Това с.а настройки на картина на потребителски профил на хн9096
ако може някой да сподели настройките на хн9505 потребителски профил.
Дойде ми ъп. Бях писал преди 2 седмици, че ми чезне звукът. Да видим сега ще имам ли проблеми, че тъкмо за тва включих и изключих и се появи ъп... 20210225_020059.jpg
Мислех, че с тази актуализация ще дойде новия интерфейс на google TV
Здравейте! Новите модели 2021г. кога ще започнат продажба по магазините?
Google TV can be set up as a "Dumb TV"
Предстоящите устройства на Google TV могат да бъдат настроени в режим „основен телевизор“, който деактивира интелигентните функции, за да направи телевизора „тъп“.
Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 05-03-21 в 21:23.
За информация, D-Nice е един от най-известните калибратори в САЩ.Отново, единственият начин да получа над 1200 нита е в Vivid mode. Калибрираният персонализиран за Pro1/2 е 793nits. Калибрираният Dolbi Vision Dark е 763nits.
Най-яркият OLED (A90J) на Sony с ранна информация: 1300 Nits Vivid mode, 16ms входно забавяне, No 4K @ 120Hz Blur #Shorts"Im currently watching Altered Carbon on my A9G and A90J. Not surprising to me, but DoVi Bright on the A9G equals DoVi Dark on the A90J— fully calibrated of course. Specular highlights are the same between these units in said modes so measured nits do not show improvement with this content in this specific picture mode setup. No desaturated colors on the A9G compared to the A90J (so much for that <enter colorful adjective here> Youtuber’s video comparison :sleep... However, colors are desaturated on the A90J compared to the A9G and requires the Color setting to be bumped to 60 to align with the A9G. I will be measuring color @ 60 tomorrow to see what the numbers look like.
For nit lovers, you can use DoVi Bright with the HDR Tone Mapping setting on Brightness Preferred. You will see a visible improvement in APL and specular highlights brightness. I’ll throughly test that configuration tomorrow to see if colors become desaturated— visually and measured.
DoVi Dark— I get perfect EOTF tracking and grayscale after actually calibrating DoVi Dark on the A90J. Posterization in DoVi Dark on the A90J is identical between my A9G and A90J— almost non existent. Elevated blacks were seen on the Netflix intro a couple of times. However, I think I had the HDMI port on the A90J misconfigured. I will be looking at more content to verify if elevated blacks exist or not.
Settings and calibration reports will be posted tomorrow. Time to rest."
"The numbers I gave you yesterday were pre calibration.Tone Mapping set to Gradient Preferred was 815.The Tone Mapping setting does not really boost the peak brightness. It impacts EOTF tracking"
"When dealing with HDR formats, what follows the EOTF is most important barring and other issues. For the 2018-2020 Sony OLEDs, DoVi Dark was it exclusively for internal apps. With external sources, it is DoVi Bright. Now with the 2021 Sonys, DoVi Dark is correct for both internal and external sources. If you do not care about accuracy and just want brightness on the Sony OLEDs, use DoVi Bright."
Размиването в режим 4k 120hs също е изчезнало.
Видео сравнение AG9/AJ90
Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 05-03-21 в 21:47.
Първо заключение от D-Nice > след калибриране неговият A90J не е много по-добър от неговия A8H ...
https://www.avsforum.com/threads/202...#post-60553982I posted my low end observations already. My specific A90J is just as good as my late a summer manufactured A8H— if not just a hair better. Shadow detail on my specific A90J is improved compared to my A8H. I have to explicitly call out specific because it can vary per unit.
BFI is unchanged from last year. Clearness 1 and 2 are 96Hz with 24p content and Clearness Max is 48Hz with the same material. I have not put a 120Hz signal on the A90J yet to check what Hz it is outputting. I expect it to be just like the A8H.
https://www.avsforum.com/threads/202...#post-60557020I measured a max of 815 nits in Custom mode pre calibration with its default settings. Prost calibration it is in the 760 nit range. I expect panel variation, but it is not going to be in the realm of 200nits+. (I'm getting another A90J as a "second opinion"). Also, if you want 1200 nits +, just use Vivid mode. or any video mode set to a color temp of Cool, Contrast on Max and Tone Mapping on Brightness Preferred.
