From the release Notes for Version 1.02.00:
New Features:· Added language support for subtitles; previously “Subtitle: 1/3” was displayed, the language is now displayed
when available for example: (English 1/3, French 2/3, etc…)
· Added UTF-16 support for subtitles.
· Improved support for thumbnail view functions as outlined below:
Note: All thumbnails must be in .JPG format and only .MP3 and .MP4 support embedded .JPG. Thumbnails are
not available in list view.
For Folder Thumbnails:
1. Display folder.JPG (the image file must be named “folder.JPG” or thumbnail will not function)
2. If no folder.JPG file is found, display the first album art image (.MP3 with embedded..JPG)
3. If no album art is available, display the first .JPG in the folder
1. Display folder.JPG
2. If no folder.JPG file is found, display the first photo in the folder
1. Display folder.JPG
2. If no folder.JPG file is found, display the first cover art (.MP4 with embedded .JPG)
3. If no cover art is available, display the first photo in the same folder as the video to be played
For File Thumbnails:
1. Display album art (.MP3 file with embedded .JPG)
2. If no album art is available, display the image file with the same name as the audio file to be played. (for
example, song.wav will be associated with song.JPG)
1. Display thumbnail
1. Display .MP4 with embedded .JPG
2. Display image file associated with the video file to be played (for example video.mkv will be associated
with video.JPG)
· Added "Back" button functionality when asked if you want to resume video playback; previously only “OK” and
“Cancel” were available
· Added Turkish language subtitle support
· Added .MOD file extension support
WD TV™ HD Media Player Firmware Release Notes 3
· Added support for FLAC audio in .MKV; previously FLAC audio was shown as an unsupported audio format
· Added file size display in MB and GB; previously file size displayed in KB only
· Added function for user to turn file size display on and off; previously this function was not user selectable
· Added info bar display toggle by pressing “Enter” on remote control during video playback
· Added user-selectable thumbnail / list display option in Video; previously it was a universal setting
· Added user-selectable thumbnail / list display option in Photos; previously it was a universal setting
· Added user-selectable thumbnail / list display option in Music; previously it was a universal setting
· Added .TRP file extension support
· Added language display for the audio track; previously “Audio: 1/3” was displayed; now the name of the
language is displayed when available within the file where multiple language audio tracks are present for
example: (English 1/3, French 2/3, etc…)
· Added support for VC-1 in .MKV
· Added a page up and page down function in file list view using the ‘Next’ and ‘Prev’ buttons on the remote
control; previously only up and down arrows were used to navigate the list of files
Resolved Issues:
· Resolved issue when playing 23.976 FPS video files in 1080p24Hz; previously the playback was choppy
· Resolved HDMI signal issues with Sharp LC-32GA5T televisions; previously the signal would randomly cut out
· Resolved line offset issue with subtitles where multiple lines are displayed; previously one line would be off
· Improved synchronization between video files and external subtitles
· Resolved issue with Cyrillic text in filenames; previously the Cyrillic text was subscripted
· Resolved issues with audio in videos created by some digital cameras; previously the audio was distorted
· Resolved issue with embedded subtitles in .MKV files; previously the words were getting split between two lines
· Changed default boot up menu cursor location to Video; previously the cursor defaulted to Photos