native formats is much-much larger on the Philips 42PFL8404H than on the Sony W5500 series!

    I have conducted tests on my Sony TV set with the following configurations, but not only limited to:
    => under Windows XP SP3 (2 PCs) & Vista SP2 (2 PCs):
    - "WMP 11" sees the Bravia. Bravia sees the server, lists the shared folders, lists and plays Photo and Music files BUT doesn't list any video files including these mentioned in Sony's TV manual; i.e. AVCHD, HDV and MPEG2-PS,
    - "Nero MediaHome v.2.5.17" sees and confirmes Bravia DLNA client is on line. Bravia sees the server, lists all the shared folders BUT is not able to list any files inside, and
    - "PS3 Media Server v.1.10.51" doesn't see the Bravia, and Bravia cannot talk with it.
    => under Linux Ubuntu 9.04 (2 PC):
    - "XBMC v.2.0.x", Bravia is not displaying the server, but can ping it (with the TV Server diagnostics) and says cannot talk with it because the file formats are unknown!, and
    - "PS3 Media Server v.1.10.51" doesn't see the Bravia, and Bravia cannot talk with it.

    I have used the same set of media files (Photo, Music & Video) on each PC as well as on a 2 GB USB key formated in FAT32. When you have no video at all through DLNA, you can read more video formats from an USB key connected to the TV than what Sony has announced in their Operating Instructions Manual!!! This includes AVCHD Full *.M2TS files and AVCHD Lite *.MTS files.

    I have spent more than 5 weeks of heavy work with several phone calls a week of one way communication with the bloody Hotline of Sony France trying to get out from them a list of qualified DLNA server(s) working with their Bravia DLNA client (W5500 series). I got nothing at all, just marketing bla-bla-bla! What a company, must be the nippon humor adapted to the French sauce.

    SONY is more than quiet regarding their DLNA implementation on the W5500 series. Sony is just communicating on the marketing side of their DLNA and not at all on the technical set up and detailed requirements.
    Have a look at the extracts, at the end of this post I made from their LCD Digital Colour TV BRAVIA KDL-46W55/57xxE (Europe) Operating Instructions Manual as of June 2009. You have nothing more about DLNA.
    This is really unacceptable from a company and a manufacturer who would like to be one of the worldwide leader in mass market electronics!
    Even more, searching on the Internet, SONY is not communicating at all regarding the DLNA specifications of their products and especially of their TV sets, unlike e.g. PHILIPS and SAMSUNG!

    SONY is just doing "Marketing Bla-Bla-Bla". So the only available information for its clients and the consumers on the Web are:
    Sony Global - Technology - DLNA
    Getting Started
    Televisions and ProjectorsÂ*|Â* KDL-46W5710Â*|Â*Sony Support Europe
    BUT, even that is not included into their TV Owner's Manuals.
    Once again, Sony is remaining in the clouds and never put on the table the hard facts that customers using its DLAN Client absolutely need and are expecting to receive from Sony!

    Then, few days ago, Level 2 of their French Hotline called me with the following message:
    "Sony Japan doesn't have available any list of certified DLNA servers as it is not Sony's policy to make such communication. Nevertheless, all servers certified DLNA v.1.5 should work fine (!) with our Bravia DLNA clients. But for making you pleased, Sony is recommanding you to download PS3 Media Server at least v.1.11.350, to install it on your PC and enjoy your videos. Sony as made the tests in Japan and it is working. Then, Sony's hotline confirmed by email the software download link."
    As we say it in France: "C'est fort de café".

    Latest PS3MS is the ONLY ONE DLNA / A/V UPnP Server with which the DLNA Client of my Bravia was finally able to properly dialog for all media files (Photo, Music awa Video!) both under Windows and Linux! It is the greatest DLNA software server I have seen so far!
    (Java) PS3 Media Server (PS3MS) v.1.10.51 was not working BUT PS3MS latest current beta v.1.11.356 (under Windows XP SP3 and Linux Ubuntu 9.04) is now working with my KDL-46W5710E.

    At the beginning PS3MS with transcoding capabilities was dedicated to only the Sony PS3 but this is not the case anymore.
    You can download this very nice free software from the offical site at:
    PS3 Media Server • View topic - Download latest PS3MS Beta build
    The Beta version 1.11.350 introduces, among others things, the following new and interesting fonctions:
    - Externalization of PS3/Xbox playback profiles, it's now possible to create profiles for any media renderer, and
    - Includes PRELIMINARY support for SONY BRAVIA, Popcorn Hour, Samsung Wiselink, FREEBOX HD.

