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Мнения и Избор на телевизор (инфо в първите постове)

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  1. Тук е от
    Aug 2009

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    awimbawe, аз търсих същото преди известно време и svetlio1 предложи Самсунг 50MU6102 (Леко "ревю" на 50MU6102 тип "плюс-минус"), който е около 1000 лева. Няколко думи и от мен. Ползвам го само като екран вързан към компютър, тъй че нямам коментар за „умните“ фукции. Гледах за настройки от тук - Samsung MU6100 LED TV Calibration Settings - но дали защото там е 58", а моя е 50" версия или защото ползвам само картинка само през външен вход, при мен опциите са по-постни. Все пак вече изглежда прилично.
    Първи впечатления - стойката пасва добре, но винтовете са прекалено дълги и не могат да се навият докрай. Хах! И като цялостно усещане... имам чувството, че екрана е заленен за един картон. Как да е - върши работа. Хареса ми джойстика долу в дясно отзад. Лично на мен ми е много удобен. Не знам дали някой друг реално би го ползвал :D Картинката, както казах е добре. Ако звуча леко снизходително, то е че сравнявам със старата ми плазма. Цветовете, естествено, се измиват веднага щом мръднеш настрани. Ех... някак си очаквах 9 години технологична еволюция да доведат до нещо по-добро. Ама ей на...
    Иначе интересувах се и от Панасоник 780, където може би нещата са по-добре, но и цената е х2. Вече не отделям толкова време за гледане и просто не си заслужава да се хвърлят едни пари за няколко компромиса по-малко. Нали, лично мнение.


  3. Тук е от
    Mar 2008

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    Както се казва, човек и добре да си гледа стария телевизор идва момента да го сменя. Параметрите са следните:
    - ще се гледа основно от разстояние 4.5-5 метра, но и от 1-2 метра (за кратко, само телевизия). Помещението е северно, така че не силно осветено, но има лампи, които евентуално ще се отразяват в екрана.
    - ще се гледа главно IP телевизия, като повечето канали са SD, малко са HD, но също така и филми от интернет (HBG GO, NETFLIX и др.) и външни устройства (РС, външен HDD, флашка). Игри от конзоли няма да се играят (поне засега).
    - ще се окачва на стената.
    - бюджет 2000-2300 лв.
    - да не се налага да се сменя поне 5г.

    И тъй като колкото повече чета тук, толкова повече се „изгубвам в превода“. В момента съм с 10 годишна 42“ плазма на Panasonic, която за гледане на телевизия си ми върши работа, но децата искат да гледат и видео с високо качество от интернет. За сега се отказах от OLED, защото в този ценови клас има само стари 55“ модели, които не знам дали си заслужават. Не ми трябва и 3D. Та въпросите са ми следните:

    • Дали да се ориентирам към 55“ по-висок клас и по-нов модел или 65“ по-нисък клас и модел отпреди 2-3г.?
    • Доколкото разбрах Android-а на телевизорите е доста по-орязан от този на телефоните и затова може би e по-добре WEBOS?
    • От това разстояние за гледане от колко голямо значение е подсветката, и трябва ли да слагам допълнителен източник на светлина зад телевизора (напр. бяла LED лента)?
    • пак предвид разстоянието - 4К или Full HD?
    • IPS или VA? Преполагам, че трябва да държа на 100Hz матрица?
    • Не робувам на марки, така че ще съм изключително благодарен ако предложите няколко модела, отговарящи на изискванията ми.

    Благодаря предварително на включилите се.
    Този пост е редактиран от nickob; 09-03-18 в 17:55.

