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Panasonic телевизори 2016

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  1. Banned
    Тук е от
    Nov 2013

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Отскоро се замислям,аджеба --колко може да струва едно Добро домашно кино с проектор,изключваме Аудиото....и въобще дали може да се постигне добра картина.....Някой ,ако може да сподели

  3. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Темата е за телевизори....цената зависи от изискванията ти....от 3-5,000...до 50,000 лева.

    Собствениците на UltraHD модели, пробвайте дали можете да прочетете най-горният ред от теста на своят телевизор.
    Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 30-11-16 в 21:30.

  4. Banned
    Тук е от
    Nov 2013

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Извинявам се за отклонението,идеята е дали ТВ за 20 хил.--се равнява по качество на картина за същата цена проектор,и кое дава по-добра визия,контраст,цвят....щом и проекторите се рзавиват непрекъснато,значи има някаква уловка

  5. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Последните години, някои модели проектори(+ екрани) се доближиха до образа на телевизор от средният клас. Откъм контраст и резолюция при движение има още много да се желае.

  6. Тук е от
    Dec 2011

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Здравейте преди няколко дни си взех TX-50DX750 ,имам един проблем който се надявам някой да знае как да разреша . Ползвам кабелна телевизия от Близу на някой от чуждите канали като NatGeo HD и NatGeo Wild HD аудиото излиза на Английски след което го сменявам от настройките на Български и при смяна на канала и връщане на същия аудиото тръгва пак на Английски.На плазмата P42ST30 нямах такъв проблем

  7. Member
    Тук е от
    Dec 2013
    Живее в

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    "Меню" - "Настройки" - "Език" - '"Избрано аудио 1" - "български".
    ronnie72 одобрява това.


  9. Тук е от
    Dec 2011

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016


  10. Member
    Тук е от
    Oct 2005

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Цитат Първоначално публикувано от sirgeorge Виж публикацията
    dodo200 честито! Калибрирай настройките на дисплея https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f3pneGa8X8&t=308s и ще се пооправят нещата. В началото бе на режим "Нормал" и ми синееше на мен, а и подстветката е много силна и се наложи доста корекции да направя като следвах стъпките в клипа, дори пак намалих малко яркостта, че ми вади очите вечер. Направи си регистрация на сайта на Панасоник за получаване на сертификат за удължаване на гаранцията с още 3 години.

    Проблема при мен са очилата, не мога да открия налични. В един от ТМ ми предложиха Toshiba FPT-AG03, че нямаха на Самсунг, в Зора намерих Sony TDG-BT500A, но не дават гаранция че ще станат и като цяло консултантите дигат рамене като ги питаш за активни очила съвместими с Панасоник или поне такива за Самсунг - повечето казват, че са спрени от производство. Някой знае ли дали всички активни очила стават за Панасоника? Как мога да се ориентирам?
    Направих настройките, които са показани в клипчето и сега цветовете са по добре. Обаче остава проблема, при който малко само да се мръдна встрани и веднага картината се променя - става по бледа и лилавее.
    Все си мисля, че не би трябвало да е така или поне толкова фрапантно.
    Прикачени изображения Прикачени изображения

  11. Member Аватара на Сидеров
    Тук е от
    Feb 2016

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Чак на тн ми кони това. Нормално е ако телевизора е с VA матрица.

  12. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
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    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Това е нормално за всички типове матрици и най-вече за тип VA. Не че го няма в IPS, при него това избледняване и синеене се забелязва при по-голям зрителен ъгъл, а при гледане леко по диагонал направо лилавее - Glow ефект.
    Ако искаш телевизор без такива недостатъци...трябва ти Oled или Plasma

    Ето ти пример за зрителните ъгли при няколко топ модела
    като Sony X950 е с IPS матрица(в червено)

    Panasonic TV 2016
    Certification UHD
    Resolution: 3,840x2,160.

    Color depth: 10-bit.

    Color gamut: Wide, including the ability to show at least 90 percent of the P3 color gamut .

    High dynamic range: Specifically the ability to use SMPTE ST2084's electro-optical transfer function, which Dolby helped create .

    Minimum brightness and contrast ratios: There are two possible minimum specs. A minimum brightness of 1,000 nits, along with a black level of a maximum of 0.05 nits (20,000:1 contrast ratio), or a minimum brightness of 540 nits, along with a black level of a maximum of 0.0005 (1,080,000:1)
    Dolby Vision
    The metadata is graded in each scene so you get different grades throughout the file. Dolby tells us that scene by scene grading is the superior way to grade a movie, which on paper does sound more efficient.
    Standard: Poprietary
    Peak Luminance: Up to 10,000 nits
    Video Bit Depth: 12-bit
    Metadata: Dynamic (scene by scene)
    Software Upgradability: No(SoC hardware-embedded)
    HDR 10
    The metadata is graded and determined, and is then sent at the beginning of the file and covers the entire file. One set of metadata

    Standard: Open
    Peak Luminance: Up to 4,000 nits
    Video Bit Depth: 10-bit
    Metadata: Static (per title)
    Software Upgradability: Yes
    Videopanel - LCD matrix

    Color Space
    White & Black level

    Viewing angle
    Input Lag

    Opportunities for calibration

    50", 40", 32"
    No No 50" - max - 362cd/m2

    40" - max...cd/m2

    32" - max...cd/m2

    50"- Super-MVA, 8-bit, 120/100Hz + BLB + MCFI

    40"- Super-MVA, 8-bit, 120/100Hz + BLB + MCFI

    32"- ?, 8-bit, 60/50Hz

    MCFI - Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation
    50" - Edge Led

    40" - Edge Led

    32" - Edge Led

    Only globally
    (Adaptive Backlight Dimming)
    50"- DCI P3 - 74%

    40"- DCI P3 -

    32"- DCI P3 -

    50"- 4311:1 /0.038cd/m2






    50" -

    40" -

    32" -

    my Home Screen 1.0
    Bluetooth 3.0(2.402GHz-2.480GHz)
    1 x Lan Ethernet RJ45
    3 x HDMI 1.4 (CEC)
    2 x USB 2.0 (max500mA)
    1 x mini Jack (3.5mm) stereo
    1 x SCART
    1 x Component (RCA PIN type)
    Lan (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)
    Wi-Fi Direct
    802.11 a/n
    802.11 b/g/n
    1 x SAT>IP Client & Server
    Analog (PAL,SECAM,NTSC)
    No HEVC

  13. Member
    Тук е от
    Nov 2008
    Живее в

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Подкарах 3D-то на DS630 с очилата на Panasonic и по-точно TY-ER3DME и TY-ER3DSE, доволен съм. Поръчах си и 1бр. от Китай - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1pc-...636495595.html като дойдат ще ги тествам дали ще станат и ще се опитам да ги съпоставя с тези на Панасоник.