I'm really not sure why you all thought these displays would be 1200+ nits post calibration. I do not know of any manufacturer that touts nit numbers post calibration. Not even Panasonic does that.
https://www.avsforum.com/threads/202...#post-60557897First impressions: Vivid is stupid bright, still dialing in Dolby vision bright. But, I am seeing a significant brightness increase vs my C8. I don’t have a meter, but I’m thinking in the ballpark of 3-400 nits brighter. In DoVi bright I pushed contrast to max and color to neutral, plus hdr tone mapping to brightness preferred. Im not sure that’s where I’ll stay settings wise, I’m just trying to see how much brightness I can get if I mix and match settings. I’m unable to tell at this point what settings in particular make vivid hit 1200 nits, but I’m assuming the contrast enhancer and black adjust play a role here as well as the other settings I mentioned above. I’m loving the options and menu’s as a first time Sony guy. Picture is sharp and very clear, no near black issues from the internal Netflix app only. Motion is smooth and perfect for me at motionflow 2, clearness min and cinemotion high. More later
Few more observations now that I’ve got about 6 hours of watching various content on my set (I’m hesitant to even say much before my panel is broken in but I know you guys are curious)
I had a friend swing by with a meter and I was able to hit about 1060 nits in a bunch of small highlights on DoVi bright, with contrast maxed and color at neutral, tone mapping set for brightness and all other “enhancements” turned off. @D-Nice ; could you replicate my settings and see what you get with your meter?
The more I watch, the more the increased brightness is really standing out. I’m very happy where I’m dialed in, vivid is honestly headache inducing in a dark room.
Color is excellent compared to my 2 lg’s. It’s saturated but not in an overblown way. The brightness increase is my personal favorite part of this set, but the color is the most constantly noticeable upgrade to me, since you see it’s impact in every scene. Especially noticeable in an hdr mode, fire in particular stands out as looking so much more lifelike than I’ve ever seen on a tv before. This is a big deal and needs to be seen to be believed.
Motion is also excellent, although I go back and forth with the settings still trying to get it perfect. Very few motion artifacts compared to my experience with lg.
Raised blacks are definitely there via my Apple TV 4K, some films appear worse than others and that is a mystery to me. Dropping brightness a click down to 49 from 50 alleviates it somewhat but it’s there, no better than my lg’s in that regard. I haven’t noticed any issues with blacks anywhere else though, including my uhd player. So, it’s possible it’s the Apple TV.
Haven’t messed with gaming yet, hopefully the vrr update will be out soon.
Someone asked me to compare brightness on the different presets with the different tone mapping options. In my brief time messing with the different settings I could make vivid, DoVi bright and DoVi dark look almost indistinguishable if I matched the settings exact. I’m sure D-nice has done more thorough testing and may have more info, but in my little bit of messing around I didn’t see any obvious baked in differences from preset to preset. I can’t see what the “magic sauce” ingredient that makes the vivid preset hit 1200+, if there is one at all.
Overall I’m thrilled, I’m going to do a ton more watching and playing around tomorrow.
Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 07-03-21 в 14:51.
75xh9505 от 4 метра вече малее.Не се ебавам.За 85 късно през годината ще сменям и мебели.
При дистанция от 4 метра си за 100"
Sony пуска в Европа BRAVIA XR A80J OLED телевизор с когнитивна интелигентност
Актуализация на фърмуер до v6.5042
Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 08-03-21 в 20:46.
С P40 pro съм и няма връзване с xh9505 . В андроид форума постнах следното :
Wireless projection ползва протокола на Miracast. Със самсунг или ,който и друг поддържащ този протокол , не би трябвало да е проблем. В тв-то може да се казва screen mirroring,wireless display или нещо друго.Но огромно, но,не поддържа chromecast заради липсата на гугъл. Имам 2 самсунга и 1 ЛГ и няма грижа. Но топ тв-то ми Сони 2020 ,поддържа само chromecast и няма свързване.
Ако сте си инсталирали гугълските неща, тогава си инсталирате приложението "Home" от плейстора и кастването е безгрижно.
П.С. От тв-то трябва да се активира протокола,иначе няма да стане.
В линка отдолу е свързването със самсунг. На тв-то от "sources" избрана опция "screen mirroring" .
Не съм объркал нищо, нали?
Този пост е редактиран от hristoslav2; 09-03-21 в 20:45.
Аз имам HONOR и въпреки че уж има всичко от Гугъл само с Номе успявам да се свържа с тв Сони .
От днес съм собственик на 55XH9505.На някои места е обявен,че вътрешната му памет е 16гб,но при мен е 6,7гб.Колко всъщност е или се получават разлики за различните пазари?