  4. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    Отговорите са в синьо...
    Цитат Първоначално публикувано от nickob Виж публикацията
    Та въпросите са ми следните:
    • Дали да се ориентирам към 55“ по-висок клас и по-нов модел или 65“ по-нисък клас и модел отпреди 2-3г.?
    • При дистанцията която си написал(4.5-5 метра, но и от 1-2 метра) правилният избор е 80 UHD. Знам нямаш такъв бюджет, за това - Samsung UE55MU8002
    • Доколкото разбрах Android-а на телевизорите е доста по-орязан от този на телефоните и затова може би e по-добре WEBOS?
    • webOS или Tizen. Android не е лош
    • От това разстояние за гледане от колко голямо значение е подсветката, и трябва ли да слагам допълнителен източник на светлина зад телевизора (напр. бяла LED лента)?
    • Няма връзка между дистанция и тип подсветка. Амбилайт? Може да си направиш и поставиш на всеки телевизор - има и тема https://forum.setcombg.com/%D0%B0%D0...%BC%D0%B8.html
    • пак предвид разстоянието - 4К или Full HD?
    • За 1-2 метра UHD, за 5 метра и диагонал 55 става и FHD
    • IPS или VA? Преполагам, че трябва да държа на 100Hz матрица?
    • Личен избор. При малка дистанция на гледане(1.5 - 2 метра) и диагонал от 55"" и нагоре е препоръчително да е 120/100Hz.
    • Не робувам на марки, така че ще съм изключително благодарен ако предложите няколко модела, отговарящи на изискванията ми.
    • в допълнение към горното предложение - Sony Bravia KD-55XE8505/8577/8596, LG 60SJ850V,

    Благодаря предварително на включилите се.


    Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 11-03-18 в 17:04.

  5. Тук е от
    Mar 2008

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    Благодаря hristoslav2 за бързия и точен отговор.

    В крайна сметка се колебая м/у тези двата:

    LG 55SJ950V


    LG 60SJ810V

    та чуденката ми е, тъй като ще се гледа предимно телевизия (а както знаем тя не е с никак добро качество) дали да не взема LG-55SJ950V заради по-високата интерполация (3400 с/у 2800 на LG-60SJ810V) и да преглътна по-високата цена и по-малкия диагонал?

  6. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    Ето ти сравнение по замервания на двата модела
    bobkatagaz одобрява това.

  7. Junior Member
    Тук е от
    Dec 2015

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    LG 43UJ620V за 769 лева vs LG 43UJ634V за 750 лева vs LG 43UJ635V за 839 лева. Моля за мнения, защото ми изглеждат абсолютно еднакви.

  9. Junior Member
    Тук е от
    Jun 2012

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    Здравейте, наклонил съм везните към този модел: Телевизор SONY KD-55XE8096BAEP SMART 4K UHD LED TV
    Грабна ме това, че е Сони(добра картина) и, че е андроид, което дава много възможности.
    Бюджета е абсолютен макс 2000лв. и ще съм благодарен ако дадете препоръка за по-добър вариант от посочения, ако има такъв:-)
    Благодаря ви :-)

  10. Novice
    Тук е от
    May 2017

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    [QUOTE=embata_ivanov;869115]Здравейте, наклонил съм везните към този модел: Телевизор SONY KD-55XE8096BAEP SMART 4K UHD LED TV
    Грабна ме това, че е Сони(добра картина) и, че е андроид, което дава много възможности.
    Бюджета е абсолютен макс 2000лв. и ще съм благодарен ако дадете препоръка за по-добър вариант от посочения, ако има такъв:-)

  11. Member Аватара на Сидеров
    Тук е от
    Feb 2016

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    Цитат Първоначално публикувано от embata_ivanov Виж публикацията
    Здравейте, наклонил съм везните към този модел: Телевизор SONY KD-55XE8096BAEP SMART 4K UHD LED TV
    Грабна ме това, че е Сони(добра картина) и, че е андроид, което дава много възможности.
    Бюджета е абсолютен макс 2000лв. и ще съм благодарен ако дадете препоръка за по-добър вариант от посочения, ако има такъв:-)
    Изчакай до другата седмица и търси 55xe85 , повече херци по-добра картина а и е VA

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

  12. Junior Member
    Тук е от
    Jun 2012

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    Здравей и благодаря за полезния съвет! Прочетох тази статия за матриците, в която общо взето не става ясно коя е най-доброто решение. IPS, VA или TN???

    Колегата perumen, е посочил онлайн сайт с много по-атрактивна цена от тази в Техномаркет. Моля само за съвет дали е изпитан този сайт, мога ли да му се доверя?
    Благодаря ви.
    Цитат Първоначално публикувано от perumen Виж публикацията
    Изчакай до другата седмица и търси 55xe85 , повече херци по-добра картина а и е VA

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    - - - - - - - - - -

    Поразрових за въпросния сайт. Не са особено добри отзивите, даже доста негативни. Ето линк: http://hardwarebg.com/forum/showthread.php/270147-%D0%9C%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%B7%D0%B0-quot-Extreme-Digital-quot-(edigital-bg)/page2?