  15. Junior Member
    Тук е от
    Jun 2012

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Здравейте. Имам телевизор CS 630 от около година. Скоро забелязах че при превключване на каналите преди да се покаже картината от новия канал за около секунда се показва остатъчно изображение от предходно гледания канал. Адски дразнещо е. Та ако има някой с този модел TV би ли споделил как е при него или евентуален начин за справяне с него.

  16. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Това прилича на някакъв софтуерен бъг с обработката на сигнала. Пробвай със студен рестарт - изключване на телевизора от контакта за 5-6 минути.

  17. Junior Member
    Тук е от
    Jun 2012

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Това съм го правил и не се оправя от него, с последния софт съм....и все пак благодаря.

  18. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Отговор: Panasonic телевизори 2016

    Как да разчетем моделният префикс на телевизор Panasonic?
    пример- TX-50DXW734E
    T - телевизор
    X - континентално предназначение
    • X - Europe
    • H - Asia, Africa, Middle East, Oceania (Australia & New Zeeland)
    • C - Nord & South America

    50 - диагонален размер на екрана в инчове /1инч - 2,5 см/
    • 65" - 162,5 см
    • 60" - 150,0 см
    • 58" - 145,0 см
    • 55" - 137,5 см
    • 50" - 125,0 см
    • 49" - 122,5 см
    • 43" - 107.5 см
    • 42" - 105,0 см
    • 40" - 100,0 см
    • 39" - 97,5 см
    • 32" - 80,0 см

    D - година на модела
    • A - 2014
    • C - 2015
    • D - 2016
    • Е - 2017

    X - Резолюция (липсата на тази буква показва, че модела е HDReady - пример 32D300E)
    • X - ULTHRA HD (3840x2160)
    • S - FullHD (1920x1080)

    W - софтуерни регионални различия - модели с това обозначение като правило не се продават у нас
    • C - Швейцария
    • W - Германия
    • E - Белгия
    • N - Нидерландия
    • R - ***** и Украина (само 2 езика в менюто, няма PVR + измама с модела - техният DX800 това е нашият DX700 и т.н. по веригата)
    • F - Франция и Нидерландия
    • T - Австрия
    • M - Нидерландия
    • X - Нидерландия

    7 - Серия
    • 9 - флагман
    • 8 - висок клас
    • 7 - среден клас
    • 6 - среден клас
    • 5 - бюджетна серия
    • 5 - бюджетна серия
    • 4 - основна серия
    • 3 - базова серия

    7 - Под-серия, показваща хардуерни различия
    • 8 -
    • 7 -
    • 6 -
    • 5 -
    • 5 -
    • 4 -
    • 3 -
    • 2 -
    • 1 -
    • 0 -

    4 - това са модели по поръчка на търговски вериги /разликите са оборудването
    Някои от вас са забелязали, че моделите в някои европейски страни като Германия, Холандия и Англия завършват на цифра 4(например DXW904, DX804)....Тези модели се различават софтуерно спрямо моделите продавани у нас (завършват на 0).Има хардуерна разлика при моделите за Германия и Швейцария(за отделни търговски вериги) - вграден допълнително сателитен тунер в моделите от средният и ниският клас или променен цвят на корпуса.
    За Англия моделният код завършва с цифра 2 и буква B в края(пример DX902B) - това е заради различната система на EPG прилагана при тях - MHEG. Затова и ъпдейтите за тях са отделно.
    • 9 -
    • 8 - Double tuner - DVB-T/T2/C/S/S2 (HEVC)
    • 7 -
    • 6 -
    • 5 - DVB-T/T2/C (HEVC for UltraHD models)
    • 4 - 2 x DVB-T2 (H.264) für Österreich, DVB-T2 HD (H.265) für Deutschland / DVB-S2 / DVB-C / TV>IP
    • 3 - DVB-T/T2/C/S2 (HEVC for UltraHD models)
    • 2 -
    • 1 -
    • 0 - DVB-T/T2/C

    Е - регионално предназначение /и цвят на корпуса/:
    • E - Europa (continental)
    • ES - Europe (comtinental), Silver color
    • F - Europe....?
    • S - Silver color,
    • B - Britain & Ireland (заредени със софтуер за MHEG[еквивалент на EPG])
    • W - white color

    Други кодове за регионално предназначение
    • C - China
    • D - India, Nepal
    • H - Hong Kong
    • R - Iran
    • S - Singapure, Indonesia and Philipinnes
    • T - Thailand
    • K - Malaysia
    • W - Taiwan

    • A - Australia
    • Z - New Zeeland
    • U - Australia, New Zeeland

    Midlle East & Africa
    • M - Kuwait, UAE, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia
    • Q - Africa

    Nord America

    • U - United States & Canada
    • X - Mexico

    South America
    • A - Argentina
    • B - Brasil
    • H -
    • L - Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay
    • X -
    • -

    Модели поддържащи HLG(Hybrid Log Gamma)
    2015 TVs: Panasonic CX680, CX700 , CR730, CX800, CR852, CZ950 (OLED)
    2016 TVs: Panasonic DX902, DR852, DX802, DX750, DX720, DX700, DX680, DX650

    Panasonic UHD TV 2016 - european models

    Dolby Vision
    Hybrid Log Gamma
    HDR 10
    3 fundamental HDR
    building blocks:
    ST2084 (EOTF PQ),
    ST2086 (static metadata)
    ST2094 (dynamic metadata)

    The measured values of the brightness in Windows
    Type LCD matrix,
    Bits of color,
    (Operating frequency of T-Con board of the panel)
    Screen Uniformity
    Anti-reflective filter
    Supported Resolutions
    Frame per seconds
    24, 25, 30, 50, 60, 100, 120 p/i
    Chroma subsampling
    Backlight Unit
    Type backlight
    (Local Dimming zone)
    Type LED
    Backlight Scanning
    Black Frame Insertion
    Pulsе Wide Modulation
    DCI P3
    Delta E
    Color Temperature
    ANSI Contrast
    With local dimming
    Without local dimming
    White level
    Black level
    Viewing angle
    Horizontal & Vertical
    Motion resolution