    Then, I have conducted my new tests on the weakest PC we have at home; i.e. HP Pavilion notebook zt3330EA with CPU Pentium M (1 core) @ 1.5 Ghz, RAM 2 GB, LAN Fast Ethernet @ 100 Mbps (used for the tests) and Wi-Fi g @ 54 Mbps, PS3MS v.1.11.356 with its default parameters both under Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.04.
    I do confirm the DLNA client of my Bravia is reading directly (NO transcoding) and playing the video streams from PS3MS for both AVCHD and MPEP-2 as long as the video files are in their real native format (with no transcoding traces & buffer empty) and with CPU peak use < +/- 35%); e.g.:
    -> "Sony HDR-SR7 AVCHD Full.M2TS" [container: mpegts] [video: h264] with LAN Bandwidth (as of WXP Task Manager) used without transcoding +/- 20% and with transcoding "FileMame.M2TS [MEncoder]" +/- 40% (Transcoder folder). Both with perfect playing.
    -> "Panasonic Lumix TZ7 AVCHD Lite.MTS" [container: mpegts] [video: h264] with LAN Bandwidth (as of WXP Task Manager) used without transcoding +/- 15% and with transcoding "FileMame.mts [MEncoder]" +/- 15% (Transcoder folder). Both with perfect playing.
    -> "Monlight Shadow MPEG2 Generic.MPG" [container: mpeg] [video: mpeg2video] with LAN Bandwidth (as of WXP Task Manager) used without transcoding +/- 3% and with transcoding "FileMame.mpg [MEncoder]" +/- 5% (Transcoder folder). Both with perfect playing.
    If not, Transcoding (Transcode folders) is working +++ very well or + so-so or --- not at all (blank screen) depending of the original video files format. So, I need to spend more time on it for understanding all the transcoding setups awa all the possibilities you see on the TV's screen in the #--Transcode--# folders.

    I was also able to stream media files from SP3MS v.1.11.356 with the UPnP client of my FreeBox HD (Set top box from my French ISP Free) connected to my Bravia by HDMI and to my LAN by a so called FreePlug (Power + A/V Homeplug). Further tests later on.

    As reported by the Status folder of my PS3MS, I am getting the following LAN speeds:
    - Sony Bravia W5500 series: 44 Mb/s (~ 25m wired (CAT.5E cable) Fast Ethernet through 10/100M switch between my PC and Bravia), and
    - FreeBox: 64 Mb/s (with 2 FreePlugs).
    The 100 Mbps UPnP router is integrated inside my Trilpe Play FreeBox (internet box with Adsl Modem + VoIP phone + Adsl TV).

    In the PS3MS's Transcoding parameters folder you can play with the MPEG2 Quality presets. This is very nice and usefull when you are transcoding... BUT, don't forget obviously the power your PC can deliver when Transcoding to MPEG2 AND also the bandwidth your network can deliver too.

    For the above 2 AVCHD files with a 85 Mbps Homeplug it was just a nightmare with poor quality of images, I thought was my poor PC not enough powerfull, but in fact was not...

    The issue was my NETWORK: WiFi g @ 54 Mbps and HomePlug @ 85 Mbps (CPL in French) are not working properly for HD video streams due to their limited REAL bandwidth (~ 5 to 10 times lower than the annouced max speeds!), even if you play with PS3MS transcoding quality presets.

    So, you need (based on my tests) to set up from best (++++) to +/- good (+) the following type of network:
    - Wired Giga Ethernet @ 1 Gbps LAN (today very rare along the whole link),
    - Wired Fast Ethernet @ 100 Mbps (today the most popular and it is stable),
    - A/V HomePlug (CPL) @ 200 Mbps (today +/- expensive and linked to home electrical wiring quality), and
    - WiFi n @ 108 Mbps (today not as populated as WiFi g but stronger and more stable).
    Don't forget, if you have a bottle neck on your LAN, your real max LAN speed will be limited to what this bottle neck can achieve.