  13. Senior Member Аватара на hristoslav2
    Тук е от
    Jun 2008
    Живее в

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    Цитат Първоначално публикувано от embata_ivanov Виж публикацията
    Здравей и благодаря за полезния съвет! Прочетох тази статия за матриците, в която общо взето не става ясно коя е най-доброто решение. IPS, VA или TN???
    Статията не е съвсем правилна, защото е базирана на стара информация отпреди 8-9 години.

    PDD Technical Information & Application Notes

    Преди години бях започнал една таблица, която така и си остана незавършена, липсват още около 10-ина типа матрици + добавяне на още една колонка - трябват ми 5-6 дни работа за да стане завършена..

    LCD Type matrix
    ······················································································ ········
    contrast ratio
    Viewing angle

    Color Depth
    Gamma (typ.)
    Responce Time
    TN Twisted Nematic 1971 Schadt & Helfrich 1. Inexpensive cost and price: One of the key advantages of TN LCD panels stems from the easy implementation of twisted nematic technology. This translates to cheaper manufacturing requirements and simpler production processes, thus further translating into affordability of TN LCD panels and the corresponding consumer electronics products to end consumers.

    Note that the introduction and subsequent popularity of twisted nematic technology quickly pushed out other display technologies such as monolithic LED and CRT for most electronics.

    Furthermore, because TN LCD panels are easy and cheap to manufacture, not only did they replace LED and CRT display but they have also continued to remain an affordable alternative to modern display technologies such as IPS and AMOLED.

    2. Low power consumption: Twisted nematic technology does not require a current to flow to operate. It also runs under low operating voltages. These advantages collectively correspond to low and efficient power consumption, thus making TN LCD panels suitable for use with batteries and low-powered devices.

    The power consumption advantage of TN LCD panels has ushered in the era for low-powered and lightweight LCD, thus paving the way for the invention and production of compact and lighter consumer electronics and non-consumer electronic instruments.

    3. Better response time and refresh rate: Pixel response time is the duration it takes a single pixel to transition from one state to another. Measured in milliseconds, the lower the number, the better.

    On the other hand, refresh rate is the frequency in which the image in a display is refreshed. Measured in hertz, the higher the number, the better.

    High response time and low refresh rates create ghosting effects and motion blurs around an image. This is especially true for fast moving images.

    Compared against IPS LCD panels, TN LCD panels have shorter response time and higher refresh rate. Pixels in a typical TN LCD panel change their state as fast as two milliseconds compared against the five milliseconds response time of a typical IPS LCD panel. Furthermore, high-end TN LCD panels even have double the usual refresh rate of 120Hz instead of 60Hz.

    The better pixel response time and refresh rate advantages of TN LCD panels can enable them to display twice as much information every second. These make TN LCD panels suitable for use in high-end gaming. In fact, some hardcore gamers prefer a TN computer monitor to a VA or IPS monitor due to its responsiveness and better refresh rate.
    1. Poor viewing angle: A notable disadvantage of TN LCD panels is a narrow viewing angle. A user needs to look at a TN panel from a straight up 90-degree angle to maximize its visual performance.

    When viewed from other angles, colors will appear duller and images will appear darker on a TN panel. User familiar with different types of LCD can easily discern if a panel is a TN panel through these color shifts and image distortion.

    Nonetheless, the restricted viewing angle compels a user to remain sitting dead straight up in front of a TN LCD panel. Doing so can be problematic in larger TN LCD panels in which changing viewing angle is sometimes unavoidable.

    2. Poor color reproduction: Among the different types of LCD to include VA panels and IPS panels, TN panels suffer from poor color reproduction.

    Apart from the inherent dull color reproduction in twisted nematic LCD technology, especially when compared against vertical alignment or in-plane switching LCD technologies, the problem with the limited viewing angle also produces poor representation of colors.

    Poor color reproduction also means that color inaccuracy is another disadvantage of TN panels. This is the reason why TN panels are not suitable for use in color critical tasks such as graphic design, photo manipulation, and video editing, among others.

    3. Quality variability: Note that the quality of TN LCD panels depends on manufacturers. Low-end TN LCD panels have the tendency to exhibit extreme instances of other disadvantages such as poor viewing angle and poor color reproduction.