    Input Lag
    Built in Media Player
    Supported file systems
    Image file formats
    Audio file formats/codecs
    Video file formats
    Hardware & Software
    Operating System
    Central Processing Unit
    System on Chip
    Instruction set
    Graphic Processor Unit
    Total memory
    Opportunities for
    Pros & Cons
    (Flat - Active 3D)
    TX-65DX902B (only in UK)
    TX-58DX902B (only in UK)
    Yes No Yes 65"- max 1250cd/m2
    100% - 885cd/m2

    58"- max 1430cd/m2
    Yes HDR10
    SMPTE standards
    ST2084, ST2086
    65"- SMVA, 10-bit, 120/100Hz
    58"- SMVA(Innolux), 10-bit, 120/100Hz
    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation (IFC)
    Black Frame Insertion (Clear Motion)
    Active 3D
    4:4:4 / 4:2:2 - 30p, 25p, 24p
    4:4:4 / 4:2:2 / 4:2:0 - 60p, 50p
    4096x2160 - 60p (displayed as 3840x2160)
    4096x2160 - 50p (displayed as 3840x2160)
    4096x2160 - 30p (displayed as 3840x2160)
    4096x2160 - 25p/4:4:4 (10, 12 bit) (displayed as 3840x2160)
    4096x2160 - 24p/4:4:4 (10, 12 bit) (displayed as 3840x2160)
    3840x2160 - 60p
    3840x2160 - 50p
    3840x2160 - 30p
    3840x2160 - 25p/4:4:4 (10, 12 bit)
    3840x2160 - 24p/4:4:4 (10, 12 bit)
    HDR 3840x2160 – 10 bit colors – BT.2020 color space – 4:2:0 – 75.6 Mbps bitrate – 59.940fps – HEVC (Main10@L5.1) - .mp4 file
    HDR 3840x2160 – 10 bit colors – BT.2020 color space – 4:2:0 – 56.4 Mbps bitrate – 23.976fps – HEVC (Main10@L5) - .mp4 file
    HDR 3840x2160 – 10 bit colors – BT.2020 color space – 4:2:0 – 60.3 Mbps bitrate – 23.976fps – HEVC (Main10@L5) - .mp4 file
    3840x2160 – 23.976fps – 10 bit colors - BT.709 color space – 4:2:0 – 51.4 Mbps bitrate – HEVC - .ts file
    3840x2160 – 8 bit colors – YUV color space – 4:2:0 – 50.0 Mbps bitrate – 29.970fps - AVC - .mp4 file
    3840x2160 – 10 bit colors – YUV color space – 4:2:0 – 23.1 Mbps bitrate – 50fps - HEVC - .ts file
    2560x1440 – BT.709 color space – 4:2:0 – 6.54 Mbps bitrate – VP9 - .mkv file
    3840x2160 – BT.709 color space – 4:2:0 – 12.71 Mbps bitrate – VP9 - .mkv file
    1920x1080 – 8 bit colors - YUV color space – 4:2:0 – 2.5 Mbps bitrate – 60fps - HEVC - .ts file
    1920x1080 – 8 bit colors - YUV color space – 4:2:0 – 60fps - 2.2 Mbps bitrate – HEVC - .mkv file
    1920x1080 – 8 bit colors – BT.709 color space – 4:2:0 – 98.3 Mbps bitrate – AVC - .mkv file
    65" - FALD, 512 zones (32 x 16)
    58" - FALD, 512 zones (32 x 16)
    Honeycomb backlight structure
    Blue Leds - PFS (potassium-fluorosilicate) phosphor featuring an extremely narrow red peak
    MEMC - Intelligent Frame Creation
    BLS - Backlight Scaning
    BFI - Clear Motion
    6 cooling fan backlight
    DCI-P3 - 98.03%
    Rec.2020 - 78%
    Gama - 2.41 - 2.4 /

    DCI-P3 - 96%
    Rec.2020 - 74%
    dE - 1.02
    Gama - 2.41 - 2.4

    65" - ANSI (4x4) - 5360:1
    Pre - 134cd/m2 (white)
    Pre - 0.025cd/m2 (black)
    Post - 0.019cd/m2 (black)
    Dynamic - 50000:1

    58" - ANSI (4x4) - 4600:1
    without - 0.025 cd/m2 (black)
    with - 0.023cd/m2 (black)
    Dynamic - 50000:1
    Static - 5400:1
    Local Dimming Down: White 123 cd / m² - Black at 0.026 cd / m² = Contrast 4730: 1 (linear gamma, black legible)
    Local Dimming to Medium: White 122 cd / m² - Black at 0.020 cd / m² = Contrast 6100: 1 (linear gamma, black legible)
    Local Dimming high: White 119 cd / m² - Black at 0.006 cd / ² = Contrast 19,800: 1 (linear gamma, black neighborhood a bit stuffy, but less stuffy than the Edge LED)

    65" - 46°(cone)
    58" - 46°(conе)
    65" - 1080 lines with[IFC]“Custom“; 300 “Off“

    58" - 1080 lines
    58", 65"
    65"- 65" - Normal: 51.2ms
    HDR + Game mode - 38.8ms [Adaptive Backlight Control - OFF]
    Normal + Game mode: 40.7ms
    THX cinema + Game mode: 42.7ms
    Professional 1 + Game mode: 42.8ms

    58" - Game mode- 40ms / by default - 50ms
    40Watt (10W+10W+10W+10W)
    integrated subwoofer
    Dolby Digital
    Dolby Plus
    No DTS
    VR-Audio Master Surround 2.1

    That said, there is still a 2.1 system with 2 x 10 watts with a wooffer 20 Watts, all support by 4 passive radiators and a lot of settings to optimize the sound reproduction, volume level changes in a channel to another, offer more serious, a 7-band EQ, etc.
    FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and exFAT