    This PS3MS v.1.11.350 & above solution should work with the following Sony's Series released in Spring and Summer 2009 in Europe, as it seems they have got the same DLNA Client:
    - KDL-32E55xx - KDL-40E55xx,
    - KDL-32V55/56xx - KDL-37V55/56xx - KDL-40V55/56xx - KDL-46V55/56xx - KDL-52V55/56xx,
    - KDL-32W55/57xx - KDL-37W55/57xx - KDL-40W55/57xx – KDL-46W55/57xx, et
    - KDL-40WE5xx - KDL-46WE5xx.
    Many thanks and congratulations to "shagrath" and long life to PS3 Media Server.

    Needing to store and share all kind of files over our LAN (wired, wireless and homeplug) in one given place, I just bought a nice NAS (Western Digital MyBook World Edition 1 TB White light) which also includes a DLNA Server (Twonky Media Server v.4.4.9w). First tests are +/- promising. More to come on this subject in a week or so.

    Hope this post was useful and could help.
    Have a nice day. Cheers.

    = = = = =
    LCD Digital Colour TV BRAVIA KDL-46W55/57xxE (Europe)
    Operating Instructions Manual as of June 2009
    Extracts from this Operating Instructions Manual.

    PAGE 25 (EN)
    USB playback is supported for the following PHOTO file formats:
    - JPEG (JPEG format files with the extension “.jpg” and conforming to DCF 2.0 or Exif 2.21)
    - RAW (ARW/ARW 2.0 format files with the extension “.arw”. For preview only.)
    • USB playback is supported for the following MUSIC file format:
    - MP3 (files with the extension “.mp3” that have not been copyrighted)
    • USB playback is supported for the following VIDEO file format:
    - MPEG1 (files with the extension “.mpg”)

    PAGE 28 (EN)
    With this TV, you can enjoy contents stored in DLNA-compatible devices on the home network.
    Devices that store and provide contents, such as photo/music/video files, are called “Server”. The TV receives the photo/music/ video files from the server via the network, and you can enjoy them on the TV even in other rooms.
    To enjoy the home network, a DLNA- compatible device (VAIO, Cyber-shot, etc.) is necessary as a server.
    In addition, when you connect your TV to the Internet, you can enjoy displaying a photograph that shows its location on the map (page 26), or enjoy "AppliCast" while watching a TV programme (page 29).

    PAGE 30 (EN)
    To play files that are received from a network device, they need to conform to one of the following file formats.
    - Still images: JPEG format
    - Music: MP3 format or linear PCM format
    - Video: The following file formats stored on the sever: AVCHD, HDV, MPEG2-PS (which in some cases may not be able to be played) !!!!!!!!!!
    Depending on the network device, the file format may be converted before transfer. In such cases, the file format resulting after conversion is used for playback. For details, refer to the instruction manual for the network device being used.
    Even files conforming to one of the file formats given above cannot be played in some cases !!!!!!!!!!
    The file name and folder name support only English.
    = = = = =


  3. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

  4. Senior Member
    Тук е от
    Jan 2007

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    От къде и как в сервизното меню на Sony 40W5500 може да се увеличи нивото на рязкостта (SHARPNES) от офицалната задаена стойност?
    Един приятел вчера си купи този модел и му се вижда доста занижена тази функция спрямо стария му 40W4000. Сверявах ме ги и наистина W4000 е в пъти с по-детайлна картина от W5500. Не знам от къде идва тази разлика, би трябвало новия модел да е поне една идея на горе?

  5. Тук е от
    Aug 2009

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    пробвайте това за медиен сървър


    като че ли няма проблеми (дори чете .mkv със субтитри)
    единствено дето е на руски ;-)

  6. Moderator
    Тук е от
    Aug 2006

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    Не знам дали може, но не виждам смисъл в това упражнение. Тази функция Sharpness никога няма да ти даде повече детайлност. Тя просто добавя ореоли около обектите и създава усещане за изкуствена детайлност. Досега не съм срещал телевизор, при който тази настройка да не трябва да е изключена. Особено при HD сигнал. Има смисъл да се мръдне 1-2 деления само при цифров SD сигнал, но не трябва да се прекалява.
    W5500 е телевизор с уникална детайлност и би трябвало да не отстъпва изобщо на W4000 по този показател.
    По-скоро вижте да не би да не сте изключили Overscan-a и телевизора да прескалира образа с 2-3%, което обикновено води до загуба на детайл.