    Take note of cheap feature mobile phones as an example. The TN LCD panels used in these products can exhibit extreme color shifts even at slight change in viewing angle.

    Images in low-end TN LCD panels can also be indiscernible when viewed under direct sunlight. Note than another disadvantage of TN LCD panels is susceptibility to dead pixels. This becomes more pronounced in cheaper and low-end panels.
    STN Super Twisted Nematic 1983 Brown Boveri Research Center monochrome
    CSTN Color Super Twisted Nematic 19950 Sharp Display 6-bit
    BTN Best Twisted Nematic 1995 Samsung Display 6-bit
    IPS family
    IPS Super TFT 1996 Hitachi Ltd 1. Better color reproduction: One of the notable advantages of IPS LCD panels over TN panels is color reproduction that further translates into color accuracy and better image quality.

    Note that a typical TN panel only has a 6-bit RGB color depth. This means that it is only capable of producing 262,144 possible colors. On the other hand, a conventional IPS has an 8-bit RGB color depth capable of producing 16.7 million possible colors.

    Though another type of LCD technology called virtual alignment or VA has a similar 8-bit RGB color depth, several manufacturers have introduce high-end IPS panels with 16-bit to 24-bit RGB color depth.

    Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode or AMOLED display technology is a close competitor of IPS display technology. Between the two however, IPS has better color accuracy because AMOLED panels are prone to producing images with strong or highly saturated colors.

    When compared against TN panels and VA panels, as well as AMOLED panels thereby, IPS LCD panels produce more vibrant images and more realistic colors. This advantage means that in-plane switching is an ideal display option for use in multimedia consumption, as well as in color critical work such as photo editing, graphic design, and video editing.

    2. Wide viewing angle: TN panels also suffer from very limited viewing angle as demonstrated by poor off-axis image quality. The introduction of VA LCD technology tried to resolve this limitation. But VA panels suffer from color shifts when viewed from a slightly different angle.

    Nonetheless, wide viewing angle is another advantage of in-plane switching over TN and VA display technologies. Typical IPS LCD panels will produce no image distortion and relatively minimal color shifts when viewed from different angles while high-end IPS panels will display consistent contrast and brightness levels under different viewing angles.

    This advantage of IPS panels is made possible because the technology involves the capacity to change the physical behavior of the liquid crystal layer by making the crystal molecules respond to the electric field in parallel to the TFT. This also results in better color reproduction.

    For smartphone and tablet applications, the aforementioned advantage means that these portable devices can be held in various angles and eye levels. This advantage also means that television sets or computer monitors with IPS panels offer a better visual experience than other LCD panels.

    3. Better sunlight visibility: Colors and images on an IPS panel remain considerably more visible under bright outdoor lights or direct sunlight than other display technologies. This is an advantage of in-plane switching technology over TN and AMOLED display technologies.

    The better color reproduction coupled with better viewing angle and backlighting make IPS usable or viewable under direct sunlight. Note that TN panels suffer from poor visibility under direct sunlight because of its limited color depth. AMOLED panels, on the other hand, have similar problems because of the inapplicability of backlighting.

    4. Longer lifespan: Dead pixels are an inherent issue affecting different LCD technologies. The lifespan of IPS LCD panels cannot be generally compared against the lifespan of TN panels or VA panels.

    However, it is important to note that TN display technology is easier to implement and thus, TN panels are easier to produce. This further translates to more manufacturers producing TN panels, this increasing the tendency for low manufacturing standards. Some manufacturers are also producing low-end TN panels to meet demands for cheaper LCD.

    When generally compared against typical TN panels nonetheless, IPS panels might have a longer lifespan. On the other hand, the lifespan of VA panels might be comparable with IPS. Remember that this is an overstatement.

    Compared against AMOLED panels however, IPS panels have obvious longer lifespan. Remember that one of the notable limitations of AMOLED is its susceptibility to noticeable pixel degradation and faster screen burn-ins.
    1. Contrast ratio: When compared against TN panels, IPS LCD panels have better contrast ration because it has better color depth. However, VA panels and AMOLED panels have better contrast ratio than IPS panels.

    Backlighting can be blocked effectively in a vertical alignment display technology. This produces deeper blacks and subsequently, higher contrast ratio compared to in-plane switching display technology.

    On the other hand, AMOLED panels naturally produce deep blacks because they represent the absence of light and thus, the absence of color. This results in higher contrast ratio. Although IPS technology produces intense whites, high-end AMOLED panels can also rival typical IPS panels in this regard.