    MP3, AAC, WMA Pro, FLAC 44.1 kHz and downmix of 192 kHz Flac, Apple Lossless (ALAC), WAV / LPCM
    MKV, 3G2, 3GP, 3GPP, ASF, AVCHD, AVCHD/MVC (3D), AVI, F4V, FLV, H.264 BP, H.264 HP, H.264 MP, H.265 (HEVC), VP9, M2TS, M4V, MKV, MOD, MP4, MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG4 ASP, MPEG4 SP, MPG, MTS, PS, TP, TRP, TS, TTS, VC-1, VOB, VRO, WMV (Windows Media Video), WMV9 (Windows Media Video 9)
    Micro DVD, SRT, SUB, SubRip, TMPlayer, TXT
    Obviously not playing DTS-HD tracks or TrueHD or ISO or Blu-ray folders (BDMV) and like all televisions, 24p videos are played in 60 im / s, but converting the framerate is well managed, with smooth playback without jerkiness and a picture of beauty. The reading is also interesting audio files with management Flac, WAV and ALAC, the ability to display album art or tags, but no native playback of files called "HiRes" all files in 88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192 kHz are downmixes in 48 kHz / 24 bits.
    Quad Core
    Chassis P163
    Firefox 2.5
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    2 x USB 2.0 (max 500mA/5V)
    1 x USB 3.0 (max 900mA/5V)
    4 x HDMI 2.0a HDCP2.2 (ARC,CEC)
    1 x Satelite In (Main: F-type female)
    1 x Satelite In (Sub: F-type female)
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF)female
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    1 x Card reader SD/SDHC/SDXC
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    Bluetooth ver.4.0(for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    Wi-Fi Direct
    2x DVB-C/T2/S2,
    1 x SAT>IP Client & Server
    DiSEqC (Digital Satellite Equipement Control) version 1.0
    DVB-T2: HEVC H.264 и H.265
    Analog (PAL,SECAM)
    2 x CI+1.3
    PVR, Time Shifting
    HEVC, VP9
    ISF ProfessionalTHX Bright Room
    3D LUT - 8000 points
    gray scale of 10 points
    direct Display Control mode to allow to adjust settings directly from the Calman software (professional edition) by connecting screen to a PC via Ethernet
    Although the Panasonic DX902 features a high number of FALD zones, in certain low-APL scenes the dimming algorithm in HDR mode could be too aggressive even with [Automatic Backlight Control] set to the lowest value of “Min“, spoiling the original creative intent of the movie. One such instance was during the opening space sequence in The Martian: the Viera TX-65DX902B was darkening several dark patches excessively, resulting in a blotchy “reverse clouding” effect.
    The DX900′s sharply-defined backlight algorithm also had a tendency to show up the FALD grid structure of the television. As the title “The Martian” appeared on the aforementioned space scene, the bright letters were accompanied by square-shaped haloing/ blooming against the dark backdrop. The same phenomenon could be observed in timecode 00:19:56 of The Revenant where Hugh is reassuring his son Hawk at night, with the silhouettes being displayed in rectangular halos.
    • + The Full LED backlight with honeycomb structure and 512 zones Local Dimming
    • + A record for a contrast LED TV, visually very close to the OLED
    • + An ultra high light pic!
    • + A 10-bit panel
    • + An exceptional rendering HDR
    • + A rich spectrum of stunning colors and balanced
    • + Colorimetry output of cardboard near-perfect in Rec.709 and DCI (Delta E 1)
    • + A high-performance video processing, including SD content with a very natural picture
    • + Several algorithms with efficient remastering yet made once natural
    • + Ultra settings to complete color management level and HDMI
    • + The efficiency of HCX + processor: magnificent display UHD upscaling and great
    • + Rendering fluid, even without IFC
    • + Complete network management, Samba, DLNA / UPnP, multiroom client / server, sharing of tuners on the network
      interesting multimedia management (UHD video playback and HDR, VP9 and HEVC, MKV, TS, Flac, ALAC, etc.), but no DTS decoding that just spoils the fun!
    • + A good anti-reflective coating
    • + Very good record audio
    • + The best current LED TV, a reference!
    • - IFC made too which generates a digital camcorder
    • - The very average 3D or not good (blocked backlight, gray and black marked ghosting)
    • - The absence of DTS support, multimedia playback 24p, or playback HD audio tracks
    • - A very directive slab (loss of contrast and color beyond 20 °)
    • - A filter detail enhancement and / or contours would have been welcome for picture lovers scalpel
    • - No compatibility Dolby Vision
    • - The inclination of the slab to 6, no interest and can be binding
    • - A cover 100% of the DCI would have been welcome at this price!
    • - The price, too high for a LED TV, whatever its quality!
    • - many users have encountered the vertical banding worries with the 58 "(65" offers however excellent homogeneity)

    No No Yes 58" - max 553cd/m,
    10% - 458cd/m2

    50" - 10% - 545cd/m2
    Yes HDR10
    SMPTE standards
    ST2084, ST2086
    58"- Super-MVA, 8-bit+FRC, 120/100Hz
    50"- Super-MVA, 8-bit+FRC, 120/100Hz
    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation (IFC)
    Black Frame Insertion (Clear Motion)
    Panasonic have done an excellent job of ensuring the backlight is suitably uniform. There was no apparent dirty screen effect or any obvious bright edges and overall with normal viewing material the backlight performance was very good. At night in a dark room you could see some minor backlight issues but those were rare and easily mitigated with some bias lighting.
    58" - Edge Led
    50" - Edge Led
    Dimming - 4 Vertical zones
    Blue Leds - with red phosphorus)
    MEMC - Intelligent Frame Creation
    BFI - Clear Motion
    58"- 95% / 72%
    50"- 86% / 67% / DeltaE 2.3 / Gamma 2.4
    phosphorus-based diodes for a wide gamut close to the DCI 4K(Blue Led + Red/Green phosphorus)
    58" - ANSI 3500:1 / 0.0
    50" - ANSI 5310:1 / 0.02cd/m2
    with Adaptive Backlight Control (local dimming) 0.002cd/m2,