  7. Senior Member
    Тук е от
    Jan 2007

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    lazarus18 всичко е нагласено и калибрирано както е коментирано в темата. При домашни условия на два различни телевизора от серията W можеш да си представиш как се виждат разликите. Невероятно, но факт W4000 цепи космоса от към триизмерен остър детайл и брилянтен финес с потресаваща дълбочина спрямо W5500. Човека чак се притесни от тази разлика която открива чак като ги събереш тези модели в къщи си. Както и да е ще сме благодарни на който даде съвет.

  9. Moderator
    Тук е от
    Aug 2006

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    Ако наистина има огромна разлика то явно има проблем с бройката ви. Потърсете ъпдейт на софтуера ако има излезнал за тоя модел - дано се промени.
    Виж този диск Digital AV Navigator Super HiVi CAST Check & Adjustment Blu-ray 1080p

    В него има тестови клипове за детайлност при статични и движещи се обекти. Така ще може нагледно да прецените какви са разликите. Има и реални материали за сравнение на детайлност в тъмни и светли образи.
    Вие по принцип какъв сигнал подавате и от какво?

  10. Senior Member
    Тук е от
    Jan 2007

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    Не е от бройка защото от 3 избрахме тази (мостра + 2 запечатки). Ще опитаме ако може от сервизното защото съм виждал при други телевизори, че има запас (-/+) на корекция почти на основните настройки за картината. Ако не стане ще пробваме и с ъпдейт. Казах му да свиква защото два еднакви телевизора няма, както и всеки следващ нов модел не е задължително да е по-добър. Подаваме сигнал от пуканка и цифров сателитен HD приемник.

  11. Member Аватара на adtomov
    Тук е от
    Apr 2008

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    Матрици Sony ч.1 (благодарение на любезното съдействие на продавач-консултантите от ТМ-Цариградско шосе)
    Sony KDL40Z5500, KDL40Z4500 - Samsung (нов тип матрица) - сн.1, сн.2 и сн.3
    Sony KDL40W5500, Sony KDL40W4500 - Samsung (по-стар тип S-PVA, същата като при Samsung LE40B652 (SQ02) http://forum.setcom.bg/index.php/top...html#msg372010 , само че матрицата е обърната на 180 градуса) - сн.4

    Прикачени изображения Прикачени изображения

  12. Тук е от
    May 2009

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    Видях модела на Sony 40P3600-видях и характеристиките,доколкото разбрах няма видео през усб-то само jpeg i mp3,а мисе искаше да гледам филми от пц то без да си играя с кабели и разстоянието мие много 10 метра,имали такав 10м.кабел ?и някав друг начин дасе сварже/ A дизаина е страхотен много ми допада.Искам да разбера как е кат модел,серия,и как се държи с sd-сигнала?

  13. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    Цитат Първоначално публикувано от nugya
    Видях модела на Sony 40P3600-видях и характеристиките,доколкото разбрах няма видео през усб-то само jpeg i mp3,а мисе искаше да гледам филми от пц то без да си играя с кабели и разстоянието мие много 10 метра,имали такав 10м.кабел ?и някав друг начин дасе сварже/ A дизаина е страхотен много ми допада.Искам да разбера как е кат модел,серия,и как се държи с sd-сигнала?
    Низкият клас със старият процесор Bravia Engine 2 /2007г/
    нашите вносители даже го нямат на официалната си страница а рекламата му тече вече 10 дена

    лично не съм го виждал още ,но и не очаквай чудеса с този малък контраст и слаба обработка на сигнала


  15. Тук е от
    May 2009

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    Вие да ме светнете за 40 инча LCD-до 1600лв. Разстояние за гледане 2,5м. А 40V55OO-модела как е?

  16. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    40V55OO- е по-висок клас/среден/ и с по-добра картина

  17. Member Аватара на adtomov
    Тук е от
    Apr 2008

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    Цитат Първоначално публикувано от nugya
    Вие да ме светнете за 40 инча LCD-до 1600лв. Разстояние за гледане 2,5м. А 40V55OO-модела как е?
    Матрицата му е на Самсунг.

  18. Тук е от
    May 2009

    Sony - LCD / Faq, обсъждане, мнения

    Цитат Първоначално публикувано от adtomov
    Матрицата му е на Самсунг.
    А това добрелие или нее?

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