    2. Power consumption: Another disadvantage of IPS panels when compared against TN panels and AMOLED panels is power consumption. In-plane switching technology consumers more power than TN or AMOLED display technologies.

    Note that TN panels are suitable for battery-operated and low-powered devices. On the other hand, a typical IPS panel requires 15 percent more power than a TN panel. IPS panels also require a strong backlighting to improve display clarity unlike AMOLED panels.

    This drawback means that consumer electronic devices featuring an IPS panel have more power requirements than counterpart devices equipped with TN or AMOLED panels. This affects the overall energy efficiency rating and battery life performance of a specific device.

    3. Pixel response time: Other disadvantages of in-plane switching technology are slow pixel response time and low refresh rate. The response time and refresh rate of IPS panels are slower and lower than TN or AMOLED panels.

    Pixel response time is the duration it takes a single pixel to transition from one state to another. Refresh rate is the frequency in which the image in a display is refreshed. Slow pixel response time and low refresh rate create ghosting effects and motion blurs around a moving image. In addition, both ghosting effects and motion blurs are more straining to the eyes.

    This limitation makes an IPS panel an unsuitable display option for use in fast-paced and competitive gaming. TN display technology has the faster response time and higher refresh rates among existing LCD technologies. This is the reason why some hardcore gamers still prefer TN panels to IPS or VA panels despite having poor color reproduction.

    Manufacturers have produced IPS panels with better response times and refresh rates. However, these panels are more expansive than TN panels, thus making them unappealing to budget-conscious consumers.

    4. Cost and price: Manufacturing IPS LCD panels is costlier than manufacturing TN panels because of the involved engineering complexity. This higher manufacturing costs results in higher prices for end consumers.

    Entry-level laptops such as netbooks, as well as feature phones and budget smartphones are commonly equipped with TN panels. Devices with IPS LCD panels are relatively more expensive. Note that high-grade IPS panels are featured in top-of-the-line products with higher price tags.