    58" -
    50" -
    58" -

    50" - with IFC - 1080 / without - 350
    58", 50"
    58" - Game mode 43ms / by default 110ms
    50" - Game mode 44ms / by default 110ms
    The DX802 delivered an input lag of 44ms in Game Mode, which whilst not as low as some of the competition, should be good enough for all but the most demanding of gamers. We certainly had no problems with lag when gaming and found the overall performance to be very good with our PS4. One interesting thing to note is that you can select the Game Mode when watching HDR content, which means that when HDR games are released you should still be able to enjoy the benefits of a lower input lag.
    2 x 10 Watt RMS + Subwoofer 20 Watt
    VR-Audio Master Surround 2.1
    12 Train Prismatic Speaker (2 tweeters, 4 médiums et 6 woofers)
    Dolby Digital Plus
    No DTS
    The soundbar includes a 12 train prismatic speaker, a quad passive radiator and 40W of amplification, whilst there are holes at the back so that it can, along with the TV, also be wall mounted. The fact that you can detach the soundbar completely means you also have the option to not use it at all and simply use your DX802 with a third-party audio solution.
    FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and exFAT


    MP3, AAC, WMA Pro, FLAC 44.1 kHz and downmix of 192 kHz Flac, Apple Lossless (ALAC), WAV / LPCM
    MKV, 3G2, 3GP, 3GPP, ASF, AVCHD, AVCHD/MVC (3D), AVI, F4V, FLV, H.264 BP, H.264 HP, H.264 MP, H.265 (HEVC), VP9, M2TS, M4V, MKV, MOD, MP4, MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG4 ASP, MPEG4 SP, MPG, MTS, PS, TP, TRP, TS, TTS, VC-1, VOB, VRO, WMV (Windows Media Video), WMV9 (Windows Media Video 9)
    Micro DVD, SRT, SUB, SubRip, TMPlayer, TXT
    Quad Core
    Chassis P163
    Firefox 2.5
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    2 x USB 2.0 (max 500mA/5V)
    1 x USB 3.0 (max 900mA/5V)
    4 x HDMI 2.0a HDCP2.2 (ARC,CEC)
    1 x Satelite In (Main: F-type female)
    1 x Satelite In (Sub: F-type female)
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF)female
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    1 x Card reader SD/SDHC
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    Bluetooth ver.4.0(for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    Wi-Fi Direct
    2 x DVB-C/T2/S2,
    1 x SAT>IP Client & Server
    DiSEqC (Digital Satellite Equipement Control) version 1.0
    DVB-T2: HEVC H.264 и H.265
    Analog (PAL,SECAM)
    2 x CI+1.3
    PVR, Time Shifting HEVC, VP9
    As with all Panasonic TVs, the DX800 comes with an excellent set of calibration controls, including 2- and 10-point white balance controls, a separate gamma control and a full Colour Management System (CMS),ISF Professional, THX Bright Room, 3D LUTCMS - RGBCYM gray scale of 10 points. Rec.2020, Rec.709 direct Display Control mode to allow to adjust settings directly from the Calman software (professional edition) by connecting screen to a PC via Ethernet The colour accuracy of the DX802 wasn't as good as we would expect from a Panasonic TV DX800
    No No Yes 65" - max......cd/m2
    55" - max 577cd/m2
    50" - max 5....cd/m2
    Yes HDR10
    ST2084, ST2086
    65" - Super-MVA, 8-bit+Hi-FRC, 120/100Hz
    58" - Super-MVA, 8-bit+Hi-FRC, 120/100Hz
    50" - Super-MVA, 8-bit+Hi-FRC, 120/100Hz
    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation (IFC)
    Black Frame Insertion (Clear Motion)
    65" - Direct Led, Local Dimming - 32 zones (8 x 4)
    58" - Edge Led (below) Vertical Dimming
    50" - Edge Led (below) Vertical Dimming
    Blue Leds - with red phosphorus
    MEMC - Intelligent Frame Creation
    BFI - Clear Motion
    65" - DCI P3 X,Y -
    58" - DCI P3 X,Y -
    50" - DCI P3 X,Y - 89% / Rec.2020 - 66%
    phosphorus-based diodes for a wide gamut close to the DCI 4K(Blue Led + Red/Green phosphorus)
    65" -
    58" -
    50" -
    65" -
    58" -
    50" -
    65", 58", 50"
    65" - Game mode
    58" - Game mode
    50" - Game mode
    2x10 Watt RMS
    Dolby Digital Plus
    No DTS
    VR-Audio Surround True
    FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and exFAT


    AAC, FLAC, MP3, WMA Pro, WAV, Apple Lossless
    AVCHD 3D / Progressive
    3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project, .3gp)
    AVI (Audio Video Interleaved, .avi)
    MKV (Matroska Multimedia Container, .mkv, .mk3d, .mka, .mks)
    Flash Video (.flv, .f4p, .f4a, .f4b)
    H.264 / MPEG4 Part 10 / AVC Video
    H.265 / MPEG-H Part 2 / HEVC
    Quick Time (mov, .qt)
    MP4 (MPEG-4 Part 14, .mp4, .m4a, .m4p, .m4b, .m4r, .m4v)
    VOB (Video Object)
    TS (MPEG Transport Stream, .ts, .tsv, .tsa)
    WMV (Windows Media Video, .wmv)
    Quad Core
    Chassis P163
    Firefox 2.5
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    2 x USB 2.0 (max500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (max900mA)
    2 x HDMI 2.0a HDCP2.2 (ARC,CEC)
    2 x HDMI 1.4 (CEC)
    1 x Satelite In (Main: F-type female)
    1 x Satelite In (Sub: F-type female)
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF)female1 x CI+ 1.3
    1 x Card reader SD/SDHC
    Lan (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)
    Wi-Fi 802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    Bluetooth Ver.4.0(for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    Wi-Fi Direct
    2 x DVB-C/T2/S2,
    1 x SAT>IP Client & Server
    DiSEqC (Digital Satellite Equipement Control) version 1.0
    DVB-T2: HEVC H.264 и H.265
    Analog (PAL,SECAM)
    2 x CI+1.3
    PVR, Time Shifting
    HEVC, VP9
    No No Yes 65" - max 435cd/m2
    58" - 100% max 550cd/m2
    50" - 10% max 529cd/m2/
    SDR max 500cd/m2

    HDR processing (but no hardware for HDR)
    65" - Super-MVA, 8-bit+Hi-FRC, 120/100Hz
    58" - Super-MVA, 8-bit+Hi-FRC, 120/100Hz
    50" - Super-MVA, 8-bit+HI-FRC, 120/100Hz
    50"- panel Innolux V500DK4-KS7-Rev.R24
    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation
    Black Frame Insertion (Clear Motion)
    very glossy panel
    The Adaptive Backlight Control (local dimming) on the DX750 was a little disappointing, especially compared to the sophisticated system employed by Samsung, and even in the low mode we saw artefacts that were quite obvious at times. Although it was less an issue of haloing and more of a problem of the entire image obviously dimming in certain scenes. However since the native blacks and backlight uniformity are good, if you sit central to the screen there is very little difference with the local dimming on or off and at least when it's off you avoid any issues.
    HDR 3840x2160 – 10 bit colors – BT.2020 color space – 4:2:0 subsampling – 75.6 Mbps bitrate – 59.940fps – HEVC (Main10@L5.1) - .mp4 file
    HDR 3840x2160 – 10 bit colors – BT.2020 color space – 4:2:0 subsampling – 60.3 Mbps bitrate – 23.976fps – HEVC (Main10@L5) - .mp4 file
    HDR 3840x2160 – 10 bit colors – BT.2020 color space – 4:2:0 subsampling – 56.4 Mbps bitrate – 23.976fps – HEVC (Main10@L5) - .mp4 file
    3840x2160 – 10 bit colors – YUV color space – 4:2:0 subsampling – 23.1 Mbps bitrate – 50fps - HEVC - .ts file
    3840x2160 – 10 bit colors - BT.709 color space – 4:2:0 subsampling – 51.4 Mbps bitrate – 23.976fps – HEVC - .ts file
    3840x2160 – 8 bit colors – YUV color space – 4:2:0 subsampling – 50.0 Mbps bitrate – 29.970fps - AVC - .mp4 file
    3840x2160 – BT.709 color space – 4:2:0 subsampling – 12.71 Mbps bitrate – VP9 - .mkv file
    2560x1440 – BT.709 color space – 4:2:0 subsampling – 6.54 Mbps bitrate – VP9 - .mkv file
    1920x1080 – 8 bit colors - YUV color space – 4:2:0 subsampling – 2.5 Mbps bitrate – 60fps - HEVC - .ts file
    1920x1080 – 8 bit colors - YUV color space – 4:2:0 subsampling – 60fps - 2.2 Mbps bitrate – HEVC - .mkv file
    1920x1080 – 8 bit colors – BT.709 color space – 4:2:0 subsampling – 98.3 Mbps bitrate – AVC - .mkv file
    65" - Direct Led, No Dimming
    58" - Edge Led (below), Vertical Dimming
    50" - Edge Led (below), Vertical Dimming
    MEMC - Intelligent Frame Creation
    BMR 1800
    65" - 90% / 70%
    58" - 90% / 70%
    50" - 86% / 66%
    phosphorus-based diodes for a wide gamut close to the DCI 4K(Blue Led + Red/Green phosphorus)
    65" - ANSI 4300:1 / 123cd/m2 / 0.03cd/m2
    58"- ANSI 4313:1 /120cd/m2 / 0.017cd/m2
    50" - ANSI 3795:1 / 0.023cd/m2
    with Adaptive Backlight Control(Local Dimming) 0.001cd/m2
    Static 4800:1/ 120 cd/m2 / 0.025cd/m2
    Dynamic 5000:1 / 625cd/m2 / 0.10cd/m2

    65" - 42° (cone)
    58" - 44° (cone)
    50" - 46° (cone)
    65" -

    58" - with IFC 1080 / without - 350

    50" - with IFC 1080 / without - 350
    65", 58", 50"
    65"- Game mode-46ms / by default-106ms
    58"- Game mode-47ms / by default-105ms
    50"- Game mode-47ms / by default-105ms
    2x10 Watt RMS
    Dolby Digital Plus
    No DTS
    VR-Audio Surround True
    The rendering is still acceptable, average with perfectly intelligible dialogue, but rather limited power with 2 x 10 Watts and no Subwoofer output as Sony. no one still finds a lot of settings to optimize the sound rendering, level the volume changes from one channel to another, a 7-band EQ, a surround mode, etc.
    FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and exFAT


    AAC, ADPCM, Dolby Digital (AC-3), Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3), DTS Core, FLAC, HE-AAC, LPCM, M4A, MP3, MPEG Audio, WAV, WMA, WMA Pro
    3G2, 3GP, 3GPP, ASF, AVCHD, AVCHD/MVC (3D), AVI, F4V, FLV, H.264 BP, H.264 HP, H.264 MP, H.265 (HEVC), M2TS, M4V, MKV, MOD, MP4, MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG4 ASP, MPEG4 SP, MPG, MTS, PS, TP, TRP, TS, TTS, VC-1, VOB, VRO, WMV (Windows Media Video), WMV9 (Windows Media Video 9)
    Micro DVD, SRT, SUB, SubRip, TMPlayer, TXT
    Quad Core
    Chassis P163
    Firefox 2.5
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    2 x USB 2.0 (max500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (max900mA)
    2 x HDMI 2.0a HDCP2.2 (ARC,CEC)
    2 x HDMI 1.4 (CEC)
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF)female1 x CI+ 1.3
    1 x Card reader SD/SDHC
    Lan (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)
    Wi-Fi 802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    Bluetooth Ver.4.0(for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    Wi-Fi Direct
    DVB- C/T2/S2
    with PIP functions, PAP, PAT,
    Analog (PAL,SECAM)
    PVR, Time Shifting
    HEVC H.265, VP9
    Accurate Colour Drive technology with 3D LUT conversion table with 8 000 points correction and the ability to calibrate 6 primary and secondary colors within a CMS on 3 axes. Or Black Gradation Drive that can provide more gradations in dark scenes through treatment with 12 bit color.To adjust the colorimetry, the DX750 offers all the necessary settings with the choice of gamut used (Rec.601, Rec.709, EBU, DCI / P3 or Rec.2020), gamma used (with varying gamma whose BT.1886 with compensation of black, 2.2 used in lit room, the 2.4 used in dark room). You can edit each Gamma to correct on 10 points. Each gamut can be calibrated from a CMS (Color Management System) 3-axis (luminance, saturation and hue) with opportunity to correct 6 primary and secondary colors (RGBCMY). Finally, we also find a Balance Whites 2P and 10P (10 points) to adjust the color temperature.THX - NoISF - No As for upscaling UHD Panasonic, there is no doubt he has made great progress. It's quite different from what Samsung offers, closer to what Sony offers, that is to say a very natural image, less chiseled than on the Samsung TV, but very precise and with a sumptuous quilted. The upscaling provides an image with rich texture and greatly improves accuracy without displaying traces of upscaling. So it is very comprehensive, especially for network management, but lacks however DisplayPort who was present on the AX900, or aptX Bluetooth and a Subwoofer output like what Sony offers. Standard remote control, without micro or backlit button. A good remote control, solid but rather plain .., and no possibility to calibrate the TV for a tablet like the DX900 as the DX750 is not certified ISF.
    • + Design, build quality, the possibility of multiple foot positions
    • + A powerful contrast to an Edge LED (4800: 1 ANSI)
    • + A bright peak in HDR pretty good (625 nits)
    • + System of internal gradation great despite the slab 8 bit
    • + HDR rendering of very good quality
    • + A rich spectrum of beautiful, balanced colors, a wide gamut (91.2% of DCI)
    • + Colorimetry output very correct card (delta E less than 3)
    • + A high-performance video processing, including SD content with a very natural picture
    • + Several algorithms with efficient remastering yet made once natural
    • + Ultra settings to complete color management level and HDMI
    • + IFC made without a fluid including 24P
    • + Complete network management, Samba, DLNA / UPnP, multiroom client / server, sharing the tuner on the network
    • + interesting multimedia management (UHD video playback and HDR, VP9 and HEVC, MKV, TS, Flac, ALAC, etc.), but no DTS decoding that just spoils the fun!
    • + A good quality 3D rendering, although some ghosting
    • + The best quality / price ratio in 2016, certainly!
    • - The anti-reflection treatment of limited
    • - A slab 8 bit (although fnally we do not notice it)
    • - IFC made too which generates a digital or video camera (main fault)
    • - Lack of support DTS multimedia
    • - A single HD tuner (DVB-C / T2 compliant HEVC and MPEG4)
    • - A slightly Directive slab contrast term as all VA panels
    • - A detail enhancement filter and / or contours would have been welcome for more chiseled picture lovers
    • - No compatibility Dolby Vision
    • - Local Dimming that a mouth too black to Medium or High
    • - The edges of the slab clearer in some dark scenes