    Between in-plane switching and AMOLED display technologies however, both are also costly to manufacture and both IPS and AMOLED panels are commonly featured in premium products such as high-end smartphones and tablet computers.
    Base level
    Most panels also support true 8-bit per channel color. These improvements came at the cost of a lower response time, initially about 50 ms. IPS panels were also extremely expensive.
    S-IPS Super - In Plane Switching 1998 Hitachi Ltd Color shift free 100/137 8-bit + FRC IPS has since been superseded by S-IPS (Super-IPS, Hitachi Ltd. in 1998), which has all the benefits of IPS technology with the addition of improved pixel refresh timing.
    AS-IPS Advanced Super-IPS 2002 Hitachi Ltd High transmittance 130/250 8-bit AS-IPS, also developed by Hitachi Ltd. in 2002, improves substantially on the contrast ratio of traditional S-IPS panels to the point where they are second only to some S-PVAs.
    AFSS Advanced fringe field switching 2003 Boe-Hydis
    Superior performance and colour gamut with high luminosity Colour shift and deviation caused by light leakage is corrected by optimizing the white gamut, which also enhances white/grey reproduction. For small and medium size special projects.
    IPS-Pro IPS-Provectus 2004 Hitachi Ltd High contrast ratio 137/313 8-bit The latest panel from IPS Alpha Technology with a wider color gamut and contrast ratio matching PVA and ASV displays without off-angle glowing.
    H-IPS Horizontal IPS 2007 LG. Display 8-bit Improves contrast ratio by twisting electrode plane layout. Also introduces an optional Advanced True White polarizing film from NEC, to make white look more natural. This is used in professional/photography LCDs.
    IPS-Pro 2 IPS alpha 2008 Hitachi Ltd High contrast ratio 8-bit Next generation of IPS-Pro
    A-TW-IPS A True White IPS 2008 NEC ?? 8-bit
    E-IPS Enhanced IPS 2009 LG. Display 8-bit
    PLS switching 2009 Samsung 8-bit
    P-IPS Professional IPS 2010 LG. Display Offer 1.07 billion colours (30-bit colour depth). More possible orientations per sub-pixel (1024 as opposed to 256) and produces a better true colour depth.
    IPS-Pro 3 IPS alpha next gen 2010 Hitachi Ltd High contrast ratio 8-bit
    S-PLS Super Plane Line Switching 2010 Samsung Similarities to IPS panels and touts improved viewing angles and image quality, increased brightness and lower production costs.
    AH-IPS Advanced High Performance IPS 2011 LG. Display 8-bit + FRC Improved colour accuracy, increased resolution and PPI, and greater light transmission for lower power consumption.
    AH-PLS Advanced High Performance IPS 2011 8-bit
    VA family
    PVA Patterned Vertical Aligment 1996 Samsung 8-bit
    S-PVA Super Pattern Vertical Alignment 1997 Samsung 8-bit
    S-PVA2 Super Patterned Vertical Alignment 2 2006 Samsung 8-bit
    C-PVA Circular Patterned Vertical Alignment 2008 Samsung
    S-PVA3 Super Patterned Vertical Alignment 3 2009 Samsung 8-bit + FRC
    MVA Multi-domain vertical alignment 1998 Fujitsu The pixel response times of MVAs rise dramatically with small changes in brightness. Less expensive MVA panels can use dithering and FRC. 25ms
    P-MVA Premium Multi-domain vertical alignment 2000 AU Optronics 8-bit + FRC 25ms
    (Super MVA)
    Super Multi-domain vertical alignment 2000 CMI & Fujitsu 8-bit + FRC 25ms
    (Advanced MVA)
    Advanced Multi-domain vertical alignment 2005 AU Optronics 1300:1 8-bit 25ms
    A-MVA2 Advanced Multi-domain vertical alignment 2 2007 AU Optronics 2000/3000:1 8-bit 25ms
    Advanced Multi-domain vertical alignment 3
    2008 AU Optronics 3000/5000:1 8-bit + FRC 25ms
    ASV Axially Symmetric Vertical Alignment
    Advanced Super View
    2002 Sharp 8-bit + FRC It is a VA mode where liquid crystal molecules orient perpendicular to the substrates in the off state. The bottom sub-pixel has continuously covered electrodes, while the upper one has a smaller area electrode in the center of the subpixel. When the field is on, the liquid crystal molecules start to tilt towards the center of the sub-pixels because of the electric field; as a result, a continuous pinwheel alignment (CPA) is formed; the azimuthal angle rotates 360 degrees continuously resulting in an excellent viewing angle. The ASV mode is also called CPA mode.
    (Optical aligment)
    Ulthra Violet vertical Aligment 2009 Sharp Display 8-bit + FRC

    LCD Type matrix
    Typical Spec
    TN Twisted Nematic Produced by most manufacturers
    Dominate smaller screen market almost exclusively (15 - 19")
    Also available in larger sizes up to 27" max
    Low cost to produce, low retail costs for screens
    Responsive especially since introduction of overdrive - key choice for gamer screens
    Can natively support 120Hz+ refresh rates
    120Hz+ screens often feature LightBoost backlight systems for improved motion blur
    Most restrictive viewing angles, especially in vertical plane
    Not great for colour critical work due to viewing angles primarily
    Movie noise problematic, especially where overdrive used
    1 - 2ms G2G response time
    1000:1 contrast ratio (realistic)
    170/160 viewing angles (unrealistic in vertical field)
    16.7m colour depth through 6-bit+FRC panels
    Fairly light AG coating used
    120Hz+ refresh rate support from some
    VA Vertical Aligment