    No No Yes 58"- max....cd/m2
    50"- max 317cd/m2
    40" - max...cd/m2
    HDR processing (but no hardware for HDR)
    58" - Super-MVA, 8-bit+FRC, 60/50Hz
    50" - Super-MVA, 8-bit+FRC, 60/50Hz
    40" - Super-MVA, 8-bit+FRC, 60/50Hz
    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation
    Black Frame Interpolation
    4K Backlight Motion Rate IFC 1400
    very glossy panel
    58" - Edge Led (below) Vertical Dimming
    50" - Edge Led (below) Vertical Dimming
    40" - Edge Led (below) Vertical Dimming
    MEMC - Intelligent Frame Creation
    58" - DCI P3 -
    50" - DCI P3 -
    40" - DCI P3 -
    58" -
    50" - 4824:1 / 0.04cd/m2
    40" -
    58" -
    50" - 42° (cone)
    40" -
    58", 50", 40"
    58" - Game mode
    50" - Game mode
    40" - Game mode
    2x10 Watt RMS
    Dolby Digital Plus
    No DTS
    VR-Audio Surround
    FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and exFAT


    AAC, ADPCM, Dolby Digital (AC-3), Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3), DTS Core, FLAC, HE-AAC, LPCM, M4A, MP3, MPEG Audio, WAV, WMA, WMA Pro
    3G2, 3GP, 3GPP, ASF, AVCHD, AVCHD/MVC (3D), AVI, F4V, FLV, H.264 BP, H.264 HP, H.264 MP, H.265 (HEVC), M2TS, M4V, MKV, MOD, MP4, MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG4 ASP, MPEG4 SP, MPG, MTS, PS, TP, TRP, TS, TTS, VC-1, VOB, VRO, WMV (Windows Media Video), WMV9 (Windows Media Video 9)
    Micro DVD, SRT, SUB, SubRip, TMPlayer, TXT
    Quad Core
    Chassis P193
    Firefox 2.5
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    2 x USB 2.0 (max500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (max900mA)
    1 x HDMI 1.4 (CEC)
    2 x HDMI 2.0a (ARC,CEC)
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF)female
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    1 x Card reader SD/SDHC
    Lan (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    Bluetooth Ver.4.0(for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    Wi-Fi Direct
    Double Tuner
    Analog (PAL,SECAM)
    PVR, Time Shifting
    HEVC, VP9
    No No Yes 58"- max....cd/m2
    50"- max ....cd/m2
    40" - max...cd/m2
    HDR processing (but no hardware for HDR)
    58" - Super-MVA, 8-bit+FRC, 60/50Hz
    50" - Super-MVA, 8-bit+FRC, 60/50Hz
    40" - Super-MVA, 8-bit+FRC, 60/50Hz
    Motion Clarity Frame Interpolation
    Black Frame Interpolation
    4K Backlight Motion Rate IFC 1600
    very glossy panel
    58" - Led, Local Dimming
    50" - Led, Local Dimming
    40" - Led, Local Dimming
    MEMC - Intelligent Frame Creation
    58" - DCI P3 -
    50" - DCI P3 -
    40" - DCI P3 -
    58" -
    50" - 4824:1 / 0.04cd/m2
    40" -
    58" -
    50" - 42° (cone)
    40" -
    58", 50", 40"
    58" - Game mode
    50" - Game mode
    40" - Game mode
    2x10 Watt RMS
    Dolby Digital Plus
    No DTS
    VR-Audio Master Surround
    Quad Core
    Chassis P193
    Firefox 2.5
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    2 x USB 2.0 (max500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (max900mA)
    1 x HDMI 1.4 (CEC)
    2 x HDMI 2.0a (ARC,CEC)
    1 x AV Composite In
    1 x AV Component In
    1 x Optical Audio Out
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF)female
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    1 x Card reader SD/SDHC
    Lan (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    Bluetooth Ver.4.0(for keyboard and mouse, no Bluetooth audio)
    Wi-Fi Direct
    Analog (PAL,SECAM)
    PVR, Time Shifting
    HEVC, VP9
    No No Yes 58" - HDR max 350cd/m2
    50" - HDR max 350cd/m2

    40" -
    HDR processing (but no hardware for HDR)
    58" - Super-MVA, 8-bit, 60/50Hz
    50" - Super-MVA, 8-bit, 60/50Hz
    40" - SMVA(Innolux), 8-bit, 60/50Hz
    Black Frame Interpolation
    4K Backlight Motion Rate IFC 1400
    very glossy panel
    58" - Edge Led (below), Vertical Dimming
    50" - Edge Led (below), Vertical Dimming
    40" - Edge Led(below), Vertical Dimming
    MEMC - Intelligent Frame Creation
    58" - DCI P3 - / Rec.2020 - 68.27%
    50" - DCI P3 -
    40" - DCI P3 -
    58"- 5736:1 / 153cd/m2 / 0.03cd/m23184:1 / 0.038cd/m2ANSI - 2304:1 / 0.046cd/m2
    50" - 4700:1 /
    40" -
    58" - 40°(conе)
    50" -
    40" -
    58", 50"'40"
    58"- Game mode-49.8ms / by default-69.7ms
    50"- Game mode
    40" - Game mode
    2x10 Watt RMS
    Dolby Digital Plus
    No DTS
    VR-Audio True Surround
    Quad Core
    Chassis P193
    Firefox 2.5
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    1 x USB 2.0 (max 500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (max 900mA)
    1 x HDMI 1.4 (CEC)
    2 x HDMI 2.0 (ARC,CEC)
    1 x AV Composite in
    1 x AV Component in
    1 x Optical Audio Out
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF) female
    1 x CI+ 1.3
    Lan (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    Bluetooth ver. 4.0
    Wi-Fi Direct
    Analog (PAL,SECAM)
    No No Yes 55" -
    49" -
    40" -
    58"- Super-MVA, 8-bit, 60/50Hz
    49"- Super-MVA, 8-bit, 60/50Hz
    40"- Super-MVA, 8-bit, 60/50Hz
    Black Frame Interpolation
    4K Backlight Motion Rate IFC 1000
    55" - Edge Led, (below)
    49" - Edge Led, (below)
    40" - Edge Led, (below)
    MEMC - Inteligent Frame Creation
    4K Backlight Motion Rate IFC 1000
    55"- DCI P3 -
    49"- DCI P3 -
    40"- DCI P3 -
    55", 49",40"
    55" - Game mode
    49" - Game mode
    40" - Game mode
    2x10 Watt RMS
    Dolby Digital Plus
    No DTS
    VR-Audio True Surround
    FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and exFAT


    AAC, ADPCM, Dolby Digital (AC-3), Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3), DTS Core, FLAC, HE-AAC, LPCM, M4A, MP3, MPEG Audio, WAV, WMA, WMA Pro
    3G2, 3GP, 3GPP, ASF, AVCHD, AVCHD/MVC (3D), AVI, F4V, FLV, H.264 BP, H.264 HP, H.264 MP, H.265 (HEVC), M2TS, M4V, MKV, MOD, MP4, MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG4 ASP, MPEG4 SP, MPG, MTS, PS, TP, TRP, TS, TTS, VC-1, VOB, VRO, WMV (Windows Media Video), WMV9 (Windows Media Video 9)
    Micro DVD, SRT, SUB, SubRip, TMPlayer, TXT
    Quad Core
    Chassis -Firefox 2.5
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    1 x USB 2.0 (max 500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (max 900mA)
    1 x HDMI 1.4 (CEC)
    2 x HDMI 2.0 (ARC,CEC)
    1 x AV Composite in
    1 x AV Component in
    1 x Optical Audio Out
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF) female1 x CI+ 1.3
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    Wi-Fi Direct
    Analog (PAL,SECAM)
    No No No 55" - max 294cd/m2
    49" - max...cd/m2
    40" - max...cd/m2
    55"- Super-IPS, 8-bit, 60/50Hz + BLB
    49"- Super-IPS, 8-bit, 60/50Hz + BLB
    40"- SMVA(Innolux), 8-bit, 60/50Hz + BLB
    4K Backlight Motion Rate IFC 800
    55" - Edge Led, (below)
    49" - Edge Led, (below)
    40" - Edge Led
    55"- DCI P3 -
    49"- DCI P3 -
    40"- DCI P3 -
    55"- 78° (cone)
    55", 49", 40"
    55" - Game mode
    49" - Game mode
    40" - Game mode
    2x10 Watt RMS
    Dolby Digital Plus
    No DTS
    VR-Audio True Surround
    FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and exFAT


    AAC, ADPCM, Dolby Digital (AC-3), Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3), DTS Core, FLAC, HE-AAC, LPCM, M4A, MP3, MPEG Audio, WAV, WMA, WMA Pro
    3G2, 3GP, 3GPP, ASF, AVCHD, AVCHD/MVC (3D), AVI, F4V, FLV, H.264 BP, H.264 HP, H.264 MP, H.265 (HEVC), M2TS, M4V, MKV, MOD, MP4, MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG4 ASP, MPEG4 SP, MPG, MTS, PS, TP, TRP, TS, TTS, VC-1, VOB, VRO, WMV (Windows Media Video), WMV9 (Windows Media Video 9)
    Micro DVD, SRT, SUB, SubRip, TMPlayer, TXT
    Firefox 2.5
    1 x Ethernet RJ45
    1 x USB 2.0 (max 500mA)
    1 x USB 3.0 (max 900mA)
    1 x HDMI 1.4 (CEC)
    2 x HDMI 2.0 (ARC,CEC)
    1 x AV Composite in
    1 x AV Component in
    1 x Optical Audio Out
    1 x 3.5mm Audio Out
    1 x Antena (RF) female1 x CI+ 1.3
    802.11 a
    802.11 b
    802.11 g
    802.11 n
    802.11 n 5GHz
    Wi-Fi Direct
    Analog (PAL,SECAM)

    Dolby Vision
    Hybrid Log Gamma
    HDR 10
    In Windows
    Type LCD matrix,
    Bits of color,
    (Operating frequency of T-Con board of the panel)
    Screen Uniformity
    Anti-reflective filter
    Supported Resolutions
    Type backlight
    (Local Dimming zone)
    Type LED
    Backlight Scanning
    Black Frame Insertion
    Pulsе Wide Modulation
    Color Space
    DCI P3 / Rec.2020 / Delta E
    White & Black level
    With local dimming
    Without local dimming
    Viewing angle
    ( ° cone)
    Motion resolution

    Input Lag
    Built in Media Player
    Opportunities for
    Pros & Cons
    Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 09-12-16 в 21:24.
    bojoviki одобрява това.

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