    Early MVA panels designed to improve on TN Film. Offered improved viewing angles but very slow response times
    Later P-MVA and S-MVA panels offered improved response times. Also improved contrast ratios to 1000 - 1200:1 typically
    Modern AMVA panels from AU Optronics. Improved response times further and contrast ratios now 3000 - 5000:1
    Contrast ratios very high with >3000:1 common in practice
    Response times adequate for most users and vastly improved over older generations of MVA
    8-bit colour depth
    Some now support 120Hz refresh rate
    Response time still normally slow compared with TN Film and IPS offerings.
    Off-centre contrast shift inherent to all MVA panel generations. Not ideal for colour critical work
    Viewing angles not as wide as IPS/PLS. Some improvements in very recent generations
    No current 10-bit panels
    5 - 6ms G2G response time (in practice mostly much slower)
    5000:1 contrast ratio (figures over 3000:1 common and realistic)
    178/178 viewing angles (somewhat unrealistic considering contrast shifts and off-centre contrast issue)
    60Hz refresh rate generally
    Some 120Hz support emerging
    16.7m colour depth through 8-bit panels
    Light / semi-glossy AG coating used
    PVA Patterned Vertical Alignment Early PVA panels designed as alternative to MVA, very similar performance overall
    Later S-PVA and cPVA panels offered improved response times. Also improved contrast ratios to 1000 - 1200:1 typically
    PVA now rarely used or produced in desktop monitor market. Samsung seemingly concentrating on PLS instead.
    Contrast ratios pretty high with 1200:1 common in practice
    Response times adequate for some users where overdrive is used (S-PVA, cPVA generations mostly)
    Response time still slow compared with TN Film and IPS offerings.
    No support for native 120Hz+ refresh rates
    Off-centre contrast shift inherent to all PVA panel generations. Not ideal for colour critical work
    Viewing angles not as wide as IPS/PLS. Some improvements in very recent generations
    No 10-bit panels available
    8ms G2G response time (in practice mostly much slower)
    1000:1 contrast ratio (realistic)
    178/178 viewing angles (somewhat unrealistic considering contrast shifts and off-centre contrast issue)
    16.7m colour depth through 8-bit panels mostly, some 6-bit+FRC used
    Light / semi-glossy AG coating used
    IPS In Plane Switching Early IPS panels designed for colour enthusiasts
    S-IPS improved response times somewhat. Contrast ratio still an issue
    H-IPS changed pixel structure, improved response times with overdrive, contrast ratio improved
    e-IPS and other variants of H-IPS helped drive down production costs and make IPS more mainstream
    p-IPS developed to offer 10-bit colour depth support
    AH-IPS is current generation being produced
    Alternative IPS-like technologies introduced by Samsung (PLS) and AU Optronics (AHVA) to compete
    Viewing angles are widest of the technologies. Reduced contrast and colour shift. Freedom from off-centre contrast shift seen from VA matrices
    Response times of modern generations now very good, better than VA
    10-bit panels available
    No support for native 120Hz+ refresh rates
    Older variants criticised for grainy AG coating
    Distracting white glow from an angle when viewing dark content (IPS glow)
    5ms G2G response time (in practice a little slower)
    1000:1 contrast ratio (typically achieving 800 - 1000:1 now)
    178/178 viewing angles (mostly realistic)
    16.7m colour depth common through 8-bit panels mostly, some 6-bit+FRC used
    1.07b colour support available from 8-bit+FRC and 10-bit panels
    Many older panels have grainy AG coating
    Lighter AG coating used on most modern AH-IPS panels
    LCD matrix
    Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 25-03-18 в 18:52.
    ivanvanovv одобрява това.

  15. Senior Member Аватара на Frost
    Тук е от
    May 2007

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    Вече се предлагат Sony XF85 и XF90.


  16. Member
    Тук е от
    Jan 2010

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    Здравейте! Имам нужда от съвет. Търси се добър телевизор между 32 и 40 инча. Ще се гледат предимно сериали и филми, ще бъде разположен в хол, в който няма директна слънчева светлина. Бюджета е около 500лв., но при нужда би могъл да бъде коригиран нагоре. Жената, незнайно защо, си е харесала Сони, но ще съм благодарен и на други предложения.

  17. Member Аватара на Сидеров
    Тук е от
    Feb 2016

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    Цитат Първоначално публикувано от iwan33 Виж публикацията
    Здравейте! Имам нужда от съвет. Търси се добър телевизор между 32 и 40 инча. Ще се гледат предимно сериали и филми, ще бъде разположен в хол, в който няма директна слънчева светлина. Бюджета е около 500лв., но при нужда би могъл да бъде коригиран нагоре. Жената, незнайно защо, си е харесала Сони, но ще съм благодарен и на други предложения.
    Стреляй с един 32m56** от където е по евтино или някаква 40ка в твоя бюджет (въпреки че е малко за такава)

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

  18. Member
    Тук е от
    Jan 2010

    Отговор: Мнения и Избор на LCD / OLED телевизор

    Сидеров, благодаря! Както казах, бюджета би могъл да се коригира нагоре, аз също предпочитам по-голям телевизор, в къщи и 50 инча вече ми се вижда малък. Проблема ми е, че от доста време вече не следя темите, свързани с телевизори и сега съм много неподготвен в избора си...

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